Word formation and morphology of the modern Russian Language

1. Name of the module: Morphology and syntax of modern Russian language (Part II)
2. Сode of the module: СМЗД_6_ДВС2.04
3. Type of module: Disciplines of free choice of the student
4. Semester: 7, 8
5. The scope of module: general amount of hours – 165 (ECTS credits - 5.5) – 82
auditorium hours (lectures - 38, seminars - 38, laboratory classes - 6).
6. Lecturer: Anikina I. V., Candidate of Philology, senior lecturer
7. Results of training:
In theresul of learning the module student must:
to know:
- morphological structure of language;
- the definition and characteristics of official and independent parts of speech;
- units that make up modern syntactic system, system of theoretical concepts that are
used to describe it, the main of the existing points of view of science in perspectives on
various aspects of its structure;
to be able to:
- use theoretical concepts to describe the linguistic material, using the main notions and
categories of the theory terms of syntax and substantiate the decisions;
- have skills of morphological analysis of words;
- have skills of analysis of syntactic units with the help of the proposed schemes and
have skills of work with linguistic literature.
8. Method of learning: auditorium work.
9. Necessary preliminary and related modules:
- Introduction to Linguistics.
- Practicum on Russian Language.
- Phonetics, graphics and lexicology of modern Russian.
- Word formation and morphology of the modern Russian Language (Part I).
10. Content of module:
Verb as part of the language. Syntax and its subject. Basic syntax concepts. Phrase.
Syntax relation between components of phrase. Types of syntactic connections in the
phrase. The sentence and its features. Types of sentences. Two-part sentence. The
structure of the two-part sentence. The main parts of the two-part sentence. Secondary
parts of the sentence, their syntactic function. Coordination grammatical forms of
subject and predicate. Separated parts of the sentence. Semantic and stylistic features of
separated parts of the sentence. General information about composite sentence. History
of composite sentence. Words sentence. Incomplete and elliptical sentences. Plug
construction. Appeal. Complex sentences. Means of expressing syntactic relations
between parts of a complex sentence. Complex sentences. Complex sentences
consisting of more than two predicate units. The complex syntactic constructions.
Complex syntactic whole. Punctuation. Historical variability of punctuation.
11. Recommended literature:
Белошапкова В.А. Современный русский язык./ В.А. Белошапкова –М.,
Брицын М.А, Кононенко В.И. Современный русский язык. /М.А.
Брицын,В.И., Кононенко
–. К.,1983.––456с.
Валгина Н.С.Синтаксис современного русского языка./Н.С.Валгина–
М.,1978. -439с.
Грамматика современного русского литературного языка. –М.,1970.
Гужва Ф.К.Современный русский литературный язык.
Ч.1./Ф К. .Гужва – К.,1975.–286с.
Лекант П.А. Современный русский язык./П.А. Лекант – К.,1994.-398с.
Попов Р.Н. и др. Современный русский язык./ Р.Н.Попов и др. –
Синтаксис простого предложения./ Сост. И.В.Аникина– Умань: СПД
Жевтый, 2011. -110 с.
Синтаксис сложного предложения./ Сост. И.В.Аникина– Умань: СПД
Жевтый, 2013. -110 с.
12. Forms and methods of training: lectures, seminars, independent work, individual
13. Assessment methods and criteria:
• Current control (90%): seminars, laboratory works, testing, assessment for oral and
written assignments and practical exercises;
• Final control (10%): credit.
14. Language of instruction: Russian.