Algebra 1 Teacher: Mr. van de Weghe Classroom: H-113 Email: Phone: (360) 582-3600 ext. 655 Required Materials: Assigned Algebra 1 Book Binder with paper and divider tabs Pencils and erasers Scientific calculator (TI-84 or lower) or graphing calculator app Grading: Your grade will reflect your mastery of course material and will be calculated as follows: Assignments – daily work, notes, and participation make up this portion of your grade. 20% Quizzes – Quizzes will be given frequently and cannot be retaken. 10% Tests –Chapter tests will be given every few weeks. Students can increase test scores by completing test corrections. 70% The grades you receive on your report card are based on the following grading scale. Please remember that credit will NOT be given for grades below 60% (F). A A- 93 – 100% 90 – 92% B+ B B- 87 – 89% 83 – 86% 80 – 82% C+ C C- 77 – 79% 73 – 76% 70 – 72% D+ D F 67 – 69% 60 – 66% 0 – 59% COURSE MATERIAL: Here’s an outline of what you’ll learn this year: Semester 1: Semester 2: Chapter 1: Solving Equations and Inequalities Chapter 7: Polynomial Functions Chapter 2: Linear Relations and Functions Chapter 9: Rational Expressions and Equations Chapter 3: Systems of Equations and Inequalities Chapter 10: Exponential and Logarithmic Relations Chapter 5: Polynomials Chapter 13: Trigonometric Functions Chapter 6: Quadratic Functions and Inequalities Chapter 14: Trigonometric Graphs and Identities Through this material, you will also be learning how to be a better thinker. You will develop the ability to: (1) Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them (2) Reason abstractly and quantitatively (3) Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others (4) Model with mathematics (5) Use appropriate tools strategically (6) Attend to precision (7) Look for and make use of structure (8) Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning General Class Expectations: (1) You will allow me to teach (2) You will allow others to learn (3) Be Prepared Consequences if you choose to disregard class expectations: 1st time: warning 2nd time: warning and a phone call home 3rd time: office referral and possible removal from class Other Important Class Info: Test Correction Process: Test corrections are permitted once for each chapter test. To be eligible for a test correction you must (1) complete all assignments from the unit; and (2) follow the test correction procedures exactly as outlined. Assignments: You will have an assignment to complete each day. You may or may not be given time to work on assignments in class and it is expected that you will complete each assignment before the next day. Each assignment will earn up to 5 points based on its proper completion. Assignments are to be neatly done with all necessary work shown in pencil. Late work: Any assignments that are not turned in on time (1 day after being given) will earn a reduced grade. Late work will receive a maximum grade of 60% and will be accepted until the end of the unit in progress. If you have been absent you will be given extra time before this policy is enforced. Absences: Assignments will be recorded on your assignment sheet as well as in Skyward as they are given. You are responsible to get any work that you miss and turn it in on time. If you have any questions about the assignment that you missed, see Mr. van de Weghe as soon as possible. If your absence is excused, you will be given the same number of days that you missed to turn in all work. SKYWARD: All assignments and tests will be posted on skyward and your grades will be updated every week. Please check this site on a weekly basis. Check with the school office if you don’t have a password. I will send out email reminders to check your grade status if you are missing assignments or if your grade drops below passing. Extra Help: The best time to come in for extra help after school is Tuesday or Thursday. I will be available after school on these days every week. I may be available after school on other days as well, but be sure to ask in advance. I have hereby read the syllabus and understand how my grade will be determined in this class. Student name: ___________________________________ Student signature: ______________________________ Date: ______________ Parent signature: _______________________________ Date:______________ Comments:______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________