Unit 2: Section A - River Dell Regional School District

Unit 2: Section A: Why We Use What We Do
 Distinguish between chemical and physical properties and between chemical and physical changes
Classify specific examples as either chemical or physical properties
Classify specific examples as either chemical or physical changes
Classify selected elements as metals, nonmetals or metalloids based on observation of chemical and physical
Use the Periodic Tale to: a) predict physical and chemical properties of an element (based on location) b) identify
elements by their atomic masses and atomic number c) locate periods and groups (families) of elements
Distinguish between isotopes based on their total neutrons and/or mass numbers.
Calculate the mass number for an atom based on its total protons and neutrons.
Explain how an element’s chemical and physical properties are associated with the number and arrangement of
electrons in its atoms.
Vocabulary/Terms Introduced: Define each term
physical properties
chemical properties
physical change
chemical change
malleable or brittle
atomic number
mass number
average atomic mass
periodic relationship
group or family
alkali metal family
alkaline earth metals
halogen family
transition metals
noble gas family
Demonstrations: Copper in nitric acid (chemical and physical properties)
Laboratory Activities: A.5 Investigating Matter: Metal or NonMetal?
Reference Sheets: Periodic Table (See attached on School Wires)
In Class: Check school wires and complete the worksheet “Differences of Metals and Nonmetals.”
Worksheets: Isotopes, ions and atoms.
ChemCom —Terms –Questions Assigned
 Read A.1-A.2 pg. 94-97—Define: physical properties, chemical properties, physical change, chemical change, combustion,
luster, ductile. Questions #1-9 pg. 95-96, Section B Summary Questions #1-7 pg. 109.
 Read A.3-A.4 pg. 97-101—Define: metals, nonmetals, metalloids, conductor, nonconductor, malleable, brittle. Do Section
A Summary Questions #8-11 pg. 109.
 In Class: Check school wires and complete the worksheet “Differences of Metals and Nonmetals.”
Read A.6 (skip A.7) A.6 pg. 101-107. Do Section A Summary Questions #12-16 pg. 110 on the Periodic Table.
Read A.8 pg. 107. Answer questions # 1-6. Define: Atomic number, nucleus, mass number, isotopes, and average
atomic mass.
Finish defining terms