OUR LADY OF THE LAKE CATHOLIC CHURCH 2385 Commerce Blvd., Mound, MN 55364 #952-472-1284 Fax# 952-472-1216 www.ourladyofthelake.com Parish Staff & Phone Extensions 952-472-1284 Pastor, Fr. Abraham George -ext. 172 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 11, 2010 Parish Administrator, Rhonda Eurich -ext. 161 Pastoral Minister, Sr. Carrie Link -ext. 168 Parish Nurse, Marcia Jerdee -952-472-5466 Maintenance Director, Dan Entinger -ext. 153 Church Secretary, Dana Barrett -ext. 162 Deuteronomy 30:10-14 Colossians 1:15-20 Luke 10:25-37 Faith Formation Director, Scott Brazil -ext. 144 Coordinator of Child & Family Faith Formation, Kathy Hejna -ext. 147 Music Director, Dr. Desi Klempay -ext. 181 School Principal, Ellen Feuling -ext. 151 School Secretary, Phyllis Welch -ext. 150 All staff e-mails are first initial followed by last name @oll.pvt.k12.mn.us example: reurich@oll.pvt.k12.mn.us HOMEBOUND COMMUNION: Please call Sr. Carrie Link, Pastoral Minister 952-472-1284, ext. 168 MARRIAGE: To confirm a wedding, please contact Fr. Abraham at least four months before planning to marry 952-472-1284, ext. 172 BAPTISMS: Baptisms are held on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month. The Preparation Class is held here every other month. Please call Kathy Hejna, Coordinator of Child & Family FF @ 952-472-1284, ext.147 for the schedule. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Tuesdays, 3:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the John Paul II Chapel, and every First Friday after the 8:00 a.m. Mass through midnight in the Daily Chapel. CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Mon. – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Closed Noon – 1:00 p.m.) Friday Closed Saturday 9:00 a.m. – Noon Sunday 8:00 a.m. – Noon MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday – 5:30 p.m. Sunday – 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Monday - 8:00 a.m. Communion Service Daily - 8:00 a.m. Tuesday through Friday SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday 4:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. timeshares, boats, cars, motorcycles, and campers are wanted and greatly appreciated. Smaller items like jewelry, household items, sporting goods and gift certificates are all very much needed and appreciated as well. If you have an item and are wondering if the Silent Auction could use it, please call the church office at 952-472-1284, ext. 162. Thank you! STEWARDSHIP Stewardship Thought: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself. Luke 10:27 INCREDIBLE FESTIVAL 3RD ANNUAL OLL INCREDIBLE 5K RUN/WALK Thank you, Funeral Luncheon Teams and Funeral Luncheon Leaders, for graciously hosting funeral luncheons for our grieving families. Your dedicated service and generosity of spirit touches the hearts of those in their darkest moments. 3rd Annual OLL Incredible 5K Run/Walk 8:30 AM on Saturday, September 11th Entry fees as low as $10 Additional information and registration available at: http://www.raceberryjam.com/oll.html or email Kevin Franck at: kfranck@revcon.com Thank you, Funeral Luncheon Teams and Leaders, for sharing your time and talent with Our Lady of the Lake. SACRIFICIAL GIVING: Weekend of: July 4, 2010 209 Parishioners gave $11,514. Weekly goal $14,221. Total registered families 1178 Fiscal Year-to-Date Budget $14,221. Fiscal Year-to-Date Collected $11,514. -$2,707. RCIA: RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS CLASSES BEGIN ON SEPTEMBER 9TH Calendar for the Week of July 11, 2010 Are you interested in joining the Catholic Church? Do you want to learn more about your faith? RCIA classes will begin on Thursday, September 9th, 2010. The first section, Period of Inquiry, will run through November 11th, and is open to all who want to ask questions and study the Catholic teachings. For those wishing to continue their studies in preparation for joining the church, the program culminates at the Easter Vigil, April 23rd, 2011. If interested, please contact the church office at 952-4721284, ext. 162, or Carla LaBore at cklabore@aol.com or 612-518-2666, as we will be ordering study materials. 12 – Monday 7-8:30pm Co-Dependents Anonymous – Fireside Room 7-9pm Adult Bible Study – Large Meeting Room 13 – Tuesday 8-4pm W.I.C. Program – Fireside Room 9-10:30am Eucharistic Ministry – LMS – Faith 3-9pm Eucharistic Adoration – John Paul II Chapel 14 – Wednesday 6:30-8pm Garden Committee – Church Grounds 7-9pm Incredible Festival Meeting – Large Meeting Room 7-10pm VIRTUS Training Session – Fireside Room 18 – Sunday 10:30am Liturgy of the Word for Children – Church MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Calendar subject to change without notice. July 11, 2010 INCREDIBLE FESTIVAL SILENT AUCTION 12-Monday 13-Tuesday 14-Wednesday 15-Thursday 16-Friday 17-Saturday 18-Sunday LARGE to Small - We'll take it all. With the Incredible Festival only two months away, we are looking for all sorts of items for the Silent Auction. Larger items like 2 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Communion Service Rose Kochupurackal Jack Stuhr Tomy Kochupurackal Jim Fruchterman Parish Bill Hinde Marlin Sicheneder Am I a Good Neighbor to Others? Dear Sisters and Brothers, Bob Butler lost his legs in a 1965 landmine explosion in Vietnam. He returned home a war hero. Twenty years later, he proved, once again, that heroism. Butler was working in his garage in a small town in Arizona on a hot summer day, when he heard a woman's screams coming from a nearby house. He began rolling his wheelchair toward the house, but the dense bushes wouldn't allow him access to the back door. So he got out of his chair and started to crawl through the bushes. “I had to get there,” he says. “It didn't matter how much it hurt.” When Butler arrived at the pool, there was a three-year-old girl named Stephanie Hanes, lying at the bottom. She had been born without arms and had fallen into the water and couldn't swim. Her mother stood over her baby screaming frantically. Butler dove to the bottom of the pool and brought little Stephanie up to the deck. Her face was blue; she had no pulse, and was not breathing. Butler immediately went to work performing CPR to revive her, while Stephanie's mother telephoned the fire department. She was told the paramedics were already out on a call. Helplessly, she sobbed and hugged Butler's shoulder. As Butler continued with his CPR, he calmly reassured her. “Don't worry,” he said, “I was her arms to get out of the pool. It'll be okay. I am now her lungs. Together we can make it.” Seconds later the little girl coughed, regained consciousness, and began to cry. As they hugged and rejoiced together, the mother asked Butler how he knew it would be okay. “The truth is, I didn't know,” he told her. “But when my legs were blown off in the war, I was all alone in a field. No one was there to help except a little Vietnamese girl. As she struggled to drag me into her village, she whispered in broken English, ‘It okay. You can live. I will be your legs. Together we make it.’ Her kind words brought hope to my soul and I wanted to do the same for Stephanie.” There are simply those times when we cannot stand alone. There are those times when we need a Good Samaritan, someone to be our legs, our arms, our friend. St. Teresa of Avila says, “Though we do not have our Lord with us in bodily presence, we have our neighbor, who, for the ends of love, and loving service, is as good as our Lord himself.” I have had this experience on several occasions, especially, this past year. I have a lot of pain and sadness with regard to the illness in my family. My mother was diagnosed with liver cancer this past November, and recently my only brother, my baby brother, was diagnosed with lung cancer. In my pain, several ‘Good Samaritans’ from the OLL community, and friends from my previous parish, especially one special family, have given me great support, consolation, love and encouragement. Our loving God works through our friends and neighbors. The parable of the Good Samaritan is one of the most famous parables told by Jesus. The key word in the story is “compassion.” This is not the same as pity. Compassion implies a deep feeling of brotherhood by which one can enter into the suffering of the other and share it. Moreover, the “neighbor” in the story is not so much the man who was helped. The neighbor, the Gospel says, is “the one who showed compassion.” A true neighbor is one who shows compassion to a person who is in need of help. Our neighbor is not necessarily one who lives next door, in the next city, in the next state, or even in another country. To the scribe, the word “neighbor” meant another Scribe or Pharisee – never a Samaritan or a Gentile. The parable clearly indicated that a “neighbor” is anyone who needs help and anyone who gives that help. Thus, the best approach is not to ask the question, “Who is my neighbor?” But rather to ask, “Am I a good neighbor to others?” The parable makes us realize that every human person is our neighbor. The parable is an invitation for us to be merciful and kind to those in need. How do I see the poor, the sick, the disabled, the destitute, or the lonely? We are invited to be people of generosity, kindness, and mercy, toward all who are suffering in various ways. A sincere smile, a cheery greeting, an encouraging word, a heartfelt “thank you,” can work wonders for a suffering person. Within every society, there is fear of those who are different, who have different religions, different colors of skin, who dress differently, or speak different languages. The invitation of the parable is to make them neighbors, because one’s neighbor is the living image of God the Father, saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. How have we been good neighbors this week? Yours in Christ, Fr. Abraham Kochupurackal CMI 3 to be re-requested at that time. Thank you for helping us to keep the list up-to-date. PASTORAL MINISTRY SISTER CARRIE LINK We remember our beloved deceased, West Suburban Grief Coalition: Support group for those who are grieving the death of a loved one at St. Barnabas Lutheran Church, 14500 Old Rockford Road, in Plymouth, 763-553-1239. The group meets from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. July 15th Beverly Page Personal Spouse & Child Loss Story July 22nd Deb Link How Grief Affects the Family July 29th Ross Davis Personal Spouse Loss Story Anita June Slechta May she rest in God’s peace. WORSHIP & MUSIC MINISTRY SING WITH JOY AT OLL Why We Sing? God has bestowed upon his people the gift of song. God dwells within each human person, in the place where music takes its source. Indeed, God, the giver of song, is present whenever the people sing God’s praises. Prayer Ministers: If you are on the e-mail prayer chain and have not received messages within the last few weeks, it may be due to a change of address. Please update us as needed. Thanks! Obedient to Christ and to the Church, we gather in liturgical assembly, week after week. Within the gathered assembly, the role of the congregation is especially important. “The full and active participation by all the people is the aim to be considered before all else, for it is the primary and indispensable source from which the faithful are to derive the true Christian spirit.” While we have two volunteers taking turns doing weekly reminder calls to liturgical ministers, one of them will leave for the winter. Yes, we’re asking you to consider this service for our parish. Please call Dana at 952-472-1284, ext. 162 and help us stay connected. Thank you! Our participation in the Liturgy is challenging. Sometimes, our voices do not correspond to the convictions of our hearts. At other times, we are distracted or preoccupied by the cares of the world. Christ always invites us, however, to enter into the song, to rise above our own preoccupations, and to give our entire selves to the hymn of His Paschal Sacrifice for the honor and glory of the Most Blessed Trinity. Altar Server training will most likely be scheduled after school and faith formation are in session. If you have an interest and would like to become a guide for the altar server ministry, please step forward. The more adult involvement the better! Thought for the Week: Silence creates an environment in which God can be heard and welcomed. From Sing to the Lord “Music in Divine Worship” USCCB N. Vest We Pray for Those in Need May the Lord comfort them in their time of sickness and bless those who care for them. Bobby Reil Clarence Korbel Dan DeRusha Rose Kochupurackal Leone Leighton Patricia Ricke David Filippi Tomy Kochupurackal July 10th & 11th 15 Sunday in Ordinary Time Breaking Bread p. 190 th Robert Link Tom Ess Birdie Merchant Berne & Katie Lister Prelude Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing – G. Martin (5:30 p.m.) Entrance #727 Come Thou Almighty King Gloria Andrews Psalm 69 BB p. 191 Turn to the Lord Gospel Accl. BB p. 192 Alleluia Gifts #385 Servant Song Euch. Accl. #876 Mass of Creation Lamb of God #879 Mass of Creation Communion #634 I Have Loved You Closing #602 We Are Called Postlude Chaconne – H. Purcell (5:30 p.m.) We Pray for Those in the Military Joshua L. (Marines) David B. (Army) Brittany W. (Army) Nicholas J. (Army) The list of names to be prayed for and those in the Military will be “refreshed” four times a year. (January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and October 1st). All prayer requests will need 4 he or she will feel our loving and prayerful support. We ask this in the name of Jesus, your Son. Amen. OUR LADY’S COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN St. Paul & Minneapolis Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women Join us on Tuesday, July 17th, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. at Feed My Starving Children in Chanhassen. Space is still available, and carpooling is an option. If you would like to join us, please RSVP to Colleen at 612-581-8017. CHILD & FAMILY FAITH FORMATION FROM KATHY’S DESK Please join the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women in a spiritual project. Participating is easy. Simply pray for the individual or group listed in the calendar below. Thank you for your spiritual support. Please pick up a copy of the Children’s Liturgy of the Word bulletins that will be available each week at the entrances. The bulletins contain activities and games to help your child understand the gospel message. Sunday, July 18th, will be our next gathering at the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Week of July 11th 12 – Monday 13 – Tuesday 14 – Wednesday 15 – Thursday 16 – Friday 17 – Saturday 18 – Sunday Register by August 15th for Faith Formation beginning in September. The fee will increase after that date. We are looking for catechists at all grade levels. All ages are encouraged to consider being a catechist or catechist assistant. If you would like more information, please contact Kathy Hejna at 952-472-1284, ext. 147. Jack Haben Junior St. Pius X, White Bear Lake Elliot Huss Junior Epiphany, Coon Rapids Toulee Peter Ly Junior St. Vincent de Paul, St. Paul Daniel McClure Junior Nativity of Our Lord, St. Paul Matthew McQuillan Junior Nativity of Our Lord, St. Paul Religious Women in Formation Diaconate Candidates Our Parish Library has books and DVD’s available for the whole family to check out. Stop by after Mass for some spiritual nourishment this summer! YOUTH MINISTRY FROM SCOTT’S DESK There are still a few spots open for this summer’s Mission Trip to Red Lake Indian Reservation! All teenage parishioners entering into Grades 9-12 in the fall are eligible to participate in our trip, which is scheduled for July 25-30. The cost to participate in this experience is $350.00. Any interested participant should contact Scott at 952-472-1284, ext. 144, as soon as possible to receive all of the information and registration materials. ADULT FAITH FORMATION FROM SCOTT’S DESK “Walk With Me” Vocation Prayer for those on their journey to ordination/final vows The Great Adventure study of the Gospel of Matthew continues on Monday, July 12th, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Large Meeting Room. Our theme for the evening is “Stepping Down into Greatness.” All participants are reminded to read Matthew 20-21 in preparation for our time together. Please remember to bring your Bible and study materials to the session. Please contact Scott at 952472-1284, ext. 144, if you have questions about this series, including inquiries about how to sign-up. Loving God, we ask you to guide the men and women of this Archdiocese who are considering religious life and those already on their journey towards ordination or final vows. Bless them in their decisions. Strengthen them in their love for you and their desire to serve you in this special way. Hold them all close to your heart, especially during difficult or troubled times. Shower them with your love and fill them with courage and joy as they study and prepare themselves for your work. We pray for all on their journey to religious life, especially for our “Walk With Me” candidate that Help us discern the interests of our parishioners by completing an OLL Adult Faith Formation Survey! Copies of the survey are available in the main office, on the tables by the various entrances into the church, or they are 5 Our Lady of the Lake’s MISSION STATEMENT also available via e-mail at sbrazil@oll.pvt.k12.mn.us. We hope to hear from a wide-range of voices so that we can best serve the entire parish community. Completed surveys should be turned in by this Thursday, July 15th. Please contact Scott, if you have any questions. To be a community that worships, educates and reaches out to others through our Catholic faith. Our Mission is: To proclaim Christ by celebrating the Eucharist, the Sacraments, and other liturgies and rites of the Catholic Church; To educate and enrich children and adults in living out our Catholic faith through worship, Faith Formation, a Catholic School and by our example; To welcome, assist and reach out to the stranger, the forgotten, and those in need in our local community; support social justice efforts here and elsewhere; and To use our talents and resources, given by God, justly and wisely. Engaging Spirituality is coming to OLL – but first, we need to identify an additional co-facilitator! Engaging Spirituality invites faithful adults to break open their lives, penetrate the realities of our times, and explore the intersection between Christian spirituality and Gospel justice. Participants focus on the practical challenges of following Jesus, engaging contemplation while immersing themselves in the heart of our fragmented world. Scott Brazil will be serving as one of the facilitators for the program, but a second adult leader is required. The commitment will include helping facilitate 21 weekly gatherings (day and time TBD), as well as a few events that take place on Saturdays. If you are interested in finding out more information regarding a facilitator’s role, please contact Scott at 952-472-1284, ext. 144 or visit http://justfaith.org/programs/engagingspirituality.html. OLL Committee Chairs Cemetery Committee, Jim Devick ... 952-472-4347 Virtus Training is taking place at OLL on Wednesday, July 14th, beginning at 7:00 p.m. This is the required training for all volunteers who work with children and/or vulnerable adults. To register, please visit www.virtus.org, or contact Scott Brazil for more information. Council of Catholic Women, Colleen Beddor......................... 952-472-2736 ST. VINCENT DEPAUL SOCIETY THRIFT STORE Maintenance/Safety Committee, Roberta Henrich ........................ 952-472-4865 Finance Chair, Mark Winter ............. 952-472-5556 KC Grand Knight, Ernie Rosenberg ...................... 952-472-2904 Parish Council, Michaela Diercks ......... 952-472-1284, ext. 162 The St. Vincent DePaul Society operates a thrift store at 3929 12th Avenue South, in Minneapolis, which provides tangible assistance to thousands in our community. They are in need of all types of furniture in good condition as well as clothing, household items, etc. The Furniture Hotline is: 651-602-0478. They will pick up within or near the 494/694 loop. Your tax deductible donation will help those in need. PTO President, Shelly Sir .................... 952-472-1284, ext. 162 School Advisory Committee, John Biglow ............................... 612-237-7456 Stewardship Committee, Joe Loma .................... 952-472-1284, ext. 162 Please support our advertisers. Because of them, the printing of the bulletin is made possible. This week we feature: Trustees, John Biglow ............................... 612-237-7456 Roberta Henrich ........................ 952-472-4865 Curves ********Community Resources******** Carol Laurie-Owner 30 Minute Fitness 2340 Cypress Lane PennyWise Shop ............... 952-472-1284, ext. 184 Tuesday & Friday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Wed. 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. (Closed for Summer) 952-472-6500 WeCAN (Western Communities Action Network) ................. 952-472-0742 ROCKET CRANE SERVICE, INC. (O) 612-529-9686 (H) 952-472-6228 Bernie Hanson, President Westonka Food Shelf & St. Vincent DePaul....................... 952-472-5599 6