Name ______________________ Date _________ WC 7 Use to search for the Greek Gods below! You may work as groups—but you are all working on your OWN computers! So, before you head down to the lab, figure out who’s going to find what... God or Goddess Power/What he Give 1 interesting or she ruled fact about the god over or goddess. Zeus King of the gods Fond of Lightning Beautiful women Hera Queen of the gods Guardian of marriage Athena Wisdom and war Athens was named after her; ,my fav. goddess b/c she;s smart & strong Aphrodite Love and beauty Said to be born of sea foam; sons were Eros and Aeneas Hermes Messenger of the The medical gods symbol is in honor Science and of him invention Demeter Grain and agriculture Sister of Zeus; Daughter named Persephone Kronos time Was a Titan; Zeus’s dad Jealous and nagging wife, also loving; sister to Z. od or Goddess Power/What he or she ruled Give 1 interesting fact about over the god or goddess. Poseidon Ocean and earthquakes Carries a trident (spear w/ 3 prongs) Apollo Poetry, music, medicine, and light/sun Has a twin sister Artemis Hunting and wild things moon Associated w/ the moon; Apollo’s twin Ares Terrible god of war In love with Aphrodite; almost everyone hated him Hephaestus God of fire/metal working Lame (as in—thrown off a mt. top & now he can’t walk right); not very handsome Hades The underworld Kidnapped His wife Pan Woods and fields Faun/satyr Pan—>panic Dionysus Wine and revelry, dancing and drama Theatre began in his honor Eros love Son of Aphrodite; A.k.a. Cupid The Fates Destiny of mortals Clotho— threads of youth Lachesis—directed destiny Atropos—cut the strings The 9 Muses Various arts; literary People who needed inspiration called upon them