Applied Science University Faculty: Economics and Administrative Sciences Department : Finance & Banking Department ( Course Syllabus ) CourseTitle Credit Hours Course No. Prerequisite Year (semester) Financial Management (1) 3 404200 303101 2011-2012 (1) Coordinator Name Lecturer Dr Asmaa Al-Amarneh Dr Asmaa Al-Amarneh Room No. 222 E-mail Office Hours 10-12 Sunday,Tuesday,Thurs day. 11-12 Monday, wednesday Course Objectives: The main objectives of the course are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Describe the managerial finance function and the goal of the firm. Understand and prepare the financial statements. Understand and use the financial Ratios. Discuss the role of time value in finance, and apply the time value calculations in solving problems. 5. Understand the fundamentals of risk, return and risk preference, explain the CAPM and its relationship to the SML. 6. Calculate, interpret and evaluate the payback period, NPV and IRR, and discuss NPV and IRR in terms of conflicting rankings. Course Contents : Week 1,2 3,4 5 6,7 Topic Sub-topics Introduction to - Finance and business Managerial Finance - The managerial finance function - Goal of the firm - Financial institutions and markets - Problems: 1, 2 and 3 Financial Statements - The stockholders’ report - The four key financial statements Reference Gitman, ch. 1 Hrs 6 Gitman, ch. 2 3 Financial Statements - Using Financial Ratios Gitman, ch. 2 3 Financial Statements - Using Financial Ratios - Problems: 3, 5, 6 ,10,21,23. Gitman, ch. 2 6 Gitman, ch. 14 3 First Exam 8 Working Capital and Current Assets Management Thursday 24/11/2011 - Net working capital fundamental 1 9 Working Capital and Current Assets Management 10 Working Capital and Current Assets Management 11 Working Capital and Current Assets Management Second Exam - Cash conversion cycle Gitman, ch. 14 3 - Inventory management Gitman, ch. 14 3 - Accounts Receivable Management Gitman, ch. 14 3 Wednesday 28/12/2011 12 Time Value of Money - The role of time value in finance - Single amounts Gitman, ch. 4 3 13 Time Value of Money - Annuities - Mixed Streams Time Value of Money - Compounding interest more frequently than annually - Special applications of time value Time Value of Money - Special applications of time value - Problems: 4, 7, 11, 18, 19, 25, 27, 34, 43, 47 and 49 Gitman, ch. 4 3 Gitman, ch. 4 3 Gitman, ch. 4 3 14 15 16 Revisions and Final Exam Grade Distribution : Assessment Grade 20% 20% 10 50% - First Exam - Second Exam - Attendance and Participation - Final Examination Date Thursday 24/11/2011 Wednesday 28/12/2011 As scheduled * Make-up exams will be offered for valid reasons. It may be different from regular exams in content and format. Main Reference: - Principles of Managerial Finance (2009), Lawrence J. Gitman, International Edition, Irwin/ McGrawHill, 12Ed. Other References: 1. 2. Principles of managerial finance , Brealy Richard A ( Mc – Graw hill ) 2007 2009 ، الطبعة الثانية، عمان، املركز األكادميي للكتب اجلامعية، فايز حداد. د،االدارة املالية 3. 2002 ، اإلسكاندرية، الدار اجلامعية، حممد صاحل احلاناو، مدخل القيمة واختاذ القرارات، اإلدارة املالية 4. 2002 ، اإلسكاندرية، الدار اجلامعية اجلديدة، عبد الغفار حانفي،مدخل معاصر يف اإلدارة املالية 2