
English II

Ms. Reimer


This sheet provides you with a guide for the format of your English midterm exam, as well as a list of information you should study and know. Everything that we have covered in class is fair game for the exam. If you do not have the needed notes, it would benefit you to ask and discuss with classmates topics on the exam.


 Cold Reads: 3 articles, poems, or book excerpts with comprehension and analysis questions (25 questions)

 Vocabulary : synonyms, antonyms, and fill-ins (15 questions)

 Grammar : punctuation, independent and dependent clauses, fragment, comma splice, run-on, compound and complex sentences, conjunctions, subject/verb and pronoun/antecedent agreement, clear pronoun references, tense agreement, and any other basic grammatical skills you have mastered before 10 th grade (15 questions)

 Free Range : Lecture material, literary terms, writing and punctuation questions, themebased and background questions for The Crucible and To Kill a Mockingbird , “A Rose for

Emily”, pathos/ethos/logos (15 questions)

Study Suggestions:

 Review any grammar and writing skills we have worked on over the course of the quarter; this includes any hand-outs, packets, worksheets, old quizzes and other class work.

 Study ALL vocabulary words for groups 1-5; it would benefit you to review definitions and synonym/antonym exercises, as well as fill-ins and sentences

 Literary Terms : allusion, antagonist, archetype, climax, connotation, denotation, diction, euphemism , foreshadowing, hamartia (tragic flaw), irony, metaphor, milieu, motif, paradox , point of view, protagonist, simile, symbol, theme, tragic hero—go to the literary terms website on our wiki if you need reminders!

 Lecture Material : Approaches to Literature (review your outline); The Crucible historical background and connections to other US history periods; TKAM historical connections, grammar concepts (subject, predicate, objects, phrases and clauses, etc.)

Exam Dates:

B1: Wednesday, 11/5

B4: Monday, 11/10
