Yamalo-Nenetskiy autonomous district

Yamalo-Nenetskiy autonomous district
Direct: the Ural federal district
Economic region: the West-Siberian region
Territory: 750.3 thousand sq. km
Administrative centre: Salekhard
Distance from Salekhard up to Moscow - 2 436 kms
Large cities: Salekhard, Noyabrsk, Novy Urengoy
Autonomous district is formed December, 10, 1930
Population (2002) - 508,9 thousand residents
Jamalo-Nenetskiy autonomous region is located on Far North of Western
Siberia, in part behind Northern polar circle. The region is located within limits
of West Siberian plain. The peninsulas are made the significant part of territory.
Large deposits of gas and petroleum. Climate is sharply continental and severe.
Duration of the winter is about 9 months. The average temperature of January is
from -22°C up to-26°C, July from +4°C up to +14°C. The district is located in
zones of tundra, forest-tundra and northern taiga.
The region occupies the first place in the world by stocks and volumes of
extraction of natural gas. Stocks of petroleum are significant. There are 76 gas
and oilfields in territory of district. The forecast resources of SosvinskSalekhardsky basin are estimated in 18 million tons of low coal. Bowels of
Jamalo-Nenetskiy region contain all elements of D.I.Mendeleev's table except
for hydrocarbonic raw material. Deposits of gold, lead, bauxites, copper,
copper-zinc ores, phosphates, barite, iron, limestones are found. The stocks of
chromic ores are especially great. The best conjuncture has chromites, rare
metals, gold, stone building materials, sand and clay. Administrative-territorial
division includes 13 municipal educations, including 7 cities and 6 areas, and
103 settlements.
Jamalo-Nenetskiy region concerns to obtaining raw regions. The oil-and-gas
industry takes up the leading positions in economy of district. It makes 93 % of
the total volume of production of region. Here is extracted more than 90% of
Russian natural gas and 12% of petroleum. Side by side with extraction of gas in
district intensive development to commercial level of the petroleum deposits is
conducted. The oil output, by various estimations of experts, can make up to 4070 million tons.
Jamalo-Nenetskiy region has developing financial-banking system. 38 credit
organizations and more than 10 insurance organizations work in territory of
region. The main clients of commercial banks of region are the largest oil and
the gas enterprises. Therefore the basic for the credit organizations of district is
work with real sector of economy. There are branches of banks from Tyumen,
Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Ekaterinburg, Omsk, the Kaluga region and several
capital banks.
Yamalo-Nenetskiy autonomous district
Direct: the Ural federal district
Economic region: the West-Siberian region
Territory: 750.3 thousand sq. km
Administrative centre: Salekhard
Distance from Salekhard up to Moscow - 2 436 kms
Large cities: Salekhard, Noyabrsk, Novy Urengoy
Autonomous district is formed December, 10, 1930
Population (2002) - 508,9 thousand residents
Jamalo-Nenetskiy autonomous region is located on Far North of Western
Siberia, in part behind Northern polar circle. The region is located within limits
of West Siberian plain. The peninsulas are made the significant part of territory.
Large deposits of gas and petroleum. Climate is sharply continental and severe.
Duration of the winter is about 9 months. The average temperature of January is
from -22°C up to-26°C, July from +4°C up to +14°C. The district is located in
zones of tundra, forest-tundra and northern taiga.
The region occupies the first place in the world by stocks and volumes of
extraction of natural gas. Stocks of petroleum are significant. There are 76 gas
and oilfields in territory of district. The forecast resources of SosvinskSalekhardsky basin are estimated in 18 million tons of low coal. Bowels of
Jamalo-Nenetskiy region contain all elements of D.I.Mendeleev's table except
for hydrocarbonic raw material. Deposits of gold, lead, bauxites, copper,
copper-zinc ores, phosphates, barite, iron, limestones are found. The stocks of
chromic ores are especially great. The best conjuncture has chromites, rare
metals, gold, stone building materials, sand and clay. Administrative-territorial
division includes 13 municipal educations, including 7 cities and 6 areas, and
103 settlements.
Jamalo-Nenetskiy region concerns to obtaining raw regions. The oil-and-gas
industry takes up the leading positions in economy of district. It makes 93 % of
the total volume of production of region. Here is extracted more than 90% of
Russian natural gas and 12% of petroleum. Side by side with extraction of gas in
district intensive development to commercial level of the petroleum deposits is
conducted. The oil output, by various estimations of experts, can make up to 4070 million tons.
Jamalo-Nenetskiy region has developing financial-banking system. 38 credit
organizations and more than 10 insurance organizations work in territory of
region. The main clients of commercial banks of region are the largest oil and
the gas enterprises. Therefore the basic for the credit organizations of district is
work with real sector of economy. There are branches of banks from Tyumen,
Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Ekaterinburg, Omsk, the Kaluga region and several
capital banks.