Intro to Middle Ages Feudalism Notes 2007

Name ____________________
Date ____________ Pd ______
World History
The Middle Ages & Feudalism
I. Decline of Roman Empire and Rise of Feudalism
 By 500 A.D. Western Roman Empire fell to ________________:
 Visigoths controlled Spain
 ___________________ controlled Italy
 Franks controlled Gaul (France)
 ___________________ controlled North Africa
 Angles, Saxons, Jutes battled for ___________________
 _________________ ruled Ireland & Scotland
 After the fall of Rome Western Europe entered the
______________ from _______-_________ A.D.
 Reasons for the rise of Middle Ages:
 No Roman ______________ to make rules
 No Roman _____________ to protect people
 No common ________________ to unite them
 No longer ____________ of a common empire; people now loyal to _________________________
(clan) or feudalism
 Constant _________ among the barbarian tribes & the Romans made it too _______________ to trade:
 With no trade, __________ & ___________ became useless
 People built to _______________________ to make food & find protection
 _____________ became the only people who could read & write
II. Feudalism
 Feudalism began in Europe as a way to offer _________________:
 Feudalism is a series of agreements between ________ & ____________ in which lords offer land
in exchange for _____________ & military protection from knights
 Lords built ______________ to protect peasants from outside invasions
Kings (Monarchs)
Lords (Nobles)
Peasants & Serfs
III. Manorial System
 The ________________ system produced the ____________
for people to eat:
 Lords allowed peasants to _________________________
in exchange for a portion of the _____________ they grew
 Peasants agreed to pay “____________” to the nobles in
exchange for shelter & _______________
 Peasant life was __________________: they were dependent
upon the lords & got lots of diseases
IV The Power of the Christian Church
 Many people in Western Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire were _____________________ but
Christians ___________ many “barbarians”
 In a time of ________, the Christian church emerged as a stable & _________ force in Western Europe
 _______________ became the dominant religion in Western Europe:
 Without a common ____________________ to hold everyone together, the _______________ filled
an important role in peoples’ lives
 The Catholic ___________ became the strongest _____________ leader in Western Europe
 Each territory in Western Europe had a _______________ (where monks lived) & provided __________
for the feudal manors:
 Local __________ were important because the church taught that all people are ______________ &
need God’s forgiveness
 Christians paid a _________ (percentage of their food as a tax to the church)
Write 10 facts from the video clips: “ Middle Ages in Europe” & “Europe’s Feudal States”