Getting to Know the Periodic Table ACtivity - AP Chemistry

Cumberland High School · Chemistry
Name ________________________________
Period ________ Date ___ /___ /___
2 · Matter & Atoms
ACTIVITY: Getting to Know the Periodic Table
SCORE: _____
The Periodic Table is a list of all the known elements. It is organized by increasing atomic number. It is also
arranged in vertical columns called “groups” and horizontal rows called “periods”. There are 18 groups,
numbered from 1-18 (or with Roman Numerals, IA-VIIIA and IB-VIIIB) and 7 periods, numbered 1-7. Each
arrangement is significant. For example, the elements in each vertical column or group have similar
properties and are therefore frequently referred to as “families”.
There are a number of major groups (families) with similar properties. They are as follows:
 Hydrogen: This element does not match the properties of any other group so it stands alone. It is
placed above Group 1 but it is not part of that group. It is a very reactive, colorless, odorless gas at
room temperature.
 Group 1 (IA): Alkali Metals – These metals are extremely reactive and are never found in nature in
their pure form. They are silver colored and shiny. Their density is extremely low so they are soft
enough to be cut with a knife.
 Group 2 (IIA): Alkaline Earth Metals – Slightly less reactive than alkali metals, these elements are
silver colored and more dense.
 Group 3-12 (IB-VIIIB): Transition Metals – These metals have a moderate range of reactivity and a
wide range of properties. In general, they are shiny and good conductors of heat and electricity.
They also have higher densities and melting points than Groups 1 and 2.
 Lanthanides & Actinides: These are also transition metals that were taken out and placed at the
bottom of the periodic table so that the table wouldn’t be so wide. They are often called the Inner
Transition Metals. The elements in each of these two periods share many properties. The
lanthanides are shiny and reactive. The actinides are all radioactive and are therefore unstable.
Elements 95 through 103 do not exist in nature but have been manufactured in the lab.
 Group 13 (IIIA): Boron Group – Contains one metalloid and four metals. These elements are reactive.
The most abundant metal in the earth’s crust, aluminum, is in this group.
 Group 14 (IVA): Carbon Group – Contains two nonmetals, two metalloids, and one metal, and
therefore this group’s reactivity is extremely varied.
 Group 15 (VA): Pnictogens – Contains two nonmetals, one metalloid, and one metal, and therefore
again, this group’s reactivity is extremely varied.
 Group 16 (VIA): Chalcogens – Contains three nonmetals, one metalloid, and one metal. This group is
 Group 17 (VIIA): Halogens – This group contains all nonmetals. They are very reactive and are poor
conductors of heat and electricity. They tend to form salts with metals (e.g., NaCl: sodium chloride,
also known as “table salt”).
 Group 18 (VIIIA): Noble Gases – This group contains unreactive nonmetals. All of these elements are
colorless, odorless gases at room temperature. They are also all found in earth’s atmosphere in
small amounts.
There are two main groups on the periodic table: metals and nonmetals. The left side of the table contains
elements with the greatest metallic properties: good conductors, lustrous (shiny), ductile (easily drawn
into wires) and malleable (easily hammered into shape without breaking/cracking). As you move from left
to right on the periodic table, the elements become less metallic with the far right of the table consisting of
nonmetals. These elements do not conduct electricity (but rather are good insulators), are dull, and brittle.
The elements in the middles of the table are called “transition” elements because they change from metallic
properties to nonmetallic properties. A small group of elements whose members touch the zigzag
“staircase” line on the periodic table are called metalloids because they have both metallic and nonmetallic
1. (2 pts) Label each of the terms on the following Periodic Table “Faceplate”:
2. (5 pts) Define the following terms:
a. Metal: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b. Nonmetal: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
c. Metalloid: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
d. Period:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
e. Group:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. (5 pts) On the outline of the periodic table shown below
 Lightly color the squares for all LIQUIDS in blue.
 Lightly color the squares for all GASES in orange.
 Lightly color the squares for all SOLIDS in yellow.
4. (3 pts) Determine the percentages of solids, liquids, and gases on the periodic table. Show all of your
work and report your answers to TWO decimal places.
5. (5 pts) On the outline of the periodic table shown below
 Lightly color the squares for METALLOIDS (SEMIMETALS) in red.
 Lightly color the squares for NONMETALS in purple.
 Lightly color the squares for METALS in green.
 Using black, trace the ZIGZAG “STAIRCASE” LINE that separates the metals from the nonmetals.
6. (3 pts) Determine the percentages of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids on the periodic table. Show all
of your work and report your answers to TWO decimal places.
7. (5 pts) On the outline of the periodic table shown below
 Number each PERIOD at the left hand end of each row (1-7).
 Number each GROUP/FAMILY at the top of each column (use both 1-18 and Roman Numerals IAVIIIA, IB-VIIIB).
 Lightly color the square for HYDROGEN red.
 Lightly color the squares for all ALKALI METALS in orange.
 Lightly color the squares for all ALKALINE EARTH METALS in blue.
 Lightly color the squares for all TRANSITION METALS in purple.
 Lightly color the squares for all LANTHANIDES in yellow.
 Lightly color the squares for all ACTINIDES in green.
 Lightly color the squares for all HALOGENS in brown.
 Lightly color the squares for all NOBLE GASES in black.
(12 pts) Use your completed periodic table to answer the following questions:
8. What is the significant feature that can be used as a guide in determining where metals, nonmetals, and
metalloids are located? _______________________
9. How are the elements of the Periodic Table of the Elements organized?
10. What is the physical state (phase) of selenium (Se) at room temperature? ___________
11. What is the group number of selenium? _________
12. What is the name of this group? _________
13. What is the period number of selenium? _________