MINUTES OF THE WAYNE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD JANUARY 6, 2015 Mr. Bradley Coffman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Roll call: Mr. Davidson - present; Mr. Foley- present; Mr. Coffman - present. The following were also present: Administrator, Donald Edwards; Fiscal Officer, Darrell Coffman; Fire Chief, Paul Scherer; Zoning Inspector and Asst. to the Administrator, Erin Hartsock; Deputy Chris Miller, Warren County Sheriffs’ Office; and Residents: Gary E. Breeze, George R. Cherryholmes, Kelly Maloney and Andrew Jacobs. Board President, Bradley Coffman welcomed those in attendance. Mr. Coffman led those in attendance in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Mr. Foley motioned to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting. Mr. Davidson seconded the motion. Upon call of the roll thereon the vote resulted as follows: Mr. Foley – yea, Mr. Davidson – yea, Mr. Coffman – yea. CITIZEN’S COMMENTS: Officer Miller spoke concerning telephone calls being made by someone who is pretending to be with the sheriffs’ office. He said the caller was trying to get money from residents by telling them they needed to send money to an account rather than being arrested for not appearing in court. He said this was a scam and any calls that were received need to be reported to the sheriffs’ office. Officer Miller also announced the 2015 Citizen Academy program would be taking applications through February 17, 2015. He distributed several application packets to interested parties. DEPARTMENT REPORTS: ROAD DEPARTMENT: Road Department Supervisor, Scott Camery was absent due to a weather event the previous night. Administrator, Gus Edwards gave an overview of the proposed roads slated for Reclaimite © treatment in 2015 as well as Proposed Road Surface Projects. Mr. Foley commented that the Township should bear in mind the importance of budgeting for the striping of 2014’s chip sealed roads. FIRE DEPARTMENT: Fire Chief, Paul Scherer reported on the following: The number of EMS runs in December were 67; the number of Fire runs for December were 13. Total runs for December were 80. 2015 runs to date are as follows: EMS: 67; Fire: 13. 2015 total runs to date: 80 2014 had 23 Fire & 68 EMS total of 91. Down 11 from 2013. Chief Scherer is currently working on a Fire Marshal Training Grant as well as starting annual Protocol testing with group going to a “train the trainer” class Wednesday night. 1 MINUTES OF THE WAYNE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD JANUARY 6, 2015 Firearms / Weapon SOP: Chief Scherer stated that the policy may need further revision pending a fire chiefs’ meeting to be held next Thursday. Chief Scherer provided the following breakdowns regarding Resolution 2015-05 submitted for the Trustees approval: Estimated* Costs on payroll: Training / meetings EMS calls Part time hours EMS non –fire certified Fire calls $1000.00 $1080.00 $900.00 $325.00 Average estimated annual costs to payroll were arrived at by looking at the previous three year averages. ZONING DEPARTMENT: Zoning Inspector, Erin Hartsock reported on the following: 2 Accessory Buildings @ $100 Matt Murphy, 9708 Old Stage Rd. Nicole Cordero, 9433 Sandy Run 2 Permits were issued for a total of $200. All money has been deposited. Mrs. Hartsock went on to report: 2014 Year End Permit counts (attached) Total permits issued are up 30% from 2013. Rise was primarily seen in accessory buildings and swimming pools, while new SFR construction was down about 18%, but still tracking at a median post-real estate market collapse level. Nuisance Updates: 7396 Rt. 42 (“Old Potato Factory”) The number of junk cars on outside of building has been reduced to 7 (from 28). Work continues removing these cars. Property owner continues to work with his legal representation to remove business from property. Zoning Office’s role has been limited to monitoring forward progress at this point. 9908 N. Cincinnati-Columbus Rd. A site visit was coordinated on 01/05/2015 with all various agencies/organizations needed for demolition funding, namely: Warren County Combined Health Dist. to have the property formally condemned; and Museum of the Friends Home to obtain a statement affirming the property is not of historical value; and Scott Camery (ID what needs to be boarded up and to gain entry) and Paul Scherer for safety. All stakeholders are onboard and moving ahead swiftly. Once the initial submissions are completed, the County estimates that the project should be completed in the spring. Fiber/CAPP app Submitted the Fiber project to Warren County Chamber Alliance Prioritization Process (CAPP) to be prioritized among other projects in the County. 2 MINUTES OF THE WAYNE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD JANUARY 6, 2015 This is a pilot program with no funding to award at this point, but can be advocates, lobbyists and additional look outs for funding opportunities for projects. ADMINISTRATOR REPORT: Administrator, Donald Edwards reported the following: Driver’s license abstracts for all employees are finished and everyone is in compliance with our driving policy. Fire Department S.O.P. on payroll has been reviewed with Fire Chief and is recommended for approval in legislation. Property at 9908 N. Cincinnati Columbus Road was purchased at the Warren County Forfeited property sale and Erin is working on the grant for demolition of the property. We just received the Deed in the mail on Monday, which we needed in order to start proceedings. Checking on the cost from MVL to put two Acorn Light fixtures at the entrance to The Reserve of Waynesville subdivision. We are going to install one monitor at the rostrum desk in the Hearing Room to see how it works out. If everyone likes the monitor we will put one at each station. Kyle Jones is heading up this project along with doing some computer trouble shooting and addressing some security issues. Scott and I are working on this year’s Chip Seal program and the Reclamite© program. A tentative street list is provided in the Roads Dept. Report. We had the second snow event of the season last night and all employees are home resting now after a long night. They made about 2 ½ rounds on their snow routes with no break-downs or problems. I am going to check with the Waynesville Village manager on participating in a Recycle Day for this spring. We need their participation to get the Rumpke compactor trucks. OLD BUSINESS: The Reserve of Waynesville Street light Mr. Edwards provided the following estimates for consideration: Installation costs for two (2) acorn-style street lights at the entrance of The Reserve of Waynesville, are estimated at approximately $2,900 plus the cost to bury the lines. To maintain the two light fixtures the estimated monthly cost would be approximately $67.00. Whether or not this is desirable will be determined by a majority of property owners in the subdivision as this would be privately maintained and operated. NEW BUSINESS: Questions Concerning the Bills: There were no questions regarding the bills. LEGISLATION: 3 MINUTES OF THE WAYNE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD JANUARY 6, 2015 2015-01 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING WAYNE TOWNSHIP OFFICERS AND REPRESENTATIVES FOR THE YEAR 2015. Mr. Edwards presented for consideration and Mr. Foley moved for adoption of said resolution. Mr. Davidson seconded the motion and upon call of the roll thereon the vote resulted as follows: Mr. Foley – yea, Mr. Davidson – yea, Mr. Coffman – yea. The resolution was therefore adopted the 6th day of January 2015. 2015-02 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS TO ATTEND LOCAL, STATE AND NATIONAL CONFERENCES AND AUTHORIZING REIMBURSEMENT PAYMENT FOR EXPENSES INCURRED WHILE ATTENDING THOSE MEETINGS FOR 2015 Mr. Edwards presented for consideration and Mr. Foley moved for adoption of Mr. Coffman seconded the motion and upon call of the roll thereon the vote resulted as follows: Mr. Foley – yea, Mr. Davidson – yea, Mr. Coffman – yea. The resolution was therefore adopted the 6th day of January 2015. 2015-03 A RESOLUTION APPROVING PAYMENT OF COUNTY AND STATE ASSOCIATION DUES FROM THE GENERAL FUND FOR THE YEAR 2015 Mr. Edwards presented for consideration and Mr. Foley moved for adoption of Mr. Coffman seconded the motion and upon call of the roll thereon the vote resulted as follows: Mr. Foley – yea, Mr. Davidson – yea, Mr. Coffman – yea. The resolution was therefore adopted the 6th day of January 2015 2015-04 AUTHORIZING WARREN COUNTY, OHIO TO DEMOLISH THE STRUCTURE(S) LOCATED AT 9908 N. CINCINNATI-COLUMBUS RD., WAYNESVILLE, UTILIZING NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION FUNDS Mr. Edwards presented for consideration and Mr. Coffman moved for adoption of Mr. Foley seconds the motion and upon call of the roll thereon the vote resulted as follows: Mr. Foley – yea, Mr. Davidson – yea, Mr. Coffman – yea. The resolution was therefore adopted the 6th day of January 2015. 2015-05 RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE WAYNE TOWNSHIP FIRE DEPARTMENT S.O.P. PAYROLL SCHEDULE Mr. Edwards presented for consideration and Mr. Coffman moved for adoption of Mr. Foley seconded the motion and upon call of the roll thereon the vote resulted as follows: Mr. Foley– yea, Mr. Davidson – yea, Mr. Coffman – yea. The resolution was therefore adopted the 6th day of January 2015. CORRESPONDENCE: City of Mason invitation to their Bicentennial Opening Ceremony; January 26, 2015 beginning at 5:30. Invitation to the formal swearing-in of Tom Grossman as County Commissioner; January 5, at 12:00 p.m. Letter from County Recorder stating the legal requirements of recording zoning text and map amendments. Letter from WCRPC requesting the Township to verify what projects it will need planning assistance with. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 4 MINUTES OF THE WAYNE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD JANUARY 6, 2015 At 7:40 p.m., Mr. Coffman made a motion to go into Executive Session citing ORC 121.22(G)1 to discuss personnel matters. Mr. Foley seconded the motion. Upon call of the roll thereon, the vote resulted as follows: Mr. Foley – yea, Mr. Davidson – yea, Mr. Coffman – yea. At 8:46 p.m., Mr. Foley made a motion to adjourn out of Executive Session and return to the Open meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Coffman. Upon call of the roll thereon, the vote resulted as follows: Mr. Foley – yea, Mr. Davidson – yea, Mr. Coffman – yea. While in Executive Session, the Board of Trustees finalized a one-year employment contract with the Fire Chief. 2015-06: A RESOLUTION THAT WAYNE TOWNSHIP HAS COME TO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE FIRE CHIEF ON A NEW ONE-YEAR CONTRACT Mr. Edwards presented for consideration and Mr. Coffman moved for adoption of Mr. Davidson seconded the motion and upon call of the roll thereon the vote resulted as follows: Mr. Foley – yea, Mr. Davidson – yea, Mr. Coffman – yea. The resolution was therefore adopted the 6th day of January 2015. Being no further business, the board stood adjourned at 9:00 pm. ____________________________ ________________________________ Chairman of the Board of Trustees Fiscal Officer 5 MINUTES OF THE WAYNE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD JANUARY 6, 2015 6