
Clerk to the Council Amy Smith
amycartmell@googlemail.com 01665 603755
Minutes of the meeting held on Friday July 10th 2015 at South
CharltonVillage Hall.
15/74 Present –
Cllr Alston, Cllrs W. Purvis, A Sutcliffe, J Lawson, E
Stafford, S Wright, I Grant, J Robson.
15/75 Apologies for absence. None.
15/76 In attendance - Amy Smith (clerk) . One member of public.
15/77 Declaration of Interest was read out by the chair.
15/78 Minutes of the meeting held on Friday May 15 2015 at Eglingham
Village hall. The minutes were proposed and seconded as a true record.
15/79 Matters arising from the minutes
-Eglingham school sale; Cllr Robson reported that she was awaiting a meeting
this month for approval of the sale documents.
-Parish Trust; Awaiting a date to interview potential trustees. An external
member had agreed to sit on interview panel.
-A1 litter; the clerk reported that NCC’s Neighbourhood Team had responded
to a PC request for litter clearance on the A1 near South Charlton saying that
this could only happen when there was a road closure as the verges are to
narrow to carry out otherwise for safety reasons.
15/80 Eglingham Community Association;
Malcolm Angus reported that the ECA had successfully consulted with rthe
occupier and landowners regarding the placement of a sign for Eglingham
Community Field at the entrance to the lane leading to the field. It was agreed
that the PC will meet the cost of the sign estimated at £80 plus VAT. Mr
Angus is also looking at the cost of installing a hand rail at the field.
15/81 Following discussion the clerk was asked to write to the chairs of
Eglingham and South Charlton village halls stressing that any funding
applications for structural changes to the buildings should come through the
Parish Council as leaseholders and so that VAT can be reclaimed on work.
15/82 Cllr Alston raised the issue that no chair had been elected for Eglingham
Village Hall committee at its AGM. Cllr Alston raised concern that without a
chair the village hall restoration project could stall. He proposed that
Eglingham Parish Council could take on the restoration project via a task and
finish group working alongside the village hall committee. Cllr Alston said he
would be happy to lead this and will seek volunteers before going back to EVHC.
15/83 Ditchburn Action Group and relationship as a Parish Council with DAGThe DAG had proposed that the PC consider asking them to be the voice of the
PC in opposing the PNE wind farm application however prior to the meeting
they decided not to pursue this.
15/84 Middlemoor Windfarm Community Funds Applications
-Cllr Alston reported that the application for funding for Superfast broadband
at North Charlton had been approved and that an article thanking David
Marshall for his efforts should be published in Hearabouts.
- An application for improvements to South Charlton village hall had been
submitted and agreed with the structural proposals in the name of Eglingham
Parish Council.
- At a meeting of the Community Fund it was agreed that VAT reclaimed by the
PC from Middlemoor Windfarm grants should be repaid to the CF.
15/85 Financial;
-An invoice for Greenfingers was paid online between meetings for cuts on 8/5
and 21/5 for £108 and a further invoice for £108 was agreed at the meeting
for cuts in June and July. The clerk’s invoice for £169.20 was agreed.
- The clerk reported that the audit would be returned with a qualified opinion as
she had omitted to list the defibrillators as a fixed asset.
- The clerk had transferred VAT reclaims and money remaining from Community
Fund grants from the treasurer’s account to the business account.
15/86 Planning;
- No date had yet been set by NCC for the application for the single wind turbine
South Charlton; Harehope farm application. Church View, Eglingham two storey side
extension GRANTED/ Mill Cottage, Eglingham, demolition and extension at rear.
15/87 Correspondence;
The clerk had circulated a report from County Councillor Kate Cairns
prior to the meeting.
Northumberland County Council has requested the PC list its transport
priorities for inclusion in the Local Transport Programme 2016-17. It was
agreed to request traffic calming measures at Eglingham Village bridge
either a footpath or chicanes to slow traffic.
15/88 Any other business;
- The clerk is to write to Northumberland County Council in support of the
fight against the proposed closure of Branton School. County Cllr Kate
Cairns has given her support to the school in its fight to remain open.
- Cllr Grant reported that a new Eglingham village sign had gone up on the
Beanley road replacing the damaged sign. There was some disappointment
that the sign is not as attractive as the previous one. The clerk is to
investigate whether it is possible for the PC to commission its own
replacement signs.
15/89 Date of next meeting - The next meeting will be held on Friday
September 11 at Eglingham Village Hall. There being no further business the
meeting was closed at 8.30pm.