Задания для самостоятельной работы
Вариант I
I. Сопоставьте слова:
1) play (v)
2) operate (v)
3) translate (v)
4) foreign (a)
5) language (n)
6) help (v)
7) science (n)
8) store (v)
9) complex (a)
10) education (n)
II. Переведите следующие слова на русский язык:
computer (n), electronic (a), engineering (n), business (n), information (n),
operation (n), category (n), medicine (n), segment (n), calculation (n)
III. Переведите слова на английский язык:
вычисления, медицина, информация, бизнес, компьютер, электронный,
техника, операция, часть, категория
IV. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык:
1. Computer is one of the greatest achievements of the man.
2. Computers help to solve many important problems in science.
3. In science and engineering computers do calculations, draw diagrams, process
4. At home people can use computers for education.
5. Technophobia is a fear of machines in general and computers in particular.
6. Computers can play chess, compose music, etc.
7. Computers help business to run more efficiently.
8. Scientists study social problems to find the way out.
9. Computers can be used in business, science, medicine, education.
10. Scientists use computers to process the results of experiments.
V. Переведите письменно текст на русский язык:
An electronic computer is one of the greatest achievements of the man.
Today computers play chess, compose music, translate from and into foreign
languages, help to solve many important problems in science, engineering,
business. They save a lot of time and energy, operate at great speed, store large
quantities of information, carry out long and complex operations. Thеrе are
some categories of computer application: business, science, medicine,
engineering, education, home.
The business segment is one of the largest. Computers help business to
run more efficiently, make administrative work easier. In science and
engineering, computers do calculations, draw diagrams, process the results of
experiments, keep records. In medicine computers serve doctors in their
work. At home most often people use personal computers to play video games
or for education, to teach children.
There are some social problems of computer technology. The most
important is the elimination of jobs by computers. Another problem is the
invasion of privacy. Still another is technophobia, a fear of machines in general
and of computers in particular. Scientists study all these problems to find a way
VI. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
Computer is one of the greatest achievements of the man, isn’t it?
What can computers do?
In what spheres are computers used?
Why do people use computers?
Do people use computers at home?
Задания для самостоятельной работы
Вариант II
I. Сопоставьте слова:
1) process (v)
2) hardware (n)
3) software (n)
4) understand (v)
5) debug (v)
6) represent (v)
7) input (v)
8) write (v)
9) term (n)
10) memory (n)
медицинское обеспечение
программное обеспечение
отлаживать (программу)
II. Переведите следующие слова на русский язык:
term (n), machine (n), information (n), test (n), instruction (n), code (n), problem
(n), stage (n), procedure (n), correct (v), detect (v), synonym (n)
III. Переведите слова на английский язык:
синоним, информация, термин, машина, проверка, команда, код, проблема,
стадия, исправлять, проверять, процедура (метод), период, этап, ступень
IV. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык:
Computers is a general purpose machine.
The machine is hardware, and program is software
Programs are written in the code that the computer understands.
The terms coding and programming are often used as synonyms.
The term “program” means the complete list of instructions.
There are 6 basic stages in program preparation.
Coding, testing, debugging are stages in program preparation.
The word “language” in programming means a collection of rules.
9. The machine code can be understood by computer without translation.
10.After the coding stage a programmer is to input the program into the memory
of the computer and to debug it.
V. Переведите письменно текст на русский язык:
A computer is a general purpose machine. It represents and processes
information. The machine is hardware. Software are programs, or lists of
instructions. They are written in the code that the computer
The fundamental principles of programming are connected with the
sequence of instructions: the use of flowcharts, coding, loops etc. The terms
"coding" and "programming" are often used as synonyms. However, "a code"
is a short list of instructions whereas the term "program" means the
complete list of instructions used for the problem.
The basic stages in a program preparation are: 1) problem
analysis, 2) macroflowcharting, 3) microflowcharting, 4) coding, 5) input
preparation, 6) testing and debugging.
At the coding stage the program may be coded in a machine code or
by means of a programming language.
The word "language", means a collection of rules.
After the coding stage some procedure is used to input the program into the
memory of the computer and then to debug the program, i.e., to detect and correct
VI. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. What is a computer?
2. What does it do?
3. What is hardware (software)?
4. Are programs written in the code? why?
5. What must a programmer do after the coding stage?
Задания для самостоятельной работы
Вариант III
I. Сопоставьте слова:
1) level (n)
2) low (a)
3) high (a)
4) language (n)
5) develop (v)
6) popular
7) solve (v)
8) call (v)
9) design (v)
10) advantage (n)
a) преимущество
b) предназначать
c) называться
d) решать
e) популярный
f) уровень
g) высокий
h) низкий
i) язык
j) разрабатывать
II. Переведите следующие слова на русский язык.
popular (a), design (n), type (n), code (n), instruction (n), class (n), scientific (a),
mathematical (a), business (n), version (n)
III. Переведите слова на английский язык:
бизнес, версия, научный, математический, команда, класс, тип, код,
предназначать, популярный
IV. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык:
1. Computer understands only one language, its machine code.
2. Low level languages have only one disadvantage.
3. Writing a low level program can be a lengthy business.
4. Another class of Languages are Fortran, Basic, Pascal etc.
5. These languages are called high level languages.
V. Переведите письменно текст на русский язык:
There are two main types of computer or programming languages — low
level and high level. Low level languages can be further subdivided into
machine code and assembly languages. Any computer is designed to
understand only one language. It is called its machine code or machine
Both machine and assembly languages are called "low level".
One disadvantage with a low level language: it takes many instructions
to perform even not a difficult task. Thus, writing a low level program can
be a lengthy business. Another class of languages was developed: Algol,
Fortran, Basic, Pascal, etc. These languages are called high level languages.
FORTRAN was designed in 1954 for scientific and mathematical use.
BASIC was developed in 1965 and stands for Beginners АН-Purpose
Symbolic Instruction Code. It was designed to solve mathematical and business
problems. It is widely used on all sizes of computers and has become very popular
on microcomputers. There is no one BASIC language, but about 90 different
PASCAL is a general purpose high level programming language. It is
named after the famous French mathematician, B. Pascal. It was proposed in
1971. Later PASCAL appeared as standard PASCAL in 1975. It was
designed for teaching programming.
VI. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. There are two types of programming languages, aren’t there?
2. How many languages can computer understand?
3. What languages are called low level?
4. Can you name high level languages?
5. What for Fortran was designed?
Задания для самостоятельной работы
Вариант IV
I. Сопоставьте слова:
1) use (v)
2) fear (v)
3) lose (v)
4) message (n)
5) send (v)
6) want (v)
7) job (n)
8) advance (n)
9) anxiety (n)
10) lack (n)
развитие, прогресс
II. Переведите следующие слова на русский язык.
Technophobia (n), technophobe (n), technology (n), computer (n), term (n),
technological (a), robot (n), press (v), generation (n), text (n), information (n)
III. Переведите слова на английский язык:
информация, технофобия, компьютер, технология, термин,
технологический, поколение, робот, текст, пополнение, независимость
IV. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык:
1. Technophobia is not a new term.
2. Technophobes don’t like to use computers.
3. Technophobes don’t play computer games or have mobile-phones.
4. I like to send text messages.
5. The cause of technophobia is the lack of information.
V. Переведите письменно текст на русский язык:
Technophobia is a fear of machines in general and of computers in
Technophobe: Someone who does not like, trust, or want to use
technology, especially computers. (Macmillan English Dictionary)
Technophobes fear technological advance. Technophobes are anxious
because the environment in which they live and work is changing. They suffer
feelings of self doubt and anxiety. Some worry that they will lose their job.
Technophobes convince themselves that humans will be controlled by
computers and robots. They are afraid that if they press the wrong button on
their keyboard, the computer will explode.
In most cases technophobes belong to older generations. They don’t play
computer games or mobile phones. They have never sent a text message.
In most cases, the cause of technophobia, is the lack of information.
Scientists study all these problems to find a way out.
VI. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
1. What is technophobia?
2. What person do we call a technophobe?
3. What do technophobes fear?
4. What do they feel?
5. In most cases technophobes belong to older generations don’t they?
6. What do technophobes need?
Задания для самостоятельной работы
Вариант V
I. Сопоставьте слова:
1) network (n)
2) send (v)
3) user (n)
4) receive (v)
5) communicate (v)
6) cheap (a)
7) deliver (v)
8) channel (n)
9) modern (a)
10) e-mail (n)
a) электронная почта
b) доставлять
c) канал
d) общаться
e) получать
f) современный
g) посылать
h) пользователь
i) дешевый
j) сеть
II. Переведите следующие слова на русский язык.
internet (n), global (a), design (v), popular (a), information (n), million (n),
modern (a), channel (n), interest (n), mobile (a), military (a), service (n)
III. Переведите слова на английский язык:
мобильный, интерес, канал, миллион, современный, информация,
интернет, глобальный, предназначать, популярный, военный, услуга
IV. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык:
More and more people want to take information quickly.
Internet was developed in the United States.
Most of the people use Internet for sending and receiving e-mail messages.
Users can communicate over the Internet and can do it very cheaply.
10 million people use Internet in Russia.
V. Переведите письменно текст на русский язык:
More and more people nowadays want to take some information quickly.
With the help of Internet you can make it easily.
The Internet is a global computer network which embraces millions of
users all over the world. It was designed for military purposes.
Most of the Internet host computers (more than 50%) are in the United States,
the rest are located in more than100 countries. The total number of people in
Russia, who user Internet, is 10 million. In the modern Europe - there are more
than 200 million Internet users.
Nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet.
The most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of the people use the
network only for sending and receiving e-mail messages.
In many developing countries commercial users can communicate over the
Internet with the rest of the world and can do it very cheaply.
The Internet already delivers 100.000 channels for all interests. Now we can
be connected with all the world everywhere - in the bus, underground and even
on the north pole.
VI. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
What is Internet?
How many people do use Internet?
What is the most popular Internet service?
People can communicate over Internet, don’t they?
Why do people use Internet?