1 Blast 2010 — Saturday, May 22! 6pm

2385 Commerce Blvd., Mound MN 55364 #952-472-1284 Fax# 952-472-1216 www.ourladyofthelake.com
Fr. Abraham George………..ext. 172
Parish Administrator
Rhonda Eurich……………… ext. 161
Pastoral Minister
Sr. Carrie Link……………… ext. 168
Parish Nurse
Marcia Jerdee………...952-472-5466
Maintenance Director
Dan Entinger…………………ext. 153
Church Secretary
Dana Barrett………………….ext. 162
Faith Formation Director
Scott Brazil……………..…….ext. 144
Faith Formation Assistant
Kathy Hejna…………………..ext. 147
Youth Minister & Adult Ed Director
Bryan Busch……….………….ext.145
Music Director
Dr. Desi Klempay…………….ext. 181
School Principal
Ellen Feuling..........................ext. 151
School Secretary
Phyllis Welch…………………ext. 150
All staff e-mails are first initial followed
by last name @oll.pvt.k12.mn.us
example reurich@oll.pvt.k12.mn.us
PennyWise Shop 952-472-1284, ext. 182
Tuesday & Friday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.,
Wed. 6:30-8:30 p.m.
WeCAN (Western Communities
Action Network) 952-472-0742
Westonka Food Shelf & St. Vincent DePaul
Committee Chairs
Cemetery Committee, Jim Devick 952-472-4347
Council of Catholic Women,
Colleen Beddor
Finance Chair, Mark Winter
KC Grand Knight,
Ernie Rosenberg
Maintenance/Safety Committee,
Roberta Henrich
Parish Council,
Michaela Diercks
952-472-1284, ext. 162
PTO President,
Shelly Sir
952-472-1284, ext. 162
School Advisory Committee,
John Biglow
Stewardship Committee,
Joe Loma
952-472-1284, ext. 162
John Biglow
Roberta Henrich
Pentecost Sunday
May 23, 2010
Volume XXIX
Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11
1 Corinthians 12:3-13
John 20:19-23
Saturday – 5:30 p.m.
Sunday – 8:30 & 10:30 a.m.
Monday - 8:00 a.m. Communion
Daily - 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday
Thursday & Friday (9:15 a.m. on
Tuesday during School year)
Saturday 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. (except Holy Saturday) & by appointment.
Please call Sr. Carrie Link, Pastoral Minister at 952-472-1284, ext. 168
M ARRIAGE: To confirm a wedding, please contact Fr. Abraham at least four
months before planning to marry (952-472-1284, ext. 172).
BAPTISMS: Baptisms are held on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month. The
Baptism Preparation session is conducted here every other month. Please
call Kathy Hejna, Faith Formation Assistant @ 952-472-1284, ext. 147 for the
Mon. – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Closed Noon – 1:00 p.m.)
Friday 8:30 – Noon
Saturday 9:00 a.m. – Noon
Sunday 8:00 a.m. – Noon
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Tuesdays, 3:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the John Paul II Chapel
and every First Friday after the 8:00 a.m. Mass through midnight in the Daily
Today, O God, you bring to fulfillment the paschal
mystery of Jesus your Son. Pour forth your Holy Spirit
on the church that it may be a living Pentecost
throughout history and to the very ends of the earth.
Gather all nations and peoples as one to believe, to
hope and to love.
Prayers for Sundays and Seasons
To be a community that worships, educates and reaches out to others
through our Catholic faith.
Our Mission is:
To proclaim Christ by celebrating the Eucharist, the Sacraments, and
other liturgies and rites of the Catholic Church; To educate and enrich
children and adults in living out our Catholic faith through worship, Faith
Formation, a Catholic School and by our example; To welcome, assist
and reach out to the stranger, the forgotten, and those in need in our
local community; support social justice efforts here and elsewhere; and
To use our talents and resources, given by God, justly and wisely.
Please join us for Eucharistic Adoration in the Daily
Chapel on the first Friday of every month (First Fridays)
beginning on Friday, June 4th. Eucharistic Adoration will
begin after the 8:00 a.m. Mass until midnight. Sign-up
sheets for an hour of prayer will be available in the back
of church on May 22/23 and May 29/30. The benefit of
Eucharistic Adoration to the Church, a parish, families,
and individuals is beyond measure. Please sign up for
this great spiritual opportunity.
Blast 2010 — Saturday, May 22!
6pm - Midnight!
BoDeans, Martin Zellar,
The Days Between
Tickets available online at ollblast.com,
or in the School or Church office.
$25 Pre-Purchase, $30 Night of Event
All Blast proceeds go directly to
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic School.
Save the Date! The Our Lady of the Lake Spring
Clean-Up Project for the parish will be held on
Saturday, June 12th. This Clean-Up Day is a fun way to
do something special for Our Lady of the Lake Church.
Sign up sheets will be available soon. You may also call
the church office to sign up to help at 952-472-1284, ext.
162. Please join us for this important project. Thank
Thank you Blast Sponsors!
Platinum Sponsors: OptumHealth,
Lord Fletcher’s, Medica
Gold Corporate Sponsors: Excelsior Benefits,
Dock & Lift
Thank you to all of our parishioners
who volunteer at Our Lady of the
Lake during the year. Your
assistance is vital to the smooth
operation of our parish, school, and all of the many other
OLL activities. By devoting your time and talent once,
occasionally or many times throughout the year, you are
helping to make OLL a vibrant and welcoming
community. We appreciate all that you do!
Gold Family Sponsors: Jim & Kim Bletzer,
Pat & Shelly Sir
Silver Corporate Sponsors: Tessman Company,
Jubilee Foods, Zhen Reflections, Dailey's, Carbones,
PowerHouse Systems, McGlynn Properties,
Ess Brothers & Sons, Midwest Mechanical,
Beniek Property Services, Walgreens, Ameriprise
Financial, Blackowiak Disposal, Speedpro Imaging,
Millennium Hotel, Herder Photography, Crow River
State Bank, Control Center, Inc., Traffic Management,
Inc., Epple Financial Advisors, Innovative Transport,
Rocket Crane, Mound True Value Hardware & Paint
Time and Talent Mini-Drive is this Sunday,
May 23rd! Forms will be available in the pews.
This year you can also fill out the interactive
form at www.ourladyofthelake.com. Thank you!
Silver Family Sponsors: Tim & Claudia Lacy,
John & Emily Biglow, Jon & Julz Schwingler,
Mike & Mary Johnson, Timberg Family, Fasola Family,
Bill & Rhonda Schumer, Jim & Melissa Murphy
Weekend of: May 16, 2010
229 Parishioners gave $11,629.
Weekly goal $17,615.
Total registered families 1230
Fiscal Year-to-Date Budget $810,307.
Fiscal Year-to-Date Collected $697,833 . -$112,474 .
Our Lady of the Lake Bulletin Published Monthly by
Our Lady of the Lake Church
2385 Commerce Boulevard
Mound, MN 55364
Bronze Sponsors: Mike & Stephanie Greene,
Ken & Catherine Pausche, Mike & Diana Day,
Jeff & Eileen Bergmann, Mactavish Benefits,
Jon & Janene Heidorn, David & Rachel Roen,
Tom & Cyndy Arey, Steve & Jane Ann Davis
All roads lead to Mound — See you at the Blast!
“Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful….”
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Pentecost is often called the birthday of the Church. On the day of the Pentecost, Jesus fulfilled his promise of
sending the Holy Spirit on the disciples. Jesus knew his disciples would need the power of the Holy Spirit to
carry out the mission entrusted to them. That is why Jesus instructed the apostles ‘to stay in the city
(Jerusalem) until you are clothed with power from on high’ (Luke 24:49). As Jesus was anointed with the
Spirit at the beginning of his ministry at the River Jordan, so also the disciples needed the anointing of the
Spirit to carry out the mission.
The Holy Spirit is given to all who are baptized into Christ, and to enable us to live a new way of life – a life
of love, peace, joy, and righteousness (Romans 14:17). The Holy Spirit fills our hearts with the love of God
(Romans 5:7) and he gives us the strength and courage we need in order to live as faith-filled disciples of
Jesus. The Spirit helps us in our weakness (Romans 8:26) and enables us to grow in spiritual freedom (2
Corinthians 3:17; Romans 8:21). The Spirit instructs us in the ways of God, and guides us in living according
to God’s will. The Spirit is the source and giver of all holiness. Isaiah foretold the seven-fold gifts that the
Spirit would give: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord (Isaiah
The gift of Pentecost, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and the
spiritual gifts are made possible through the death, resurrection,
and ascension of the Lord Jesus. The Spirit is the source of the
special gifts which each member of the community receives.
The Source of the gifts is one - the Spirit of God and that is
what unites together all those who receive them into one
community. But there is a huge variety of gifts. They are
special abilities by which each one serves the needs of the
community.We all have to work together, using our gifts, to
build up the community to which we belong.
We are many in number but, through the working of the Spirit,
we become like one body; in fact, we are the Body of Christ.
Just as one body has many limbs and organs working together
as a harmonious unit, so we as the Body of Christ, each make
our distinct contribution to the life and work of the community.
We radiate that Spirit by our word and example and invite others to share it. The gifts of the Spirit are not
only for ourselves, but also they are to be shared. After the coming of the Holy Spirit, as we have seen, the
disciples did not stay in that room with the gift they had been given. They burst out to tell the world how
much God loves everyone and how he wants everyone to experience that love.
“Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth Your
Spirit and they shall be created, and you shall renew the face of the earth.”
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Abraham Kochupurackal CMI
May 23, 2010
24 -Monday
8:00 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Communion Service
Barbara Floeder
Imelda Marshall
Kim Bletzer
Lloyd Larson
Lucille & Ron
Edwin Smith
West Suburban Grief Coalition: Support group for those
who are grieving the death of a loved one at Holy Name of
Jesus Catholic Community, 155 County Road 24, in
Wayzata, 952-473-7001. The group meets from 4:30 to
6:00 p.m.
May 27th
Memorial Service
& Dinner
Additional Presbyterian Home Volunteers are needed.
Beginning in June our ministries will consistently be
scheduled on Tuesdays. Please call Sr. Carrie, if you feel
called to minister with the elderly.
Calendar for the Week
of May 23, 2010
A Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Group for parents
who have experienced a loss due to miscarriage, ectopic
pregnancy, stillbirth or newborn death meets the third
Thursday of each month from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Location:
Faith Lutheran Church, 800 Waconia Parkway North in
Waconia. If you would like more information, please
visit www.ridgeviewmedical.org/events or call (952) 4422191, ext. 6190.
24 – Monday
7-8:30pm Co-Dependents Anonymous – Fireside Room
7-9pm Adult Bible Study – Large Meeting Room
25 – Tuesday
7-8:30am Finance Committee Meeting – Rectory Dining Room
3-9pm Eucharistic Adoration – John Paul II Chapel
3:30-5pm Middle School Open Youth Center – Youth Room
26 – Wednesday
6:30-8:30pm School Advisory Committee (SAC) Meeting –
Faculty Lounge
6:30-8pm Garden Committee – Church Grounds
7-9:30pm Sr. High Discussion Group – Youth Room
Leadership is requested for each liturgical ministry. For
the past many months, reminder calls have been made to
those serving at the weekend liturgies. In our busy lives, a
reminder is surely appreciated. At times, we all need to be
reminded that every ministry is vital in our prayerful, joyful
and full participation in Mass – the summit of our faith, our
thanks and praise to God.
27 – Thursday
9-11am Eucharistic Ministry – PHLM – Faith
3:30-5pm Middle School Open Youth Center – Youth Room
7-8:30pm Cantor Training – Church
30 – Sunday
7:45-8:15am Chorale/Cantor Rehearsal – Church
9:45-10:30am Choir (10:30) Rehearsal – Fireside Room
Now for the big question: We are looking for a leader for
each ministry to step forward and volunteer to make the
reminder calls for those assigned in your ministry. For
example, if you are a greeter, you would call all the
greeters assigned for the weekend by Thursday of the
preceding week. This may not be forever, as after a length
of time, we would ask another minister to take
responsibility for your group.
Calendar subject to change without notice.
On Memorial Day, Monday, May 31st, Mass will be held in
the Church at 9:00 a.m. After Mass, Fr. Abraham and
those that wish to, can process to our OLL Cemetery.
There we will continue with the civic activities held out
there. The 4th Degree Knights of Columbus have been
invited to be at the Mass in the Church, and they, too, will
join in the activities held at the Cemetery. Please join us as
we remember our loved ones.
If you are not a liturgical minister, but would enjoy this
type of volunteer activity, we would appreciate your help.
Thanks in advance for calling Sr. Carrie at 952-472-1284,
ext. 168 to volunteer!
Thought for the Week: The Spirit, Jesus promises, “will
teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said
to you.” What a fire at Pentecost! It is still burning,
changing our world into a new heaven and a new earth.
And we, the Spirit’s envoys, are challenged to keep the
Pentecost fire burning.
We’re having a reception for Bryan Busch on Sunday, May
23rd, following the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Please join us in the
PACE Center to say goodbye to Bryan and wish him well.
J. Spicer
we will process and unpack the meaning of the reception of
the sacrament together, as well as answer the question, “So,
what now?” We hope to see you all there!
We Pray for Those in Need
May the Lord comfort them in their time of
sickness and bless those who care for them.
Bobby Reil
Clarence Korbel
Danica Chalmers
Dan DeRusha
Katie Lister
Leone Leighton
Mike McNamara
David Filippi
Tom Ess
Robert Link
Children’s Liturgy of the Word will take place on June
6th and June 20th during the 10:30 a.m. liturgy. This
activity is open to all children ages Pre-K through Grade 4.
Children will be invited to a special Liturgy of the Word
after Mass begins and will return to celebrate the Eucharist
with the entire worshipping community. No registration is
required – we hope to see many young people there!
We Pray for Those in the Military
Joshua L. (Marines)
David B. (Army)
Brittany W. (Army)
Don’t forget to register for Vacation Bible School!! This
year’s VBS program, The High Seas Adventure, will take
place the week of June 21-25. Cost per child is $50.00.
Additional information and online registration can be
accessed via the OLL website, or by visiting the following
website: http://www.groupvbspro.com/vbs/ez/oll2010.
The list of names to be prayed for and those in the Military
will be “refreshed” four times a year. (January 1st, April
1st, July 1st, and October 1st). All prayer requests will need
to be re-requested at that time. Thank you for helping us to
keep the list up-to-date.
Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary
Margie & Jim Regan!
In honor of their 50th, their children
and grandchildren have donated a flower
arrangement for the Masses this weekend.
Adult Bible Study: Our next Bible Study on the Gospel of
Matthew is scheduled for Monday, May 24th, from 7:00 to
9:00 p.m. in the Large Meeting Room. This will be the last
Bible Study of the spring. We will continue again in
September. See future bulletins for more information.
Fluff N Puff Pillow Cleaning: It’s that time of year again!
Bring your feather pillows in to get cleaned on Saturday,
June 6th. We will be cleaning feather pillows and
comforters from 7:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at the school
parking lot in front of the school, next to the flashing sign.
For more information call Bryan at 472-1284, ext. 145.
Volunteers are greatly needed to help us with our
Vacation Bible School the week of June 21st through the
25th. We have a number of opportunities for adults as well
as older kids who are too old to be participants in VBS.
Volunteer opportunities include: small group leaders, small
group assistants, and activity leaders. Contact Scott at 952472-1284, ext. 144, if you are interested in learning more,
(http://www.groupvbspro.com/vbs/ez/oll2010) and click on
the “volunteer” tab.
Cut flowers and plants may be placed on your loved ones
grave ten days preceding Memorial Day. Please remove
them ten days after Memorial Day. Thank you!
A few tickets remain for our group outing to Target
Field to cheer on the Twins on Wednesday, June 9th!
Join us as we venture out to see the Twins take on the
Kansas City Royals in a night game that begins at 7:10 p.m.
Tickets are $21.00 each and are available on a first-come,
first-served basis. Transportation to and from Target Field
is the responsibility of the ticket holders. Please contact
Scott for more information and/or to reserve your tickets
As the calendar year comes to a close, the meetings may
stop, but we still continue to participate in the spirit of
helping those in need and taking advantage of the many
ways we can grow in our faith. One of the ways is
volunteering at Feed My Starving Children in
Chanhassen. Upcoming opportunities are on Thursday,
June 24th, from noon to 2:00 p.m. and Tuesday, July 6th,
from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Ten slots are available. Carpooling is
an option. Please see the CCW bulletin board for future
dates, and information from our last visit. If you would like
to join us, please RSVP to Colleen at 612-581-8017.
A Confirmation Mystagogia Session is scheduled for
Sunday, May 23rd, beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Congratulations to all 41 high school youth who were
Confirmed on May 10th, at the Basilica of Saint Mary in
Minneapolis. We have one final gathering scheduled for the
newly confirmed, along with their sponsors, during which
their reading over the summer so they are off to a better
start next school year. They do this with the help of a lot of
volunteers who are willing to spend some one-on-one time
with each child as they read aloud. Their summer hours are
M-W, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. and will begin on June 14th. If you
are interested in helping once per week or more, please
contact Kathy at kklement@sharingandcaringhands.org or
612-328-0988. No special training is required, but we sure
love teachers!
Summer is right around the corner! Registration is now
taking place for Summer Kids at OLL. Registration forms
are available in the Summer Kids Room (Room 104) or in
the school office. Your children will enjoy the fun-filled
adventures that take place all week long! Activities include
theme weeks, local walking field trips, library days, bike
days, field trips, beach day, cooking classes and enrichment
Archdiocesan Marriage Day Celebration: All couples
celebrating silver and golden anniversaries in the 2010
calendar year are invited to join Most Reverend John C.
Nienstedt of St. Paul and Minneapolis on Saturday, June
26th, at the Cathedral of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. for Mass,
renewal of vows, and a short reception. Couples married
over 50 years will also be honored and are invited to attend.
Families and friends of honored couples welcome!
Sponsored by the Archdiocesan Office for Marriage,
Family and Life. For more information, please call 651291-4488 or visit www.archspm.org.
Summer Kids is available for children who are 3 (must
be toilet trained) and up. Open Monday through Friday
from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from June 14th through August
27th. Please call Jill Ryan at 952-472-1284, ext. 157 for
more information.
The St. Vincent DePaul Society operates a thrift store at
3929 12th Avenue South, in Minneapolis, which provides
tangible assistance to thousands in our community. They
are in need of all types of furniture in good condition as
well as clothing, household items, etc. The Furniture
Hotline is: 651-602-0478. They will pick up within or near
the 494/694 loop. Your tax deductible donation will help
those in need.
The printing of the bulletin is made possible by:
4700 Shoreline Drive
Summer Reading Helpers Needed:
Each summer
Sharing & Caring Hands offers a Reading Program for
the children living at Mary’s Place. The goal is to improve