Advanced Placement English Date: November 16, 2015 SSG: Effective Communication: Students will understand and relate written, oral, and visual ideas. STATE STANDARD: (3.7a) Literary Response and Analysis: Students read and respond to historically or culturally significant works of literature that reflect and enhance their studies of history and social science…. Analyze recognized works of world literature from a variety of authors. Contrast the major literary forms, techniques, and characteristics of the major literary periods (e.g., Homeric Greece, medieval, romantic, neoclassic, modern) HOMEWORK DUE: ✓ Vocabulary 12 ✓ Grammar 25-26 ✓ Frankenstein Letters & Volume II & 5 TQ-PAThs WARM-UP ACTIVITIES: ✓ Stamp, Staple, Name-on, Turn-in Homework ✓ Return Papers ✓ Organize Binders ✓ Vocabulary Quiz 12 HANDOUTS: ✓ None LESSON: Frankenstein or, the Modern Prometheus: Volume II ✓ Sign-up for Chapters for Circle Discussion: ➢ Chapter 1 ➢ Chapter 2 ➢ Chapter 3 ➢ Chapter 4 ➢ Chapter 5 ➢ Chapter 6 ➢ Chapter 7 ➢ Chapter 8 ➢ Chapter 9 ✓ Summarize the chapter in about 5 sentences (on paper and for the class). ✓ Read your restatement of the 1981 prompt to the class. ✓ Share a TQ-PATh with the class. HOMEWORK/UPCOMING DUE DATES: ✓ Bring Outside Reading Books to Class Everyday 1984 or Inferno ✓ Vocabulary 13 & Quiz 11/30 ✓ Grammar 27-28 11/30 ✓ Frankenstein Letters & Volume III & 5 TQ-PAThs (Focused on the 1981 Prompt) 11/30 ✓ A.P. Multiple Choice Test “Politics and the English Language” ~George Orwell (P-328) 11/30 ✓ Second Quarter Outside Reading Test 12/15 ✓ Second Semester Literary Terms Test 4/1 ✓ Writing Portfolio (You will need to save all your writing for this.) 6/1