During my sophomore year at Loyola University

During the course of my schooling, I have been involved in various forms
of education. My education, extra-curricular activities, and life experiences have
shaped my professional goals as well as my role in society. Through these I have
learned the necessity of both classroom and life education for myself as well as
During elementary, middle, and high school, I attended Chopin Polish
School, and graduated with honors in 1998. The goal of this school was to
educate young Poles in America about Polish heritage, history, grammar, and
literature. While attending my regular American school and Chopin Polish
School for eight years, I developed in both cultures simultaneously. I expanded
my understanding of Polish tradition, learned more about Polish history and
literature, and came into contact with other Poles in Chicago. Graduating from
Chopin Polish School was a major accomplishment for me because the classes
were on Saturday mornings, and it was a challenge, especially later when I was
in high school, to balance regular school, a part time job, playing varsity soccer
for four years, and attending Polish school as well. As an undergraduate, I
continued to be actively involved in the Polish community through Loyola
In 1999, I entered Loyola University Chicago. As an undergraduate, I had
an English and Psychology major and Theology minor. I was also an active
member of the Psychology Club and Polish Student Alliance, worked part time
throughout all four years of college, and had the honor of graduating Magna
Cum Laude and as a Magis scholar.
During my sophomore year at Loyola University Chicago, I had the
opportunity to enroll in the spring 2001 semester at the university’s Rome
Center. I believe that each culture has an enormous amount to offer a person,
and being immersed in a different way of life allowed me to consider others and
their problems as well as their ways of dealing with these problems. This, in
turn, helped me to develop a clearer understanding of my own viewpoints and
realize the importance of cultural relativity and understanding. As a
consequence, I became more assured in my views, and gained an understanding
of the importance of education not only inside but also outside of the classroom.
Currently, I am studying at DePaul University. I am enrolled in the
Graduate School of Education Counseling Tract for a Type 73 Certificate in
School Counseling, as well as a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor
Licensure. I expect to graduate in the spring of 2007.