Greek Mythology Study Guide: Gods, Heroes, Monsters

Heroes, Gods, and Monsters of the Greek Myths
Study Guide
The Gods (pages 3-52)
Who is Cronos, and why does he treat his children the way that he does?
What is special about Zeus’s birth and childhood?
How does Rhea help Zeus rescue his siblings?
Who did Zeus enlist to help him defeat Cronos?
What characteristics does Zeus display in this story?
1. Describe the relationship between Zeus and Hera.
2. Who rescued Zeus from capture?
3. How did Zeus retaliate against Hera?
1. Describe Athene’s birth.
2. What are some of the things Athene taught humans?
3. What does Arachne do to upset Athene?
4. How does Athene show compassion toward Arachne?
5. What is the difference between the scenes that Arachne weaves for the contest and the scenes that
Athene weaves, and how does Arachne know she has lost?
6. What natural phenomenon does this myth explain?
1. What are some of Poseidon’s characteristics?
2. Why are Athenians often worried to go to sea?
3. What are two stories about the creation of the horse?
1. Identify these places or individuals associated with the underworld: Styx, Charon, Cerberus, Tartarus,
Field of Asphodel, Elysian Fields, Furies.
2. Describe the punishments given to Sisyphus and Tantalus.
3. What characteristics does Hades possess?
1. Who is Demeter’s daughter?
2. What happened to the girl when she pulled the bush out of the ground?
3. Why does Demeter think her daughter is an especially bad match for Hades?
4. How does Demeter retaliate against Zeus?
5. How does Hades treat Persephone, and how does Persephone feel about her time in the underworld?
6. How does the boy tempt Persephone to eat?
7. What natural phenomenon does this myth explain?
1. What quality do Artemis and Apollo possess that helps Zeus remember them?
2. What are the gifts Artemis chooses?
1. Who is Marsyas, and why does Apollo oppose him?
2. How does Apollo demonstrate cruelty and folly in the contest with Marsyas?
How did crows turn black?
Describe the birth of Asclepius. Why does Hermes spare him?
How does Athene help Asclepius?
Why does Hades have a problem with Asclepius?
How does Aphrodite seek her revenge on Apollo?
1. What is Hermes’s first act as a baby?
2. How does Hermes appease Apollo for taking his cows?
3. What are some of the contributions Hermes made to man?
1. Why does Hera hurl Hephaestus off Olympus?
2. What special gift does Hephaestus have?
1. Describe Aphrodite’s birth.
2. What gifts do the gods promise Aphrodite if she will marry them?
3. How does Hephaestus win Aphrodite?
Nature Myths (pages 55-105)
1. Why does Zeus keep fire from Man?
2. Why does Prometheus want to give fire to Man?
3. What happens to Man after Prometheus brings fire?
4. How does Zeus react when he finds out Prometheus has given fire to Man?
1. What gifts does each god give Pandora?
2. Who is Epimetheus?
3. Why does Pandora bury the box?
4. What came out of the box when she opened it?
5. Which creature did Pandora manage to keep in the box?
1. Describe the argument between Phaethon and Epaphus.
2. How does Apollo react when Phaethon tells him why he has come?
3. What rule does Apollo give Phaethon before he goes out?
4. What happens when Phaethon orders the horses to go down?
5. What natural phenomena are explained by this myth?
1. For what is Orpheus best known?
2. Who is Eurydice?
3. What happens when Aristeus finds and chases Eurydice?
4. How does Orpheus get across the river Styx and past Cerberus?
5. What is the subject matter of the song Orpheus sings to Hades?
6. What persuades Hades to consider the request of Orpheus?
7. On what condition does Hades release Eurydice?
8. What happens at the conclusion of the story?
1. What does Aphrodite offer to Echo?
2. Who is Narcissus, and what is his opinion of himself?
3. Whom does Echo see in the forest?
4. Why does Zeus give Echo a sapphire ring?
5. What is the curse Hera puts on Echo?
6. What happens when Echo meets Narcissus?
7. How does Aphrodite answer Echo’s prayer, and what effect does this have on Narcissus?
8. What natural phenomena are explained by this myth?
1. Why does Aphrodite send Eros to Psyche?
2. What happens when Eros goes to scratch Psyche with his arrow?
How does the world respond to Eros’s refusal to work?
What does the oracle say about Psyche?
Who is Zephyrus, and where does he take Psyche?
What happens to Psyche each night?
How do Psyche’s sisters react to her story about her husband?
What happens when Eros is awakened by the spilled oil?