Scrapbook: My Journey West


Name:___________________________ Due Date:________

Scrapbook: My Journey West

Historical Background


The United States of America went through a rapid period of expansion from 1800-1850. The concept of Manifest Destiny played a role in this expansion. Manifest Destiny was a term created by a newspaper to describe the feelings

Americans had that they had the right and duty to spread their culture across the continent. Unfortunately, that also had a negative side. Many white Americans felt that this meant they were superior to Native Americans and Mexicans and were therefore able to justify taking their lands.

The Task

: Your task is to create a scrapbook about Manifest Destiny that answers this question: How did the expansion of the United States affect the lives of people in the

1800s? Working individually, you are to create a scrapbook for a fictitious character from that period that comments on these four topics: territorial acquisition, conflict in the

Southwest, expansion of political rights, and cultural groups. On each page of the scrapbook, students must integrate a memento-an object that serves as a reminder of an important event- with writing that identifies and explains key historical issues and events.

The scrapbook must be written in first person, and it should demonstrate a clear understanding of how the unit’s key historical events affected peoples lives.



1. Your scrapbook must be designed to support your answer to this question: How did the expansion of the United States affect the lives of people in the 1800s?

It must contain

FIVE mementos, each of which addresses these topics: territorial acquisition, conflict in the Southwest, expansion of political rights, and cultural groups

2. Your scrapbook must be written from one of the points of view of one of these character ideas: a. A member of a pioneer family who moved west by wagon train b. A Mexicano whose family has lived in the Southwest for generations c. A Native American who lived in the West during the 1800s

3. You have free range in creating the front cover of your scrapbook. However, you should strive to make it visually appealing. The scrapbook must be written in first person and must contain each of the following items: a.

An appropriate title and one-page introduction that describes your character’s name, age, gender, appearance, personality, and brief family background b. Five mementos – such as news reports, political cartoons, posters, poems, pressed flowers, ticket stubs, personal letters from others, landscape paintings, awards, cloth- whose personal connection to your character and historical significance is described with detailed descriptions and writing in the margins. c. Includes evidence of use of one outside source. d. A final written entry that summarizes your character’s thoughts about the goals of Manifest Destiny and its effect upon those living in the United States during the 1800s.

4. Your scrapbook must integrate these historical events or ideas into its content: a. Territorial acquisition (include at least 3): Oregon Trail, Louisiana Purchase,

Lewis and Clark expedition, New Mexico Territory, Gadsden Purchase, reservations, Trail of Tears, California Gold Rush, transcontinental railroad, Santa

Fe Trail b. Conflict in the Southwest (include at least 3): measles outbreak in Cayuse,

Stephen Austin, General Santa Anna, Alamo, Lone Star Republic,

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Manifest Destiny, vigilantes, Sam Houston, Battle

of San Jacinto, Bear Flag Republic c. Expansion of political rights (include at least 2): Federalist period, Andrew

Jackson, Election of 1844, spoils system, Know-Nothing Party, Seneca Falls, women reformers, slavery feelings, Martin Van Buren, James Polk d. Cultural groups (include at least 1) – Zuni, Cherokee, Mormons, Tejanos,

Chinese Americans, African Americans, Irish Immigrants

5. Each memento in your scrapbook must be dated and a connection between your character and key historical ideas in the unit.

Example ideas: Memento - A letter from a Cherokee girl talking about the Trail of Tears, reservations, and Andrew Jackson actions toward Native Americans

Memento- News report on the Alamo that mentions Sam Houston, General Santa Anna and Tejanos

Memento- cloth for a young pioneer who is on the Oregon Trail and wants to make a sash to support the Seneca Falls convention

Steps to Create the Scrapbook:

1. Brainstorm who you would like your character to be. What area are you most interested in? Create their characteristics and family background.

2. Fill in your student handout organizer sketching your ideas on mementos, descriptions of the mementos, how the memento relates to historical events and issues, and personal connections.

3. Determine how you want to arrange your scrapbook. Make sure you leave enough space to place entries and margin statements.

4. Complete the final draft of your scrapbook. Add touches to make the scrapbook artistic and visually appealing, such as using extra color, providing page numbers, and creating additional graphic elements for the top or bottom of pages.

Things to Remember:

1. You are to write in first person.

2. Don’t forget that each object needs an entry beneath it.

3. The finished product must have 5 mementos that talk about at least 9 of the historical events or ideas.

4. Use your graphic organizers and checklist to make sure you have met all of the requirements.

Name: ___________________________________

Scrapbook Rubric

Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic


7-8 5-6 0-4

Quality of



Contains ALL required elements, integrates writing in a clear and authentic manner




Key issues and events are incorporated accurately, show clear understanding of how history affected character,

Conclusion demonstrates clear effect of

Manifest Destiny on character

Contains five mementos but is missing introduction or conclusion page, writing is clear

Missing mementos, writing is somewhat hard to follow

Most events are incorporated accurately, shows an understanding of how history affected character, conclusion connects character to



Some events are incorporated accurately, character is not always connected to history in a proper manner, conclusion shows some idea of



Has very few required elements, writing is unorganized

Events are not incorporated accurately nor is the character connection,

Conclusion does not include idea of






Creative mementos, colorful, writing is neat

Accurate mementos, has some color, writing is mostly neat

Generic mementos, lacks color, writing is somewhat legible

Dull mementos, no color, writing is sloppy




Uses proper punctuation, spelling, and grammar

All writing done in first person

Few errors in mechanics

Most writing done in first person

Considerable errors in mechanics

Some writing done in first person

Errors affect comprehension

No writing in first person

Advanced: 54-60 Proficient: 48-53

Below Basic: 36-41 Failure: 35 and Below

Basic: 42-47

Total: ______/60

