OUR LADY OF THE LAKE CATHOLIC CHURCH 2385 Commerce Blvd, Mound, MN 55364 #952-472-1284 Fax# 952-472-1216 www.ourladyofthelake.com Parish Staff & Phone Extensions 952-472-1284 Pastor, Fr. Abraham George -ext. 172 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 27, 2010 Parish Administrator, Rhonda Eurich -ext. 161 Pastoral Minister, Sr. Carrie Link -ext. 168 Parish Nurse, Marcia Jerdee -952-472-5466 Maintenance Director, Dan Entinger -ext. 153 Church Secretary, Dana Barrett -ext. 162 Faith Formation Director, Scott Brazil -ext. 144 Coordinator of Child & Family Faith Formation, Kathy Hejna -ext. 147 1 Kings 19:16b-21 Galatians 5:1-18 Luke 9:51-62 Music Director, Dr. Desi Klempay -ext. 181 School Principal, Ellen Feuling -ext. 151 School Secretary, Phyllis Welch -ext. 150 All staff e-mails are first initial followed by last name @oll.pvt.k12.mn.us example: reurich@oll.pvt.k12.mn.us HOMEBOUND COMMUNION: Please call Sr. Carrie Link, Pastoral Minister 952-472-1284, ext. 168 MARRIAGE: To confirm a wedding, please contact Fr. Abraham at least four months before planning to marry 952-472-1284, ext. 172 BAPTISMS: Baptisms are held on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month. The Preparation Class is held here every other month. Please call Kathy Hejna, Coordinator of Child & Family FF @ 952-472-1284, ext.147 for the schedule. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Tuesdays, 3:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the John Paul II Chapel, and every First Friday after the 8:00 a.m. Mass through midnight in the Daily Chapel. CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Mon. – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Closed Noon – 1:00 p.m.) Friday Closed Saturday 9:00 a.m. – Noon Sunday 8:00 a.m. – Noon MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday – 5:30 p.m. Sunday – 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Monday - 8:00 a.m. Communion Service Daily - 8:00 a.m. Tuesday through Friday SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday 4:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. RCIA: RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS CLASSES BEGIN ON SEPTEMBER 9TH STEWARDSHIP Thank you so much to all of our very faithful Prayer Ministers here at Our Lady of the Lake. Are you interested in joining the Catholic Church? Do you want to learn more about your faith? RCIA classes will begin on Thursday, September 9th, 2010. The first section, Period of Inquiry, will run through November 11th, and is open to all who want to ask questions and study the Catholic teachings. For those wishing to continue their studies in preparation for joining the church, the program culminates at the Easter Vigil, April 23, 2011. If interested, please contact the church office at 952-472-1284, ext. 162, or Carla LaBore at cklabore@aol.com or 612-518-2666, as we will be ordering study materials. Your prayers are vitally important as you call to God for healing and comfort for those who are ill of mind or body. You are such a support and blessing to the people you pray for. Thank you for giving of your time and talent to Our Lady of the Lake Parish. SACRIFICIAL GIVING: Weekend of: June 20, 2010 239 Parishioners gave $11,228. Weekly goal $17,615. Total registered families 1230 Fiscal Year-to-Date Budget $898,384. Fiscal Year-to-Date Collected $752,366. -$146,018. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION ON JULY 2ND (FIRST FRIDAY) Please join us for Eucharistic Adoration in the Daily Chapel on July 2nd (First Friday). Eucharistic Adoration will begin after the 8:00 a.m. Mass until midnight. It is not too late to sign up. If you cannot commit to an hour every First Friday, but find you have some free time and would like to join us, please feel free to stop by. Calendar for the Week of June 27, 2010 28 – Monday 7-8:30pm Co-Dependents Anonymous – Fireside Room 7-9pm Adult Bible Study – Large Meeting Room 29 – Tuesday 9-11am Eucharistic Ministry – Lake Minnstonka Shores – Joy 3-9pm Eucharistic Adoration – John Paul II Chapel 30 – Wednesday 6:30-8pm Garden Committee – Church Grounds 2 – Friday 8:30am to Midnight Eucharistic Adoration –Daily Chapel 4 – Sunday 7:45-8:15am Chorale/Cantor Rehearsal – Church 9:45-10:30am Choir (10:30) Rehearsal – Fireside Room Eucharistic adoration can be a powerfully transforming experience. Through our prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, we come to an inner quiet and deeper awareness of the Body of Christ present within ourselves and in one another. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Calendar subject to change without notice. June 27, 2010 PETER’S PENCE COLLECTION JUNE 26TH & 27TH Today we support the Holy Father in his charitable works. The Peter’s Pence Collection is taken up worldwide in an effort of solidarity to support the most disadvantaged: victims of war, oppression, and natural disaster and others in need of emergency assistance. Pope Benedict XVI has said, “God’s love…gives us the courage to continue seeking and working for the benefits of all.” (Caritas in Veritate, no. 78). Cast the love of Christ upon the world – please be generous in today’s collection. Thank you. 2 28-Monday 29-Tuesday 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 30-Wednesday 1-Thursday 2-Friday 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 3-Saturday 4-Sunday 5:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Communion Service John & Elizabeth Polingo Frank McGovern Military Personnel Those Affected by the Gulf Oil Spill Gail Gomez Dorothy Smith Parish Commitment to Jesus Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, As Jesus makes his way to Jerusalem, we observe three would-be followers of Jesus and his words to them, in Luke’s Gospel 9:57-62. The first one courageously and generously says to Jesus, “I will follow you wherever you go.” Jesus tells him that even the wild animals have a place to live, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head. Here, Jesus’ advice to this man is that before he makes the decision to follow him, count the cost. He has a lot of enthusiasm, but may not be aware of the realities facing him. One needs to be aware of what is expected of a disciple. One must be ready to let go of people and things, of all strings and attachments, of all external securities. The second man also wants to follow Jesus. He makes what seems a reasonable request: “Let me go first and bury my father.” The reply of Jesus sounds harsh: “Let the dead bury their dead; but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” We should not conclude from this request that the man's father was already dead. He may have been saying that he would follow Jesus after the death of his father. Jesus, of course, is not saying that we should not love and respect our parents and members of our family. But he is asking where our priorities in life really are. He is saying that, if we wish to be his disciple, we cannot make our own plans first. The demands of the Kingdom: love, truth, justice, freedom and peace, which we are called to build, come first of all. The third man says he wants to follow Jesus, but wants to say goodbye to his family and friends first. It is not unlike the previous case. I want to make all my own arrangements first. I want to have some fun in life. But to be a disciple of Jesus, I cannot hesitate. The point is that in everything there is a crucial moment; if that moment is missed, the thing most likely will never be done at all. The call is now, today, and the response must also be now, today. Jesus' reference to the plough (Luke 9:62) is a reference to what we read in the first Book of Kings 19:19:21. Here we see a dramatic response in the call of Elisha who was to succeed Elijah as prophet. Elisha also wanted to say goodbye to his parents. But then Elisha thought better of it. He slaughtered his oxen. He took his plough and used it to make a fire for cooking the meat and he gave it to his people. All these things were his means of livelihood. Empty-handed, but totally free, he then followed Elijah. All these images from the Old Testament and the New Testament are intended to help us reflect on the various things which prevent us from an unconditional following of Jesus. They can be material things or personal relationships. They may be emotional or intellectual. We have so many desires and attachments in life. We have so many fears and anxieties. We regret or feel nostalgic for so much of the past and worry so much about the future. All of these can have a crippling effect on our lives. Much of the time, we are only living half a life or we are living other people's lives and not our own. If we are having trouble keeping our eyes focused on Jesus, if we are experiencing emptiness in our life, maybe we should seriously consider making some daily commitments to Jesus. What should that commitment be? No one can answer that question for us. We must answer it ourselves. Yours in Christ, Fr. Abraham Kochupurackal CMI 3 to be re-requested at that time. Thank you for helping us to keep the list up-to-date. PASTORAL MINISTRY SISTER CARRIE LINK CELEBRATE THE WHOLE MASS West Suburban Grief Coalition: Support group for those who are grieving the death of a loved one at St. Barnabas Lutheran Church, 14500 Old Rockford Road, in Plymouth, 763-553-1239. The group meets from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. July 1st John Pierson Attorney at Law A Lawyer’s Comments on Your Questions July 8th Susan Obremski Reinventing After Loss July 15th Beverly Page Personal Spouse & Child Loss Story July 22nd Deb Link How Grief Affects the Family Catholics come from a legalistic attitude toward Mass. A question of the past, “How late can I come to Mass and still have it count?” reflects that older attitude. People arrive during the Introductory Rites and even throughout the readings. Since Vatican II we have been more aware of Mass as a communal celebration, as a family meal. When we gather for Sunday Mass, it is important that we reflect on what we believe about our presence. We believe that each person in the assembly is important. Each has a role to play. Each has a contribution to make for the good of the whole assembly. The Introductory Rites of our liturgy are designed to help us “come together” as a family. It takes some significant effort to do that. We should make a special effort to be in church at least in time to say “hello” to one other person before the gathering song. This will help us be better prepared to hear God speak to us. It is also a matter of good manners. If we arrive late, we distract those who are already in the pews. We are still in need of volunteers to make reminder calls to liturgical ministers. Now is your opportunity to share (a short amount) of your time and talent with the parish! Call Sr. Carrie at 952-472-1284, ext. 168. Prayer Ministers: If you are on the e-mail prayer chain and have not received messages within the last few weeks, it may be due to a change of address. Please update us as needed. Thanks. Concert halls will not allow people to enter after the performance has started so as not to distract or disturb those already enjoying the show. It has to be as important to avoid disturbing those in prayer as those watching a performance. At those events, we also stay until the end. It would be rude and disruptive to leave early. Our communion procedure, our announcements, our blessing and dismissal are all part of our eucharistic celebration and prayer. Thought for the Week: The call to discipleship continues today, a call directed to all Christians who, by their baptism, are bound to proclaim God’s presence in their lives. In the Eucharist we are reminded of this vocation and fed with the bread of life which strengthens us to be the hands, the feet, the eyes and the mouth of God by the way we love our neighbor. This is the essence of Christian discipleship. B. Bozak The above insert was prepared by Fr. Richard Husted, OFM and pastoral liturgist and ministry consultant Caroline Thomas of Ministry & Liturgy. We Pray for Those in Need May the Lord comfort them in their time of sickness and bless those who care for them. Bobby Reil Clarence Korbel Danica Chalmers Dan DeRusha Katie Lister Leone Leighton Mike McNamara Patricia Ricke CHILD & FAMILY FAITH FORMATION FROM KATHY’S DESK David Filippi Tom Ess Robert Link Vacation Bible School: We had an incredible week at our High Seas Expedition. The kids had fun with all the activities and games that reinforced our Bible point each day. A special thanks to all the families who donated supplies for the week. We would especially like to thank our fabulous volunteers for sharing their time with us. We couldn’t have done it without you!! We Pray for Those in the Military Joshua L. (Marines) David B. (Army) Brittany W. (Army) Nicholas J. (Army) Register early for Faith Formation beginning in September. An early-bird discount is available for all those registering before August 15th. If you need information about our program, please contact Kathy at 952-472-1284, ext. 147. The list of names to be prayed for and those in the Military will be “refreshed” four times a year. (January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and October 1st). All prayer requests will need 4 YOUTH MINISTRY FROM SCOTT’S DESK OUR LADY’S COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN There are still a few spots open for this summer’s Mission Trip to Red Lake Indian Reservation! All teenage parishioners entering into Grades 9-12 in the fall are eligible to participate in our trip that is scheduled for July 25-30. Cost to participate in this experience is $350.00. Any interested participant should contact Scott as soon as possible to receive all of the information and registration materials. The CCW is looking for a co-chair to help run the organization. If you would like to volunteer, or would like more information, please contact Colleen at 612-581-8017. Thank you! Join us on Tuesday, July 6th, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at Feed My Starving Children in Chanhassen. Space is still available. Carpooling is an option. If you would like to join us, please RSVP to Colleen at 612-581-8017. ADULT FAITH FORMATION FROM SCOTT’S DESK MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE SPRING CLEAN-UP PROJECT The Great Adventure study of the Gospel of Matthew continues on Monday, June 28th, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the Large Meeting Room. All participants are reminded to read Matthew 18 in preparation for our time together. Please remember to bring your Bible and study materials to the session. Please contact Scott at 952-472-1284, ext. 144 if you have questions about this series, including inquiries about how to sign-up. Thank you to the parishioners who met at OLL on Saturday, June 12th, at 8:00 a.m. to help with the Annual Spring Clean-Up Project. This energetic group of volunteers cleaned, scrubbed, and polished various areas of the campus. They even finished ahead of schedule! We appreciate your taking time out of your busy weekend to help us clean up! Thanks to your hard work, the campus shines! Help us discern the interests of our parishioners by completing an OLL Adult Faith Formation Survey! Copies of the survey are available in the main office, on the tables by the various entrances into the church, or they are also available via e-mail at sbrazil@oll.pvt.k12.mn.us. We hope to hear from a wide-range of voices so that we can better serve the entire parish community. Completed surveys should be turned in by July 15th. Please contact Scott, if you have questions. INCREDIBLE FESTIVAL SEPTEMBER 10TH, 11TH AND 12TH Summer is when a lot of retailers have Crazy Days Sales and drastically mark down prices on items. Please keep the Incredible Festival Silent Auction in mind when you come across those awesome deals. It is a perfect time to pick up some great items to donate. Thank you! SCHOOL NEWS OLL PARISH REGISTRY OLL SCHOOL ON-GOING FUNDRAISERS Kemps milk bottle caps Campbell soup labels (just the UPC Codes) Box Tops for Education Target Red Card We are continually updating our parish registry. If you have changed your name, address, phone number, etc., please call the church office at 952-472-1284, ext. 162 so we can update your information. Accurate information helps us keep in touch with our parishioners. If you would like to become a registered parishioner, please call, stop by the parish office, or visit our website at www.ourladyofthelake.com and register online. Thank you! The OLL School thanks everyone who has been diligently saving the Kemps milk bottle caps, the General Mills Box Tops for Education, and the Campbell soup labels. Please Note: We need to collect only the UPC code from the Campbell soup label. We no longer need to collect the front panel of the label. (These items may be dropped off in the School or Church office.) COMMUNITY EVENTS Birth Mothers: The Archdiocesan Office for Marriage, Family & Life and Catholic Charities invites all mothers who have relinquished a child for adoption to attend “A Day of Recognition & Honoring for Birth Mothers” on Saturday, July 17th, beginning at 9:30 a.m. at the Nativity Also, if you shop at Target and use your Target charge card, you can designate Our Lady of the Lake School to be the recipient of a percentage of your purchase. Thank you! 5 Our Lady of the Lake’s MISSION STATEMENT of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 9900 Lyndale Avenue South, in Bloomington. This special event is in response to a need expressed through members of our faith communities, and seeks to recognize the pain that can sometimes still be carried by birth mothers, honor the sacrifice and provide opportunties for healing. Resources for continued exploration and healing will be provided to all participants. Retreat cost is $10.00 to cover the cost of food. Scholarships are available for those with a financial hardship. For more information, please call 651-291-4488. To be a community that worships, educates and reaches out to others through our Catholic faith. Our Mission is: To proclaim Christ by celebrating the Eucharist, the Sacraments, and other liturgies and rites of the Catholic Church; To educate and enrich children and adults in living out our Catholic faith through worship, Faith Formation, a Catholic School and by our example; To welcome, assist and reach out to the stranger, the forgotten, and those in need in our local community; support social justice efforts here and elsewhere; and To use our talents and resources, given by God, justly and wisely. National Catholic Youth Choir Concert – One Lord, Many Traditions. Come for an evening of inspirational music from various Christian traditions sung by high school students from across the U.S. The choir is led by world renowned choral conductor, Dr. Axel Theimer. No charge to attend – a free will offering will be collected. The concert will be held at St. Bartholomew Church, 630 East Wayzata Boulevard, in Wayzata, on Sunday, June 27th, at 7:00 p.m. NCYC is a summer camp sponsored by St. John’s University School of Theology – Seminary in Collegeville, MN. Visit www.CatholicYouthChoir.org for more information. Cemetery Committee, Jim Devick ... 952-472-4347 ST. VINCENT DEPAUL “TO” Council of Catholic Women, Colleen Beddor......................... 952-472-2736 OLL Committee Chairs Finance Chair, Mark Winter ............. 952-472-5556 Do you know someone who is in need of short-term assistance because of an illness, injury or a disability? St. Vincent DePaul “To” provides an immediate response to these situations, on a short-term basis, until long-term arrangements can be put in place. Volunteers involved with “To” are available for limited yard and handy work, meal preparation and delivery, shopping, driving to appointments, and other services as needs arise. KC Grand Knight, Ernie Rosenberg ...................... 952-472-2904 Maintenance/Safety Committee, Roberta Henrich ........................ 952-472-4865 Parish Council, Michaela Diercks ......... 952-472-1284, ext. 162 PTO President, Shelly Sir .................... 952-472-1284, ext. 162 For more information about becoming a volunteer, or if you would like to be a recipient of these services, please call Sr. Carrie Link at 952-472-1284, ext. 168 or Mary Berglund at 952-472-8515. All information is confidential. School Advisory Committee, John Biglow ............................... 612-237-7456 Stewardship Committee, Joe Loma .................... 952-472-1284, ext. 162 Please support our advertisers. Because of them, the printing of the bulletin is made possible. This week we feature: Trustees, John Biglow ............................... 612-237-7456 Roberta Henrich ........................ 952-472-4865 Epple Financial Advisors, LLC Parishioner: Rick Epple 952-470-5049 ********Community Resources******** PennyWise Shop ............... 952-472-1284, ext. 184 Tuesday & Friday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Wed. 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. (Closed for Summer) Schroeder & Siegfried, P.A. Patent & Trademark Law 952-476-0580 WeCAN (Western Communities Action Network) ................. 952-472-0742 Westonka Food Shelf & St. Vincent DePaul....................... 952-472-5599 6