
Site Description
A six bedroom, three storey mid 19th Century town house located opposite the
market cross (a scheduled ancient monument) on Church Street in Giggleswick. The
ground floor of the premises was last used as a hairdressers but has been vacant for
some time. The property has no amenity space or parking spaces and is located
within the Giggleswick Conservation Area.
The proposal is to convert the ground floor sales area and existing 3 storey dwelling
into two residential units. No external changes are proposed to the building other
than the creation of a new small window and a door in the eastern elevation. There
are no proposed amenity areas or parking spaces.
Planning History
31/2001/1789: Planning application for the conversion of existing ground floor sales
area and three storey dwelling to 2 dwellings withdrawn on the 1 st February 2002.
NB. This application was withdrawn for personal reasons - the scheme which has
been re-submitted is exactly the same as the scheme which was withdrawn. On this
basis the Parish Council, consultation and representation responses submitted on
31/2001/1789 are still relevant and are reproduced in the sections below.
Planning Policy Background
Local Plan policies: BE11, H3, R10, T2, T3, T4
Parish/Town Council Comments
Giggleswick Parish Council: The Council has reservations about the parking
situation should the property become two dwellings. Other than that it has no
observations to make on this application.
Highway Authority: More information required before a recommendation can be
made. General observation that NYCC are concerned at lack of any on site car
parking for dwellings, can any be provided?
The consultation period on this application does not expire until the 29th March 2002
and any representations received will be reported to the Committee. The following
responses were received in relation to the withdrawn application. Residents of no3
Bankwell Close, Lychgate Cottage, Fellings Cottage, and the owner of 20 Church
Street; Object to the application on the basis that:
The first floor living room will look directly into the bedroom window of the
holiday cottage opposite and result in a loss of privacy.
The development will result in noise, dust and disruption during conversion.
Building works should be restricted to reasonable hours and days.
There are no parking facilities, and up to an additional four cars will add to the
existing congestion.
Summary of principle planning issues
The effect of the proposal on the character and appearance of the Conservation
The effect of the proposals on the amenities of neighbouring properties.
The effect of the proposal on highway safety.
The Local Plan policies referred to above facilitate the conversion of existing
buildings to residential use within the identified service centres, such as Giggleswick,
subject to various criteria. Local Plan policies also seek to protect village shops
which provide an important community facility.
This is an existing property, and no significant external changes are proposed. The
property has a number of existing sliding sash windows and, if Members are minded
to grant consent, a condition is suggested to ensure these are retained. On this
basis there is unlikely to be any significant effect on the character and appearance of
the Conservation Area. Moreover, its renovation is likely to give the building a new
lease of life which will help to maintain the existing character.
Whilst part of the ground floor has previously been in retail use, one of the objectors
to this application suggests that this sales area has not been used at all for in excess
of 12 years. The retail area does not appear to have provided any useful community
facility for some time and, in addition, the existing village post office is located
opposite. It is not considered therefore that the loss of this retail area will have any
significant effect on the character of the area or on the level of facilities enjoyed by
the local community.
With regard to the effect of this proposal on the amenities of adjacent properties, one
letter of objection suggests that the proposed first floor living room will look directly
into the bedroom window of the holiday cottage opposite and result in a loss of
privacy. The existing windows in the first floor southern elevation are bedroom
windows and the proposed conversion would change this room to a single lounge.
Given the existing use of this property, therefore, it is not considered that the
proposed use would result in any significant increase in the degree of overlooking of
the property opposite. The only new window proposed in the scheme is on the
second floor of the eastern elevation. This would be a bathroom window which does
not overlook any habitable rooms of adjacent properties.
Some of the residents are concerned at the potential effect of noise and dust arising
from the conversion works. These concerns are not a material planning
consideration. Conversion works would, of course, only be for a limited period and
any works which resulted in a statutory nuisance would be subject to Environmental
Health legislation.
With regard to highway safety, a number of local residents and the Parish Council
have objected to the proposal on the basis that the area around the application site is
already significantly congested with traffic and the proposal will exacerbate this
problem. Similarly, the highway authority have expressed concerns about the lack of
on site parking.
It should be noted that the highway standards for two, three bedroom properties
would be for four on site parking spaces. However, if the standards were applied to
the existing six bedroom property, four car parking spaces would also be required. In
other words, the existing property could potentially generate the same amount of
traffic/parking requirements as the proposed use.
In addition, Local Plan policy facilitates the relaxation of these standards where the
development would make a significant contribution to the Plan’s objectives for the
built environment. In this regard, as set out in paragraph 9.2 above, the conversion
of this property is likely to give the building a new lease of life which will help to
maintain and enhance the existing character and appearance of the Conservation
Area. On this basis, the lack of on site parking spaces associated with this proposal
is not considered to be a sustainable reason to refuse this application.
Summary of Conditions
Standard time limit.
Existing sliding sash windows to be retained.
Details of any replacement windows and doors to be approved.
Removal of permitted development rights.