27.01.2014 уроки

1 класс
Гласный звук [э], буквы Э, э.
С. 57-58, читать, выполнить задания
Перестановка слагаемых
С. 14, №1, 2, 3, задания на полях
Русский язык
Работать в прописях №4; прописать строчную букву э; выполнить задания.
2 класс
Н. Носов. «Затейники»
Биография Н.Н. Носова. Чтение рассказа «Затейники».
Работа по словарю, ответить на вопросы учебника.
Д/з: пересказ по плану учебника.
Прямоугольник. Построение прямоугольника.
№ 1-6 стр. 14
Д/з: № 7 стр. 15
Русский язык
Использование на письме разделительного мягкого знака (стр. 33-34).
Повторение орфограммы о разделительном мягком знаке
Упр. 54-58
Д/з: Упр. 56, повторить о переносе слов.
Изображение характера человека: женский образ
Д/з: нарисовать добрые и злые женские образы
3 класс
Окружающий мир
«Чтобы путь был счастливым»
Стр. 8-13; ответить на вопросы, выполнить задания на стр. 13.
А. Куприн «Слон».
Читать, составить план, разделить текст на части, подготовить пересказ по составленному
Русский язык
Определение рода имен существительных.
Знать правило.
Упр. 45 (с. 28), упр. 46, 47, 48 (с. 29), упр. 49 (с. 30)
Д/з: упр. 50 (с. 30)
Деление суммы на число
№ 1-5
Д/з: № 6
4 класс
Русский язык
Дательный падеж имен прилагательных мужского и женского рода.
Повторить окончания имен прилагательных мужского и среднего родов в родительном
Упр. 302, 303
Д/з: упр. 304
Решение задач. Умножение и деление на однозначное число (повторение)
Построение прямоугольников, № 29
Решение задач, №№ 30, 31, 32, 33
Д/з: № 34 стр. 7
С.Т. Аксаков. Сказка «Аленький цветочек» (продолжение), стр. 204-216.
Разделить сказку на части и озаглавить. Ответить на вопросы с. 216
Д/з: Сжатый пересказ сказки.
Образ художественной культуры Древней Греции (продолжение).
Вырезание по силуэту элементов архитектуры.
Д/з: создать панно «Древняя Греция»
5 класс
Живые клетки, их строение.
Д/з: Знать строение клетки
Английский язык
1. What holidays are popular with the people of the Republic of Tatarstan?
Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
The Tatar calendar of (0) national holidays and (1) ____________ begins with Nauruz. The Tatars
(2) ____________ it on March 21. Madrasah students visit all (3)______________. They sing (4)
______________ and get presents.
Sabantui festival is also in spring. People (5) _______________ in running, jumping and horse
Kurban-bairam is the most important Muslim (мусульманский) (6) ____________. In the morning
Muslims (7)______________ in mosques (мечеть). In the evening they eat a (8)____________
meat meal. Kurban-bairam is also a time for visiting (9) _____________ and friends and
exchanging (10) ________.
2. GRAMMAR. Reading together A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens is an important
Christmas tradition for many American and British families.
How did the characters of the book celebrate Christmas? Choose the correct verb from,
underline it and match with the rule.
Past progressive
Мы используем Past Progressive (was/were (not) + V-ing), если говорим о незавершенном
действии, которое происходило:
1. В течение какого-то периода времени в прошлом:
We were opening our presents for about an hour.
2. В определенный момент в прошлом.
Момент совершения действия может быть обозначен
а) выражением времени (at 5 o’clock):
I wasn’t watching TV at 2 pm.
б) другим (как правило, более коротким) завершенным прошедшим действием,
выраженным глаголом в Past Simple:
When I came here, all people were dancing.
0) Mrs Cratchit and Belinda made / were making Christmas dinner all morning. 1
1) Mrs Cratchit set / was setting the table when two smaller Cratchits came / were coming. ____
2) Peter Cratchit looked / was looking after the potatoes when Martha came / was coming. ____
3) All evening the Cratchits sat / were sitting together and ate / were eating the holiday dinner. ___
4) While Belinda changed / was changing the plates, Mrs Cratchit went / was going to bring the
3. This is a beginning of one day in the life of Ekaterina Guseva, a famous musical and film
7.30 gets up
9.30 – 10.00 goes to the Circus in Tsvetnoi
7.35 – 8.00 has a bath
8.00 – 8.25 has breakfast
10.00 – 11.00 has practice in the circus
8.30 – 9.00 goes to Ostankino
11.00 – 11.30 goes to Mosfilm Studio
9.00 – 9.30 takes part in a TV programme
1) What was she doing that day?
Complete the sentences.
At 7.45 she was _________________
At 8.15 she _____________________
2) What were you doing at the same time
At 7.45 I __________________________
At 8.15 I __________________________
At 8.45 ________________________
At 9.15________________________
At 9.40________________________
At 10.30 ______________________
At 11.20______________________
At 8.45 ___________________________
At 9.15___________________________
At 9.40__________________________
At 10.30 ________________________
At 11.20________________________
Родной язык
Словообразующие окончания.
Упр. 284
Деление и дроби
П. 27: №№ 1051, 1053, 1058 (а, б)
Повторение: №№ 1060, 1067 (а, б)
Д/з: №№ 1076, 1077, 1082
Русский язык
Морфема – наименьшая значимая часть слова. Изменение и образование слов.
§ 70, 71, Упр. 368
Д/з: упр. 370
6 класс
§12 Пьяноборская эпоха в Прикамье. III в. до н.э. — V в. н.э.
Родной язык
Числительные. Обобщающее повторение.
Упр. 177, 176.
Д/з: упр. 179. Морфологический разбор трёх числительных.
Английский язык
Lesson 7, Упр. 1, упр. 2
Длина окружности
№№ 849, 850, 851, 854, 861
Д/з: №№ 868, 873 (в, г)
Русский язык
Повторение изученного по теме «Имя прилагательное»
Контрольные вопросы на стр. 140-141
Упр. 338, 340
Д/з: упр. 339
7 класс
Английский язык
1. Ask or answer questions about the following toys and gadgets according to the example.
Adjective + infinitive
This game is interesting (for children) to play.
Is this game interesting (for children) to play?
00) It is easy to use a notebook! Is a notebook easy to use?
0) It is easy to use a mobile phone. A mobile phone is easy to use.
1) It’s impossible to live without modern mobile phones. ______________________?
2) It’s comfortable to keep all my favourite music on MP3 players. _______________.
3) It is interesting to learn with telescopes or chemistry sets. ____________________.
4) The electric scooters are fun because it is easy to ride them. __________________?
5) It is interesting for little kids to talk to Barney dinosaur and to play with him!
6) It is pleasant to listen to Barney dinosaur because he can sing 17 songs!
7) The Fur Real pets are good to understand how to look after animals.
2. GRAMMAR. What are the reasons that make the following toys and games popular? Choose
the correct variant and circle your choice.
The Monopoly board game is named (0) the best/best game of the last 100 years in Great Britain. It
has been around (1) for/since 40 years. Every year the Monopoly championship is organised. The (2)
longer/longest match lasted two month.
Lyubasha, Polina and Tanyusha are (3) the/- Russian dolls in traditional folk costumes of (4) the/Tula and Smolensk regions. They are the type of (5) the/- dolls that people like collecting.
At the London Toy Fair there were hundreds of (6) the/- new toys and games but the electric
scooters were the best. I for one want (7) one/the first for Christmas this year.
Gogo’s Crazy Bones is one of (8) the most/most popular toy games in Britain. Crazy Bones are
small plastic figures which are exciting (9) to/for play games with, collect and swap. There are four
hundred (10) of/- Bones in five colours. All Crazy Bones, including five rare (11) ones/one, have
individual characters. Crazy Bones have become very popular and (12) for/since the beginning of the
year UK shops have sold millions (13) of/- packets of the little toys.
3. Read the text about Agatha Christie’s world records and choose the correct word (a, b or c) to
fill in the gaps.
Two world records (0) belong to Agatha Christie: more than two milliard (1) ____________ in 45
languages and the longest-running play, The Mousetrap (самый долго идущий спектакль по
произведению А. Кристи «Мышеловка»).
Agatha Christie is one of the best-loved writers and she has (2) _________ true (3)_________ all over
the world. Agatha Christie (4) ___________ a new world record. At the end of 2008, Cromwell Press
in Wiltshire (название издательства) (5) ____________ The Complete Miss Marple («Полное
собрание сочинений о мисс Марпл») book. Miss Marple is one of the most famous (6) __________
created by Agatha Christie. Miss Marple is an old lady, she doesn’t look like a professional
(7)_________ but she is very smart and can compete easily with any professional.
The Complete Miss Marple book (8)___________ 12 novels and 20 short stories. The book has 4,000
pages and its (9)_________ is almost 8 kg. There are only 500 (10) __________ of the book. The
people who created the book think that it’s not just a new Agatha Christie’s world record it (11)
___________ a technical achievement and a thing of (12) ___________.
0 a) have
b) go
c) belong to
1 a) books
b) manuscripts
c) copies
2 a) millions
b) millions of
c) million
3 a) books
b) fans
c) characters
4 a) set
b) had
c) did
5 a) recognized
b) included
c) produced
6 a) characters
b) books
c) publications
7 a) detective
b) writer
c) one
8 a) includes
b) represents
c) collects
9 a) weight
10 a) manuscripts
11 a) both
12 a) beauty
b) weighs
b) readers
b) is both
b) past
c) size
c) copies
c) both is
c) proud
4. Read about some popular items in British culture and write the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
It has been around for many years.
Present Perfect Active
It started to work in 2000.
Simple Past Active
Tourists visit Blackpool every autumn.
Simple Present Active
The book is written by Agatha Christie.
Simple Present Passive
The Beano (0) is (to be) the second longest-running comics in Great Britain. The Beano (1)
_____________ (to be around) for 70 years. The Beano is so popular that it (2)_________ (to have) its
own park Beanoland which (3)__________(to open) in 2000.
British roast beef (4) ____________ (to be) at the centre of the English national history for more than
two hundred years. British roast beef and Yorkshire pudding (5)___________ (to become) a true
symbol of the English nation.
Morris dancing (6)____________(to be) a traditional English type of folk dancing which British
people (7)___________ (to dance) for hundreds of years. Morris dancing is part of the May Day
celebrations that (8)____________ (to organise) in Britain every year.
Blaskpool (9)___________ (to be) interesting to visit in autumn when at night there is a special
illuminated performance.
The first Routemaster double-decker (10) ___________ (to appear) in the 1950s. Because of different
reasons, in 2005 Routemaster buses (11)________________ (to start) to disappear from London
streets. Today, there are few Routemaster double-decker buses which (12)_____________ (to take)
tourists to most famous sights of London. People (13)_____________________ (to buy and
transform) the double-deckers into bars, homes and restaurants.
Fish and chips (14) ______________ (to be) the British favourite dish since the days of Queen
Victoria. The first fish and chip shop (15)____________ (to open) in London in 1860.
§ 14. Крестьянство в Удмуртии в XVIII в.
§ 45. Население Южной Америки.
Родной язык
Имя действия.
Упр. 185, 186. Определить в словах признаки глагола и существительного.
Решение уравнений с разложением на множители
№№ 658 (е-и), 659 (а-г), 669, 661 (а-г), 670 (а-в)
Д/з: №№ 662 (а, в, д), 672 (а, б)
8 класс
Английский язык
To watch or to take part?
Упр. 1.2, 1.3, упр. 2
1. Sport helps to build up the character.
1) What character traits should a good sportsman have? Complete the table.
A good sportsman should be
A good sportsman shouldn’t be
2) What kind of person are you?
§43 Электрическое сопротивление проводников.
Русский язык
Однородные и неоднородные определения.
Упр. 268, 269
Д/з: составить по 5 предложений с однородными и неоднородными определениями.
И.С. Тургенев. Повесть «Ася». Характеристика Аси.
Либералы, социалисты и консерваторы стран Европы XIX в.
Контрольная работа по теме «Квадратные уравнения»
9 класс
Можно ли назвать Печорина фаталистом? Дать развёрнутый ответ.
Д/з: Перечитать «Княжна Мэри». Ответить развернуто: «За что меня все ненавидят?»
Русский язык
§14 СПП с несколькими придаточными.
Упр. 201 (1), 206
Д/з: упр. 202 (Схемы, виды придаточных предложений и виды подчинения)
Английский язык
1. VOCABULARY/GRAMMAR. Starting a new school may be stressful but it gives a pupil more
opportunities. Read the text, for questions 1-14 which answer (a, b or c) best fits each space.
If you thought there were a lot of after-school activities in middle school, just wait (0) b you get to high
Because classes and grades are (1) _____ stressful in high school, you may feel like you just don’t have
time or energy for activities. But it’s important to find time for (2)_____ one! They’re a great way to
have (3)________ fun, make new friends, learn about yourself, and open the door to the future.
Let’s say you play a musical instrument, or (4)_______ in playing one. Your middle school (5)_______
offer an orchestra and a band. In high school, you can join groups (6)_________ : jazz ensemble, rock
ensemble, classical quartet, jazz quartet, stage band, and marching band. That’s a lot of choices!
In high school, you’ll have (7)_________ variety of which sports teams you can join. If your middle
school only offered (8)__________ teams, like basketball, baseball, and soccer, your high school
(9)_______ let you choose from athletics (10)__________ gymnastics, cheerleading, football, golf,
bowling, swimming team, field hockey, ice hockey, track and field, and softball.
Often, places on a team are reserved on (11)_________ and more experienced athletes. This main team
(12) ________ the varsity team. But most schools offer a second time, called junior varsity or JV, for
(13)_______ students. Keep in mind that at some schools, the first-year students (14)__________ to
participate in certain sports, so find out what you can and can’t do.
0 a) while
1 a) much
2 a) at least
3 a) a
4 a) are interested
5 a) should
6 a) as
7 a) a few
8 a) a few
9 a) must
10 a) such
11 a) oldest
12 a) is usually called
13 a) the youngest
14 a) aren’t let
b) until
b) most
b) least
b) the
b) are interesting
b) may
b) the like
b) many
b) little
b) should
b) such as
b) old
b) usually cared
b) younger
b) are let
c) for
c) more
c) more than
c) –
c) are good
c) have to
c) like this
c) much more
c) a little
c) might
c) as
c) older
c) is called usually
c) youngest
c) let’s
§36 Западный макрорегион – Европейская Россия. Общая характеристика.
Д/з: Задание 2
Индукция Магнитного поля. Магнитный поток.
§§ 46, 47, Упр. 37, 38
Контрольная работа «Арифметическая прогрессия»