Professoressa Zanella Italiano I-IV Italiano Classroom Procedures and Grading Policy: In this class you will learn to master the language skills using current language theory as reinforcement to a structured program of grammar. Oral and written proficiency are practiced and promoted. Class Materials: 1) TextbooksItalian I-III•Avanti! Beginning Italian - $85.00 (subject to change) Italian IV•In Viaggio-Moving Toward Fluency in Italian - $86.00 •A Vicenda-Cultura - $35.00 (both subject to change) You are expected to bring your covered book to class EVERY DAY, unless otherwise stated. Failure to do so and/or book with a) no cover or with b) papers stored between the pages will result in the following: -1st & 2nd time in the same marking period = a warning -3rd time in the same marking period = points deducted *Remember that you are to return your book in good condition at the end of the school year.* 2) Three-ring Binder- You are required to keep a three ring binder strictly for this class. The binder must be maintained with individual sections for: -classwork/handouts -homework -notes -graded work 3) No. 2 pencil- Needed on quiz and test days. 4) Paper- Used for your classroom and homework assignments. Must be clean and neat. 5) Pens or pencils – for everyday use Homework: You will have homework frequently. Homework is assigned various point values (depending on the assignment) and is calculated in to the “Process” (30%) area of your final grade. In order to obtain full credit on your homework, it must be completed prior to the beginning of the class. Points will be deducted if you have to return to your locker or other place to get your homework. No late assignments will be accepted after the due date unless you were absent on that day (refer to the policy for make-up work). Tests: Tests are given at the completion of each chapter, or to assess a reading or a major concept learned in class. An oral presentation or a project may replace a test grade. Tests may NOT be made up during class time (refer to the policy for make-up work). Quizzes: Quizzes are given often, and are based on the vocabulary, class work, and/or homework. The policy for make-up work also applies to quizzes. •Policy for Make-up Work: If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make-up work that has been assigned. I will not remind you of missed work. a. A student may make up work and receive a recorded grade when an excused absence(s) is documented. b. A student may make up work but will not receive credit for an unexcused absence. c. Students returning from an excused absence will have an equal number of days to complete make up work. d. VAB – Vacation Absence: Any absence prearranged with the principal following the district attendance policy. These absences are unexcused, however makeup work for credit is provided. ~ Very important: Remember that quizzes and tests may NOT be made up during class. If you are absent on a quiz or test day you must make arrangements with me to agree on a mutually convenient time to make it up. As a responsible and mature student you should comply with this policy in a timely manner. Grading: All assignments will be assigned points and then categorized as either Process or Product. The following factors will be used as guidelines in determining level of achievement: (30%) Process – Formative evaluation may include but is not limited to: homework, class work, daily participation, quizzes, etc. (70%) Product – Summative assessment may include but is not limited to: tests, essays, projects, weekly presentations, rubric scored assignments, reports, oral participation grades, etc. A+ = 97-100 B+ = 87-89 C+ = 77-79 D+ = 67 –69 A = 93-96 B = 83-86 C = 73-76 D = 63-66 F = 59 and below A- = 90-92 B- = 80-82 C- = 70-72 D- = 60-62 Individualized Extra Credit opportunities are always available to students and are due a week before marking period/semester grades end. The student should make arrangements to receive the extra credit assignment(s) in a timely manner. Studiare molto è imparare a guardare il mondo con occhi diversi! Professoressa Zanella Italiano I-IV Expectations: · Because learning a foreign language requires more time than the one-hour per day we have at school, I expect that some work will be done at home. Homework may be a written assignment or it may simply be to study the material we covered in class that day. Either way, some time should be spent studying Italian each night. · Students will come to class prepared (completed assignments, ready to participate, with text book, paper, pen and anything else needed). · Students will remain on-task and participate in lessons/activities. · Students will show respect to the Teacher and fellow classmates. Disruptive behavior will not be accepted. Infractions will be dealt with according to the schedule in the student handbook Agreement: I understand and agree with the classroom procedures and grading policy of the Italian class. Student’s Signature: _____________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Signature: _____________________________________________ Grazie, Gina M. Zanella