Teignbridge TEIGNBRIDGE AREA Services which Specialise in Support for those Experiencing Domestic Violence These agencies have staff with specialist knowledge who have built up considerable expertise in dealing with all aspects of the problems faced by women experiencing domestic violence. In many cases a referral to one of these agencies will be the best way to help a woman reporting domestic violence. In order to save space the description of the service provided by the agencies listed will not be repeated for each district. In that case please check the service description under EXETER. 61 Teignbridge SPECIALIST AGENCIES FOR WOMEN WHO EXPERIENCE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE South Devon Outreach service Phone: 01364 643866 Website: www.sdwa.org.uk Address: PO Box 3, Okehampton EX20 1YT Email: sdwa@sdwa.org.uk Referral: Self and agency referral Helpline number: 01364 644088 South Devon Safehouse (for women) Phone: Website: Address: Email: Referral: 01803 524594 www.sdwa.org.uk PO Box 3, Okehampton EX20 1YT sdwa@sdwa.org.uk Self and agency referral National Women's Aid Helpline 0808 2000 247 (24 hrs) Please see under Exeter South Devon IDVA (Independent Domestic Violence Advocate) workers Phone: 07824347067 Email: sdwa@sdwa.org.uk Address: PO Box 3, Okehampton EX20 1YT Referral: Direct referrals from Police and Outreach only. Teignbridge Police Domestic Violence Unit Phone: Address: 01626 336552 Newton Abbot Police Station Baker’s Hill, Newton Abbot TQ12 1LA Referral: Self and agency referrals In an emergency, always call the police by dialling 999 62 South & West Devon Please see under Exeter Phone: 01626 357587 or 01626 357592 Address: Victim Support Devon, Oak Place Devon Square, Newton Abbot TQ12 2EX Email: info@victimsupportdevon.org.uk Referral: Self-referral Website: www.devon-cornwall.police.uk/v3/crime/victim/ Teignbridge Victim Support Local Victim Support helpline: 0845 676 1020 National Victim Support helpline: 0845 3030 900 www.victimsupport.org SPECIALIST AGENCIES FOR MEN WHO EXPERIENCE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Please see under Exeter SPECIALIST SERVICES FOR BLACK AND MINORITY ETHNIC GROUPS Please see under Exeter. SPECIALIST SUPPORT FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE The Hideout Please see entry under Exeter for description Website: www.thehideout.org.uk SPECIALIST SUPPORT FOR SURVIVORS FROM THE LGBT COMMUNITY Please see under Exeter 63 Teignbridge SPECIALIST COURSE FOR MEN WHO SHOW ABUSIVE BEHAVIOUR TOWARD THEIR PARTNERS South Devon Repair (excluding Plymouth and Torbay) Phone: 07816 549113 Website: www.adva.org.uk Other Support Services ALCOHOL Drug and Alcohol Service Address: Phone: Shrublands House, 8 Morgan Avenue, Torquay, Devon, TQ2 5RS 01803 291129 Alcoholics Anonymous Group support for individuals with difficulties with alcohol problems. Phone: 08457 697555 Referral: Self referral Al Anon/ Alateen Friends and family of problem drinkers. Phone: 24hr helpline 020 7403 0888 BENEFITS Citizens Advice Bureau Dawlish: Health Centre, Hospital Hill, Dawlish EX7 9NS Phone: 01626 864110 Teignmouth: Teignmouth Library, Fore Street, Teignmouth TQ14 8DY Phone: 01626 776770 64 Tax Credit Helpline: Child Benefit Office: Website: 0845 300 3900 0845 302 1444 www.hmrc.gov.uk Jobcentre Plus New Claims: Newton Abbot: Website: 0845 6021 036 01626 236300 www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk Teignbridge HM Revenue and Customs CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE Childline Free 24hr helpline for children and young people. Phone: 0800 1111 Website: www.childline.org.uk Connexions Outreach locations in Kingsbridge, Teignmouth and Dawlish. FREEPHONE 0800 9755111 (all areas) Phone: 01626 367579 Email: newtonabbot@connexions-cd.org.uk Address: Bridge House, Sherborne Road, Newton Abbot TQ12 2QX YES – Youth Enquiry Service Counselling and support for young people. Phone: 01626 774532 Website: www.youthenquiryservice.co.uk DRUGS EDP (Exeter Drugs Project) Advice, information, support and counselling in relation to drug use. Phone: 01626 351144 Address: EDP South Devon Drug Service Bakers Hill, Newton Abbot TQ12 1YP Please also see under Exeter 65 Teignbridge EMOTIONAL SUPPORT AND COUNSELLING Samaritans Phone: 01803 299999 Address: 21 Warren Road, Torquay TQ2 5TQ Email: thesamaritansofsouthdevon@dial.pipex.com Website: www.samaritans.org Referral: Self-referral National Helpline: 08457 909090 South Devon Relate Service Relate offer relationship counselling, sex therapy and family counselling to individuals and couples. Please note that relationship counselling is not advisable if you are in a violent relationship, as it can put you at further risk of power and control over you. Phone: 01803 297854 Address: 4 East Street, Torquay TQ2 5SD Service delivered in: Kingsbridge, Newton Abbot, Paignton, Torquay, Totnes Email: office@sdevonrelate.wanadoo.co.uk Referral: Self-referral Devon Sexual Abuse Line The line is open on Tues, Wed and Thurs evenings, 7pm–10pm. Phone: 0808 800 0188 Referral: Self-referral HOUSING Teignbridge District Council Phone: Address: Email: Website: 01626 361101 Forde House, Brunel Road, Newton Abbot TQ12 4XX info@teignbridge.gov.uk www.teignbridge.gov.uk Housing Associations www.housingnet.co.uk 66 Please see under Exeter OLDER PEOPLE Action on Elder Abuse Helpline: Email: Website: . 0808 808 8141 enquiries@elderabuse.org.uk www.elderabuse.org.uk Teignbridge LEGAL ADVICE Age Concern Phone: 01392 250085 Address: 1 Bitton Park Road, Teignmouth TQ14 9BT To find your local Age Concern visit: www.ageconcern.org.uk Care Direct Devon Care Direct provides a countywide information and advice service for adults who have physical or sensory disabilities, citizens who are over the age of 60 and their carers. Phone: 0800 444 000 (Mon–Fri, 8.00–18.00) Website: www.devon.gov.uk/caredirect 67