
Patuxent River SP East
SF – large parking lot. Blue trail.
01, 04 – White Tr. Loop.
02 – road to private property.
03, 05 – blue loop.
05 – int. blue, red and yellow trs.
06 – int. w. another tr. A good bridge over a tributary before that.
07 – on the open field. Start of the yellow loop. There are much more trs. Than the map shows.
08 – 09 – field rd. to the private house.
12 – old horse stable falling apart.
13 – 14 – gas pipeline.
15 – we reached down and walked a little along the river. This is where the tr. becomes overgrown and
we retraced back.
05, 17 – red tr. From 17 West we walked on old unblazed unmarked trails which were not maintained
and had blowdowns.
18 – old fence to the private property.
AR – Annapolis Rock – a very small quartz mountain that was once quarried located on private property
between two houses. We approached it and went back without climbing it. It can also be seen from the
S7 – confirmed parking for many cars. There was a lot of hunting there today.
S10 – confirmed parking for many cars.
S11 – a lot of cars with hunters were parked there.
S12 – closed gate. It seems like this entrance to the Triadelphia Reservoir is permanently closed.