Job Description - North Devon Voluntary Services

Devon Connected Communities Programme
Referrals Support Worker
Job Title:
Referrals Support Worker
Grade and Hours:
NJC pt 18, currently £10,772.03 for 22.5 hours per week
This post is funded until March 2017.
Brief overall description of role:
To assess and support the social care needs of clients
referred to the Connected Communities Programme in
North Devon and put in place voluntary sector intervention
that maximises long-term independence, choice and
minimises ongoing support
To whom directly responsible:
Line Manager – Chief Officer, NDVS
Responsible to the Board of Trustees of NDVS
Office base:
Office base at Care Direct Plus, Barnstaple with local travel
across North Devon to support referrals
Duties and Responsibilities:
Working with clients
Accept appropriate referrals to the programme
from the Care Direct Plus team and assess social
care needs
Within the context of an enabling approach, carry
out individual assessments or facilitate self
assessments to establish clear, relevant,
proportionate and appropriate support plans that
form an individualised package of support focusing
on voluntary and community sector provision
and/or the purchase of goods or services
Engage the voluntary and community sector to
provide services where these are identified
Conduct regular reviews of support plans and put in
place any necessary revisions to ensure that plans
remain relevant, proportionate, appropriate and
cost effective in the context of changing
Conduct appropriate risk assessments
Value and encourage the contribution of clients and
their relatives, carers and support workers to
ensure engagement in assessment, support and
review processes
Maintain effective working relationships with local
services, specialist teams across the sectors and
with local voluntary and community sector
Signpost to public and private sector services where
appropriate and in particular with high risk or more
complex clients
Support clients wishing to take up a personalised
budget, direct payments and self funding to ensure
clients are supported in exercising choice
Maintain up to date, accurate and timely records of
communication, decisions, actions and outcomes
relating to clients
General Duties
Ensure all milestones, timescales and outcomes are
delivered and monitored accurately
Prepare regular monitoring and evaluation reports,
in line with agreed timescales and format, for
Teignbridge CVS (as contract holder) to share with:
o Devon County Council
o Devon Voluntary Action (DeVA)
o Teignbridge CVS Trustee Board
Liaise with all stakeholders to
promote and publicise the project
Attend meetings with DCC and
DeVA where requested to discuss project activities
Take part in supervision/appraisal meetings as
agreed in line with NDVS policies
Undertake training as required
Respect confidentiality of all information acquired
through working at Care Direct Plus and for NDVS
and carry out all activities in line with Equal
Opportunities policy and practice
To organise own caseload and time effectively
To be self-servicing administratively
To undertake other duties commensurate with the
level of responsibility of this post which you may be
asked to undertake from time to time
The above outlines the duties required for the time being to indicate the level of responsibility. It is not a
comprehensive or exclusive list and duties may be varied from time to time which do not change the
general character of the job or the level of responsibility entailed.