The Fourth Grade Flyer December 2012 - January 2013 News and Events Content th The 4 Grade teachers would like to welcome our students and families into 2013! We have many exciting projects and activities planned for the upcoming months so please continue to encourage your child to always do his/her best work and to come to school with a positive attitude. We would like to remind you to periodically check the fourth grade website for upcoming dates, important news, pictures, and golden gators. During this month, we are also asking you to speak with your student about practicing the three R’s at Gorman Crossing. They should be “Respectful, Responsible, and Ready” at all times. Dates to Remember: January 18 – End of 2nd marking period Schools close 3 hours early! January 21/22 – Schools closed for students January 29 – Report Cards Issued GCES Reading Night! February 5 – PTA Meeting 7:00 February 13 / 14 - Parent-Teacher Conferences (Schools close 3 hrs early) February 15 – No school for students February 18 – Schools closed February 27 – GCES Math Night! Sick of the sniffles? Well, this month’s Health unit features body systems and disease prevention. Hopefully our discussions on spreading germs will encourage your youngster to wash their hands and cover those coughs! In Science, the students are continuing their study of life on Earth from A Global View. They will classify plants and animals according to their observable features, describe differences and similarities in populations, distinguish between learned and inherited traits, and investigate how the characteristics of plants and animals support their survival in an ecosystem. The students are all very eager to complete their first dissection of an owl pellet. The fourth grade certainly has many scientists in the making! The social studies classes will be looking at Maryland growth and change from 1800-1875. The students will use visual discovery, response groups, interactive student notebooks, and historical investigations to study the following: population growth, Maryland’s role in the War of 1912, the Civil and Revolutionary Wars, transportation changes, and what life was like for enslaved people during this time. Your child will receive regular lesson assessments to demonstrate their understanding and knowledge of the content. Look for these assessments to come home in your child’s Monday folder. Math News The students and staff at GCES are looking forward to celebrating the 100th day of school on February 8th (weather pending). The following is a list of activities you can do with your child in the days leading up to our celebration: *Together, come up with 100 ways to make 100 using addition/subtraction. *Find out what your child can do in 100 seconds. Time him/her and let us know. (e.g. How many times can you jump rope in 100 seconds?) *How tall is a stack of 100 pennies? Quarters? The coin of your choice? *Where would a 100-step walk take you from your house? From your bedroom? *Make a list of what $100 will buy. Get as close to $100 as you can. *Create word problems where the answer is always 100. *Learn to say 100 in 5 different languages. Language Arts The importance of completing Reader’s Roar cannot be understated. Reading for just twenty minutes a night can have a profound impact on your child’s language arts performance, especially if you take the time to have a conversation with him/her about the book they are reading. Please remember to sign the Reader’s Roar assignment weekly and monitor your child’s written responses. Spend time with your child to make sure they understand both the question and the text they are reading, and help them to develop a well-written, detailed response. The Maryland State Assessment in Reading will be administered during the week of March 7 - 10. The fourth grade teachers have set high expectations for our students and feel confident that they will be successful on this test. In order to prepare, we have started sending home a weekly BCR. Please check with your child every week to make sure they are completing this assignment to the best of their ability. Hat’s Off to Our Volunteers! A huge THANK YOU to the parents of the 4th Grade Volunteer Committee who prepared for holiday celebrations and planned activities for our students to enjoy. We also greatly appreciate those family members who take time to come into GCES to volunteer in the 4th grade pod. In addition, we would like to thank those parents who volunteered to chaperone the field trip to the Baltimore Museum of Art on January 3. Without you, we would not be able to expose our students to such wonderful experiences. Mrs. Oduyoye received an e-mail with compliments from the museum staff about the great behavior and manners of our students. Your time is greatly appreciated!!