penjelasan umum game..

Seperti halnya penyelenggaraan usaha jasa layanan akses telekomunikasi dan
internet melalui Warung Internet atau dikenal sebagai Warnet, maka peranan dan
dukungan dari Pemerintah Daerah guna memajukan usaha diperlukan. Terlebih,
kebijakan itu ditujukan guna memperoleh manfaat yang sebesar-besarnya
penyelenggaraan layanan Warnet bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat. Secara
bersamaan, kebijakan itupun dibarengi dengan pembinaan ketertiban umum dan
ketenteraman masyarakat guna menekan dampak negatif seminimal mungkin.
Seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi, maka perkembangan usaha kecil di bidang ritel
pelayanan jasa akses telekomunikasi dan internet, semakin bervariasi dengan
beraneka ragam layanan bernilai tambah. Makin maraknya berbagai jenis layanan
usaha di bidang ekonomi, sosial, budaya hingga kepada aneka permainan
ketangkasan yang digemari masyarakat, kini semakin tersedia dengan mudah, dan
harga terjangkau. Selain kesempatan dan peluang usaha yang makin terbuka untuk
meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga, perluasan lapangan kerja, maka melalui jejaring
pertemanan dan kegiatan sosial lain, dimasyarakat akhir-akhir ini berkembang
semaraknya pemanfaatan ‘game online’ tidak saja dikalangan anak, remaja dan
pemuda tetapi juga kalangan dewasa.
Dengan keterbatasan lahan rekreasi dan olahraga sebagai salah satu alasannya,
maka layanan usaha game online menjadi sebuah peluang usaha baru yang cukup
menjanjikan. Dipihak pengguna, ketersediaan layanan usaha game online akan
menjadi sebuah kesempatan untuk mewujudkan aktivitas rekreasi, permainan
ketangkasan dan bahkan pengembangan minat dan bakat di bidang perekayasaan
‘pengembangan aplikasi piranti lunak’ serta ‘konten game online’.
Dari sisi produksi, maka karya kreatif konten dijital dalam bentuk game online adalah
merupakan manifestasi kreativitas, prakarsa dan keunggulan komparatif warga
masyarakat yang dapat ikut serta meningkatkan posisi bangsa Indonesia dalam
persaingan global. Sementara itu, dari sisi konsumsi dengan tingginya minat
masyarakat untuk menikmati atau memainkan ‘game online’ tidak tertutup
kemungkinan terjadinya “over used atau penyalahgunaan.” Peluang
penyalahgunaan ini dipicu oleh karena pada satu sisi, ‘ketersediaan dan luasnya
pilihan jenis ragam permainan’ serta di sisi yang lain ‘tidak atau belum adanya
pengaturan secara khusus.’ Keleluasaan itu menyebabkan akses terhadap game
online bisa dilakukan oleh siapa saja, kapan saja dan darimana saja tanpa
menghadapi kendala atau hambatan. Disegi obyek, maka akibat ketiadaan
pengaturan, jenis dan kategori game online seringkali tidak ditayangkan atau
dipertontonkan secara periodic (flash up display) yang berfungsi untuk
mengingatkan kepada pengguna.
Oleh karena itu, guna melindungi kepentingan umum masyarakat, terutama
pengguna dari kalangan anak, remaja dan pemuda serta guna memelihara
ketenteraman masyarakat dan ketertiban sosial, dinilai perlu ditetapkan kebijakan
Pemerintah Daerah untuk melakukan penataan usaha penyelenggaraan jasa layanan
game online secara menyeluruh.
The origin of video games lies in early cathode ray tube-based missile defense systems in
the late 1940s. These programs were later adapted into other simple games during the
1950s. By the late 1950s and through the 1960s, more computer games were developed
(mostly on mainframe computers), gradually increasing in sophistication and
complexity.[n 1] Following this period, video games diverged into different platforms:
arcade, mainframe, console, personal computer and later handheld games.[1]
The first commercially viable video game was Computer Space in 1971, which laid the
foundation for a new entertainment industry in the late 1970s within the United States,
Japan, and Europe. The first major crash in 1977 occurred when companies were forced
to sell their older obsolete systems flooding the market. Six years later a second, greater
crash occurred. This crash—brought on largely by a flood of poor quality video games
coming to the market—resulted in a total collapse of the console gaming industry in the
United States, ultimately shifting dominance of the market from North America to Japan.
While the crash killed the console gaming market, the computer gaming market was
largely unaffected. Subsequent generations of console video games would continue to
be dominated by Japanese corporations. Though several attempts would be made by
North American and European companies, fourth generation of consoles, their ventures
would ultimately fail. Not until the sixth generation of video game consoles would a nonJapanese company release a commercially successful console system. The handheld
gaming market has followed a similar path with several unsuccessful attempts made by
American companies all of which failed outside some limited successes in the handheld
electronic games early on. Currently only Japanese companies have any major successful
handheld gaming consoles, although in recent years handheld games have come to
devices like cellphones and PDAs as technology continues to converge.
The origin of video games lies in early cathode ray tube-based missile defense systems in
the late 1940s. These programs were later adapted into other simple games during the
1950s. By the late 1950s and through the 1960s, more computer games were developed
(mostly on mainframe computers), gradually increasing in sophistication and
complexity.[n 1] Following this period, video games diverged into different platforms:
arcade, mainframe, console, personal computer and later handheld games.[1]
The first commercially viable video game was Computer Space in 1971, which laid the
foundation for a new entertainment industry in the late 1970s within the United States,
Japan, and Europe. The first major crash in 1977 occurred when companies were forced
to sell their older obsolete systems flooding the market. Six years later a second, greater
crash occurred. This crash—brought on largely by a flood of poor quality video games
coming to the market—resulted in a total collapse of the console gaming industry in the
United States, ultimately shifting dominance of the market from North America to Japan.
While the crash killed the console gaming market, the computer gaming market was
largely unaffected. Subsequent generations of console video games would continue to
be dominated by Japanese corporations. Though several attempts would be made by
North American and European companies, fourth generation of consoles, their ventures
would ultimately fail. Not until the sixth generation of video game consoles would a nonJapanese company release a commercially successful console system. The handheld
gaming market has followed a similar path with several unsuccessful attempts made by
American companies all of which failed outside some limited successes in the handheld
electronic games early on. Currently only Japanese companies have any major successful
handheld gaming consoles, although in recent years handheld games have come to
devices like cellphones and PDAs as technology continues to converge.
Diakui atau tidak, salah satu bidang pengembangan industri kreatif dijital dengan
memanfaatkan telematika atau teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang
berkembang pesat akhir-akhir ini adalah layanan usaha ‘game online’ atau
permainan daring. Industri ini, selain berpeluang meningkatkan penghasilan daerah
bahkan devisa Negara, juga pada sisi lain memberikan keuntungan bagi masyarakat,
dengan terbukanya peluang usaha dan pemerataan lapangan kerja baru. Sementara
secara substantif, pengembangan peluang usaha dan lapangan kerja di bidang
industri dijital kreatif memerlukan keterampilan khusus serta bakat seni tersendiri,
sehingga ikut serta memberikan effek ganda bagi terbukanya kesempatan
peningkatan pendidikan dan pelatihan.
Melalui pengembangan industri konten dijital kreatif yang tertata pengelolaan dan
terpetakan rencana induknya, maka secara nasional dapat ditingkatkan koordinasi
lintas sektoral guna melakukan usaha pelestarian nilai sosial dan budaya yang
mencerminkan jati diri dan nilai luhur dalam kehidupan masyarakat dan bangsa
Indonesia. Kemasan nilai sosial budaya dalam industri konten dijital kreatif,
khususnya game online akan lebih mudah diterima dan dicerna warga masyarakat,
terutama kalangan anak, remaja dan pemuda melalui mode pembelajaran dan
permainan ketangkasan game online. Pada gilirannya, karena sifat industri dan
usaha penyelenggaraan layanan jasa game online lebih bersifat padat karya serta
ramah lingkungan, maka penerapan kebijakan pembinaan game online akan
membantu mengatasi upaya mengatasi kerusakan lingkungan akibat dari
pemanfaatan lahan secara berlebih atau eksesif, untuk kepentingan usaha pertanian
maupun industri barang dan peralatan mesin yang berdampak pencemaran
terhadap lingkungan serta merusak kondisi kesehatan masyarakat.
Namun demikian, sejak dini patut diantisipasi oleh Pemerintah Daerah, bahwa dalam
rangka pembinaan kehidupan masyarakat dan bangsa secara berkeseimbangan,
industri konten dijital kreatif terutama game online, juga tidak sepi dari dampak
negatif, jika terjadi gejala penyalah gunaan atau over used. Sama seperti
penyalahgunaan narkoba dan akibat perilaku seksualitas menyimpang dengan HIV/
AIDS yang mengancam masa depan generasi muda Indonesia, maka
ketergantungan akan game online dikalangan anak, remaja dan pemuda serta
dewasa, akan membawa dampak serupa, bahkan lebih parah bagi kehidupan
pribadi, sosial maupun intelektual yang bersangkutan. Berbeda dengan korban
penyalahgunaan Narkoba atau HIV/AIDS yang secara bertahap mudah dikenali dari
symptom atau gejala fisik si penderita, maka dalam penyalahgunaan game online
lebih sulit atau musykil ditemu kenali efeknya secara fisik atau jasmaniah.
Pengamatan atau deteksi dini terhadap korban penyalahgunaan game online selain
belum dikenali secara sistemik, juga tidak dapat dilakukan secara seketika.
Diperlukan pengamatan secara jeli, sistematik, teratur secara menyeluruh atas pola
kebiasaan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari korban, serta pengenalan perubahan sikap
dan perilaku yang berdampak pada penurunan produktivitas kerja, belajar dan
kesadaran atas tanggungjawab sosial dimasyarakat.
Dalam jangka panjang dan berskala nasional dampak dari penyalahgunaan kedua
bidang yakni Narkoba dan HIV/AIDS memerlukan biaya pemulihan sosial yang relatif
mahal dan penerapan sistem rehabilitasi medis, sosial dan ekonomis maupun
perilaku yang menyeluruh. Pembangunan rumah pemasyarakatan, panti atau pusat
layanan rehabilitasi penderita Narkoba menyita sumberdaya nasional akibat luasnya
penyalahgunaan dikalangan masyarakat. Sementara dampak penyalahgunaan
HIV/AIDS juga merupakan salah satu efek wabah global yang tidak sedikit menguras
enerji nasional. Sebab, selain kedua wabah sosial tadi muncul akibat berubahnya
status Indonesia yang semula sebagai ‘transitory area dalam jaringan global’, kini
telah menjadi ‘target market area bahkan home industry based’ untuk beberapa
jenis bahan psikhotropika sintetik tertentu.
Guna mencegah terjadinya efek negatif seperti pada kedua bidang penyalahgunaan
tersebut diatas, maka dalam bidang usaha layanan jasa game online, Pemerintah
Daerah menilai perlu segera dilakukan penataan usaha penyelenggaraan jasa game
online baik yang dilaksanakan melalui tempat usaha warung internet maupun di bilik
layanan (counter) khusus yang ada di mall, supermarket dan pusat perbelanjaan
atau tempat usaha lain dilingkungan pemukiman warga.
Pembinaan usaha penyelenggaraan layanan jasa game online diterapkan dengan
maksud untuk melibatkan aparat pemerintah di Pusat maupun Daerah dalam rangka
mewujudkan ketertiban umum dan ketenteraman masyarakat atas tersedianya
layanan jasa permainan daring atau game online.
Tujuan pembinaan adalah agar terwujud iklim usaha yang sehat dan kondusif dalam
rangka mendukung berkembangnya industri konten dijital kreatif, dengan
tersalurkan dan terpupuknya minat, bakat serta keterampilan di bidang produksi/
kerja berbasis keahlian/ pengetahuan aplikasi informatika pada khususnya serta
teknologi informasi dan komunikasi pada umumnya, maupun terbinanya potensi
‘gamer’ sebagai cabang kegiatan hobby, rekreasi dan tidak tertutup kemungkinan
kelak sebagai bentuk olahraga keterampilan tersendiri.
1. Pengertian
 Game is a structured or semi structured activity– used for enjoyment or
education purpose
 Key component of a games are
o Goals --- Rules--- Challenge --- Interactivity
 Games involve mental, physical or both
 Need practical skills
 Games are a universal part of human experience and present in all cultures
 The word Game– Ludwig Wittgenstein address the definition. – Austrian
(1889- 1951) – went to school with Hitler
2. Perlunya Penataan secara sistematik
Berdasarkan hasil pemantauan dan studi literature serta kajian perbandingan
terhadap pelaksanaan implementasi kebijakan Pemerintah di berbagai Negara dari
beragam penjuru dunia dalam pembinaan penyelenggaraan usaha game online,
maka produksi maupun pemanfaatan game online memiliki dimensi sangat variatif,
berpotensi memperoleh response masyarakat yang sangat beranekaragam (isu
kontroversial) dan berpeluang sebagai wahana bermain yang atraktif.
Seperti halnya olahraga fisik yang memerlukan aturan dan pembinaan agar dapat
ditegakkan “rule of the game dan spirit sportivitas”, maka dalam bidang usaha jasa
layanan game online juga diperlukan kehadiran seperangkat aturan dan ketentuan
hukum untuk memayungi iklim usaha agar tumbuh secara sehat, tertib dan aman.
Sementara parameter yang menjadi salah satu pertimbangan indikasi penegakan
hukum, adalah sejauh mana bidang usaha tadi berpeluang menimbulkan dampak
negatif yang dapat meresahkan kehidupan masyarakat. Di bidang olahraga fisik,
dampak dapat berupa kecelakaan olahraga, tawuran antar supporter, kompetisi
yang diwarnai dengan trik perjokian dan “permainan untuk mengatur skor
kemenangan” dan seterusnya. Sementara dalam game online, dapat diduga
kemungkinan timbulnya ‘adiksi online’ yang berkembang menjadi bentuk
‘penyalahgunaan’ ketika hasrat bermain secara interaktif online dihadapkan pada
potensi ketersediaan pemain lawan atau ‘mitra gamer’ yang berdatangan atau
berasal dari seluruh penjuru dunia.
Dengan kondisi selang waktu atau jedah yang berbeda akibat posisi kediaman
geografis dari belahan dunia, menyebabkan antar pengguna tidak saling kenal,
berbeda kultur dan social status, kemudian bermain tidak kenal waktu dan bahkan
berlangsung non stop sehingga dapat menguras tenaga atau melelahkan. Dari
beberapa hasil penelitian terapan bidang psykhologi dan physiologi dinegara maju,
adiksi game online pada tingkat yang sudah akut dapat menyebabkan kerusakan
system syaraf maupun berubahnya pola perilaku anak, remaja dan pemuda.
Syahdan, dibanding kerusakan akibat penyalahgunaan Narkoba atau HIV/AIDS, maka
menjadi tidak sebanding, karena pada game online atas diri penyalahguna tidak
nampak symptom yang segera dan dengan mudah mudah dikenali gejalanya. Tidak
Nampak gejala fisik pada tubuh penyalahguna game online, kecuali dari mangkirnya
atas kegiatan rutin atau kewajiban belajar yang biasanya mereka lakukan atau ikuti.
3. Kriteria pengaturan game online
the United Kingdom, have grouped games in the following categories:
Target games
such as golf, lawn-bowls and
ten-pin bowling
Batting and fielding games
such as cricket, softball and
Net/wall games such as
tennis, volleyball, badminton,
squash and racquetball.
Territory games such as
soccer, ice hockey,
basketball, rugby and
(BM) skill is
BM skills
include run,
jump, stop, turn
and guard
BM skills
include run,
stop, turn, jump
and guard
BM skills
include run,
stop, turn, jump
and guard.
equipment handling (EH) skill
is sending-away (throwing or
EH skills sending
away (throwing and striking)
and receiving (collecting and
EHskills include sending away
and preparing to receive.
EH skills sending away,
receiving (catching and
trapping) and retaining
and carrying).
Guna mengantisipasi dan melakukan pembinaan secara tertib, teratur, konsisten
dan sistematis serta berkelanjutan, maka beberapa aspek permainan secara online
atau game online dikategeorikan kedalam kelompok dan kriteria sebagai berikut:
1. MUD Multi user Dungeon, Dimension, Domain. is a multiplayer real-time
virtual world described primarily in text. MUDs combine elements of roleplaying games, hack and slash, player versus player, interactive fiction, and
online chat. Players can read or view descriptions of rooms, objects, other
players, non-player characters, and actions performed in the virtual world.
Players typically interact with each other and the world by typing commands
that resemble a natural language. Traditional MUDs implement a role-playing
video game set in a fantasy world populated by fictional races and monsters,
with players choosing classes in order to gain specific skills or powers. The
object of this sort of game is to slay monsters, explore a fantasy world,
complete quests, go on adventures, create a story by roleplaying, and
advance the created character. Many MUDs were fashioned around the dicerolling rules of the Dungeons & Dragons series of games.
2. MUG Multi user Games;
MMORG Multi user Multiplayer Online Roleplay Games. Massively multiplayer
online role-playing game (MMORPG) is a genre of role-playing video games in
which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual
game world, As in all RPGs, players assume the role of a character (often in a
fantasy world) and take control over many of that character's actions.
MMORPGs are distinguished from single-player or small multi-player RPGs by
the number of players, and by the game's persistent world, usually hosted by
the game's publisher, which continues to exist and evolve while the player is
away from the game. This is often referred to as being offline. MMORPGs are
played throughout the world.[1] Worldwide revenues for MMORPGs exceeded
half a billion dollars in 2005,[2] and Western revenues exceeded US$1 billion in
2006.[3] In 2008, Western consumer spending on subscription MMOGs grew to
$1.4 billion.[4] World of Warcraft, a popular MMORPG, had more than 12 million
subscribers as of October, 2010.[5]
quest content 16,42 %,
elaborate graphics 3D 15,57 %,
diverse unique content 9,72 % and
diverse items 4,8 %.
1. Multiplayer online games (19 C, 535 P); ×] Multiplayer gaming service (9
2. [+] Massively multiplayer online games (6 C, 121 P)
3. [+] MUD games (2 C, 63 P)
4. [×] Multiplayer browser-based games in 3d gameworld (16 P)
MMOG menurut genre dikelompokkan kedalam:
First-Person Shooter (FPS)
Role-Playing Game (RPG)
Real-Time Strategy (RTS)
Dalam konteks persistensi permainan, kategori dikelompokkan dalam:
No persistency
Persistent player information
Persistent game world
Singleplayer online games (27 P)
ONLINE Game : Free online games (46 P) Vs Proprietary online games
Online skill-based game - Online poker
Online text-based role-playing game - Online word game -The Stone
(online game)
9. Online collectible card games (12 P); Browser-based games (5 C, 59 P);
10. Play-by-email video games (29 P)
11. Social network game - Chat games (1 P);
12. Point Blank (2008 video game)
13. SpaceInvasion
14. Spore (2008 video game)
15. Steppenwolf: The X-Creatures Project
16. Street Fighter Online: Mouse Generation
17. Strimko
18. Super B (video game)
19. The Perfect General
20. Persistent world
21. Phantasy Star Universe
22. Pirate Galaxy
23. PlaceSpotting
24. Play-by-post role-playing game
25. Pocket God (Facebook)
Model pengembangan usaha dan industry games online:
Types of Games:
a. Cooperative and non-cooperative – players are able to form binding
b. Symmetric and asymmetric
c. Zero sum and non-zero sum game-players neither increase nor decrease
the available resources
d. Simultaneous and sequential
e. Perfect information and imperfect information
f. Infinitely long games
g. Discrete and continues games
h. Meta games– rules for another game
1. Penetapan kategori yang dirunutkan dari jenis permainan
(gameplay) dan selera atau pangsa pasar (market) dikelompokkan
Video Game: title featuring a "game-based" gameplay and used in the
entertainment market only.
Video Toy: title featuring a "play-based" gameplay and used in the
entertainment market only.
Serious Game: title featuring a "game-based" gameplay and used in one or
several additional markets besides entertainment.
Serious Play: title featuring a "play-based" gameplay and used in one or several
additional markets besides entertainment.
Kategori "Serious Game" expression, which refers to "any game whose purpose isn't
restricted to sole entertainment", is only used for titles released after 2002. To qualify such
"games with serious purposes" released before 2002, we will use the "Retro" adjective.
Hence, we will also classify games as "Retro Serious Game" and "Retro Serious Play".
Lebih lanjut, kategori diatas dapat dirinci lebih lanjut kedalam sub kategorii yang
dirunutkan dari maksud atau tujuan permainan yakni :
Advergame: game broadcasting a marketing or communication message.
Newsgame: game broadcasting an informative message.
Edugame: game broadcasting an educative message.
Exergame (exercice game): physical or cognitive training game.
Edumarketgame: game broadcasting both a marketing or communication message
AND an informative message, educative message or training.
Any title that fits none of the above descriptions isn't related to any subcategory.
Sedangkan pembatasan lain adalah bidang kegiatan yang dinilai terlarang atau perlu dibatasi
aksesnya untuk menyesuaikan dan menjaga perkembangan kejiwaan sesuai dengan
kemampuan dan daya fikir anak, remaja:
2. Model bisnis layanan game online:
Individual set amount plan;
Individual set volume plan;
Set amount plan for warnet;
Set volume plan for warnet;
Partial play plan;
Combined price plan.
3. Keterampilan yang diperlukan:
a. Skill– physical skill (wrestling, tug of war) – mental skill( chess..)
b. Luck– this is random choice, an outcome that the player has no control over(
role of die, gambling, snake and ladder,..)
Strategy– this is almost exact opposite of luck– ability to plan turns and
moves within a game determines the outcome( checkers, chess, go, tictac-toe, …)
c. Resource Management– player has certain assts– must be used carefully if he
is to succeed
d. Territory control--- control the game space is often important
e. Diplomacy– How players interact
4. Faktor berpengaruh atas kualitas layanan:
Jenis/ tipe Akses koneksi internet;
Tujuan pemakaian utama layanan;
Preferensi jenis game yang diminati;
Jadwal waktu layanan game online;
Tingkat partisipasi antar pengguna ditempat layanan;
Status pembayaran.
1. Kategori berikut untuk tujuan lanjutan, maka maksud game onlie dikelompokkan
1. Basis permainan
Gameplay A videogame can feature one of the two gameplay types below:
Either "Game-based", which means this title is designed with stated goals to reach.
These goals are used as reference to evaluate the performance of the player, in order
to judge if he has "won" or "lost", or to give him an objective mark called "score".
Or "Play-based", which means this title is designed with no stated goals to reach.
Hence, this title does not explicitly evaluate the performance of the player. However,
the player is free to state his own goals if he decides to.
2. Purpose Besides its play value, each title may features additional purposes, such as:
Educative message broadcasting
Informative message broadcasting
Marketing & Communication message broadcasting
Subjective message broadcasting
Goods trading
Licensed title
2. Kategori lain adalah kelompok usia audience atau pemain, disesuaikan dengan
karakter dan tipe game online. Pengelompokan umur dapat saja secara diskreet
dalam kelompok umur (0-3, 3-7, 8-11, 12-16, 17-25, 25-35, 35-60, 60+) dan kelompok
umum (General Public, Professionals, Students).
Alternatif jika akan menerapkan kategori usia secara diskreet, MPAA di Amerika Serikat
menerapkan kategori dan klasifiaksi karya film gerak (motion picture) dalam peringkat
G: Semua umur (General Audiences)
PG - Bimbingan orang tua (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Sebagian dari isi mungkin tidak cocok untuk anak-anak.
PG-13: Peringatan keras bagi orang tua (Parents Strongly
Sebagian dari isi mungkin tidak cocok untuk anak berusia
di bawah 13 tahun.
R: Terbatas (Restricted)
Anak di bawah usia 17 tahun harus ditemani orang tua
atau orang dewasa sebagai pengawal.
NC-17: Dewasa 17 tahun ke atas (No One 17 and Under
Bila tidak dikirimkan ke MPAA untuk dinilai, maka film tersebut diberi label NR (Not Rated,
tidak dinilai). Peringkat NR bukan merupakan klasifikasi resmi MPAA.
3. Kategori berdasarkan perkiraan dampak penjualan:
293 × 263 - Source: The Online Game Market 2003, DFC Intelligence
the 'latter category, Age 55+ gamers ranked third at 45%, ...
4. Klasifikasi terbaru diterapkan di Eropa, memiliki kemiripand engan standard yang
diterapkan di jerman, sebagai berikut:
5. Sedangkan klasifikasi Eropa terbaru yang diresmikan Februari 2010, menggunakan
kategori diskret dan dibagi dalam kelompok sbb:
3 rating: Suitable for all ages. Similar to the ESRB's Early
Childhood and the Everyone (low end) ratings and BBFC's U
7 rating: Suitable only for persons of 7 years of age and older.
Similar to the Everyone (high end) and the Everyone 10+ rating
(low end) ratings in the ESRB and BBFC's PG (low end) rating.
12 rating: Suitable only for persons of over ages 12 and older.
This rating contains mild action violence or suggestive themes
and mildly suggestive language. Similar to the ESRB's Teen (low
end) and Everyone 10+ (high end) ratings and BBFC's PG (high
end) and 12 ratings.
16 rating: This rating is suitable only for persons of 16 years of
age or older. Some situations include moderate to strong
action violence, mild references to gambling, drugs or rude
humor, which makes this rating similar to the Teen (high end)
and the Mature (low end) ratings from the ESRB and the 15
(low end) rating from BBFC.
18 rating: This rating is suitable only for persons 18 years of
age and older, and is similar to the ESRB's Adults Only and
(high end)
end) or the
679 × 285 - Develop
an innovative
and online
Quest ...
rating. Graphic violence, strong sexual content, explicit
references to gambling, and vulgar language (spoken and used
in song lyrics) are permitted.
Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah dalam rangka penata-usahaan di bidang
penyelenggaraan layanan jasa game online, perlu ditempuh secara terpadu,
diterapkan pembinaan operasional secara konsisten dan berkelanjutan yang bersifat
lintas sektoral. Sesuai dengan Tupoksi untuk penegakan ketentuan peraturan
perundangan daerah serta pembinaan ketertiban umum dan ketenteraman
masyarakat, maka Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja bekerjasama dengan unsur aparat
penegakan hukum di daerah (Polri, Kejaksaan, Kehakiman dan Pengadilan) selaku
coordinator hendaknya memiliki arah kebijakan strategis, bahwa game online bukan
dijadikan target peningkatan pendapatan daerah, namun lebih diarahkan kepada
pengembangan potensi ekonomi digital kreatif serta perpanjangan atas fungsi
pembelajaran social dibidang literasi elektronika (e-literacy) bagi masyarakat.
Hal terakhir ini penting ditegaskan ulang, karena komitmen Pemerintah Republik
Indonesia dengan masyarakat sedunia melalui Konferensi Internasional Masyarakat
Informasi se Dunia (WSIS Pertama, Jenewa 2003 dan WSIS Kedua, Tunisia 2005)
bahwa setengah jumlah penduduk diwajibkan sudah melek ICT sebelum tahun 2015.
Dampak ekonomis layanan game online:
1. Menggulirkan kegiatan ekonomi informasi;
2. Isu transaksional layanan game online; status kepemilikan, kredibilitas layanan,
system permainan dan model penjualan items;
Tahapan pemanfaatan dan perkembangan industry game online:
Ekspansi industry game online;
Kebangkitan game portal;
Maraknya permainan game online biasa;
Munculnya industry game online.
Faktor berpengaruh atas perkembangan industry game online:
1. Pembajakan piranti lunak;
2. Ketersediaan pasar perangkat permainan game online;
3. Ketersediaan infrastruktur pendudung: penyebaran warnet, ketersediaan ADSL,
system billing skala kecil.
4. Kebijakan Pemerintah: Kebijakan Pengembangan jaringan koneksi komunikasi
tingkat tinggi (high speed network connection communication policy), adaptasi
kebijakan semi militer dalam pengembangan e-literacy (wajib latih bagi penduduk,
wajib belajar e-literacy dan wajib mengajarkan bagi eks Wamil).
Faktor sukses dalam persaingan global game online:
Pola pengoperasian server;
Metoda publikasi;
Metoda distribusi layanan;
Identifikasi karakteristik Negara pesaing lain (Jepang, China, Korea, Amerika Serikat);
Kompetisi ketat antar Negara (Korea Vs USA)
Global server, direct publishing, online download – Yedang Online;
Local server, direct publishing, packages sales – NCsoft;
Local server, direct publishing, online download – Gravity;
Local server, outsource publishing, online download – MGame.
Demikian Penjelasan Umum tentang Ketentuan Penataan usaha Penyelenggaraan Game
online disusun untuk dijadikan pedoman dalam rangka pembinaan ketertiban umum dan
ketenteraman masyarakat atas kegiatan layanan usaha jasa game online di dalam wilayah
administrasi Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Bangka, provinsi Bangka Belitung.
Sungailiat, April 2011.
Lampitrand dan referensi:
^ "Film Ratings". MPAA. Diakses pada 20
September 2008.
(Inggris) Situs peringkat film MPAA
(Inggris) Cara kerja sistem peringkat MPAA
(Inggris) Basis data rating film
Can Game Motivate Our Next Generation
A review of outcomes and impacts of playing computer games
Dr Elizabeth Boyle
University of the West of Scotland, High Street,
Paisley, PA1 2BE
ads 250x250
Games for entertainment, learning and behaviour change
* Over the last 40 years computer games have had a transformational impact on how we spend
our leisure time and have increasingly replaced more traditional leisure activities
* More recently there has been much interest in and speculation about whether games could be
used for learning and changing attitudes and behaviour but less empirical evidence that games
Literature reviews of games at UWS
* At UWS we have been involved in carrying out a number of literature reviews on aspects of
* In this presentation I will describe a literature review which aimed to examine evidence very
broadly about the outcomes and impacts of playing computer games
* Focus was on positive impacts
* Will highlight some interesting papers
* Psychologist’s perspective!
Objectives of literature review
* determine what research has been done on outcomes and impacts of playing computer games
* interested in entertainment games, GBL and serious games
* try to find a way of organising the diverse research in this area
* describe how the different projects have defined and measured outcomes and impacts
Search terms
(“computer games” OR “video games” OR “serious games” OR “simulation games” OR
“games-based learning” OR “MMOG” OR “MMORPG” OR “MUD” OR “online games”)
* AND (evaluation OR impacts OR outcomes OR effects OR learning OR education OR skills
OR behaviour OR attitude OR engagement OR motivation OR affect)
Databases searched
databases relevant to education, information technology and social science.
* ACM,
* ASSIA: Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts,
* BioMed Central,
* Cambridge Journals Online,
* ChildData,
* Oxford University Press (journals),
* ScienceDirect,
* EBSCO (consisting of Psychology and Behavioural Science, PsycINFO, SocINDEX, Library,
Information Science and Technology Abstracts, CINAHL),
* IngentaConnect,
* Infotrac (Expanded Academic ASAP) and
* Emerald.
Selection of papers for inclusion in the review
* Abstract: papers had to include an abstract.
* Empirical focus: the paper had to report empirical evidence relating to the impacts and
outcomes of playing games.
* Date: papers from 2004 onwards were selected for inclusion in the current review: building on
previous literature reviews
* Age: use of games by adolescents over the age of 14 years
Categorising Games
Games can be categorised in a number of ways:
* Digital /non digital – Can non-digital games provide useful guidance about design of digital
* The main aims/intentions of the game –entertainment, games for learning, attitude or behaviour
* Game genre (different kinds of game)
* Platform/ delivery
* Subject discipline or game domain
Game genre (Hertz, 1997)
* action games (reaction based games including shooting and platforms)
* adventure games (solving logical puzzles to progress though a virtual world)
* fighting games
* puzzle games (such as Tetris)
* role-playing games
* simulations
* sports games and strategy games
* computer games
* video games
* console games
* mobile games
* online games
* ARGs
* virtual worlds
Categorising the impacts and outcomes of games
* Positive or negative effects
* Intended or unintended effects
* General or specific effects
* Outcomes and impacts
Positive or negative effects
* Negative effects: promote aggressive behaviour (Provenzo, 1991) and gender stereotyping
(Bryce & Rutter, 2002); addictive (Griffiths & Hunt, 1998)
* Positive effects: highly engaging; support perceptual and cognitive skills (Green and Bavelier,
2006); games support learning, behaviour change, social outcomes
Intended or unintended effects
* Many of the outcomes of playing games are unintended, i. e. they were not intentionally
designed into the game to achieve particular goals.
o For example, violent games were not designed purposefully to make people more aggressive
but they do seem to have this unintended consequence (Gentile and Gentile, 2007)
o Entertainment games were not intentionally designed to improve visual perceptual skills but
appear to do so
o (Green and Bavelier, 2006).
* Learning games are intentionally designed to support learning.
General or specific effects
* Some papers examined the generic effects of playing games. For example several papers
considered whether playing violent games generally makes players aggressive
* Other papers examine the impact of playing specific games, e. g. emotional and physiological
reactions to specific violent events in playing a game; does a game designed to support learning
actually do so.
Frameworks for categorising outcomes of games
* Garris, Ahlers and Driskell (2002)
* O’Neill, Wainess and Baker (2005)
* Wouters et al (2009)
Garris, Ahlers and Driskell (2002): learning outcomes
* skills based learning outcomes
o (technical and motor skills)
* cognitive outcomes
o declarative (knowledge of facts and data)
o procedural (knowledge about how to perform a task)
* strategic (the ability to apply rules and strategies)
* affective outcomes (beliefs or attitudes)
O’Neill, Wainess and Baker (2005)
CRESST model identified five “families of cognitive demands”:
* content specific
o content understanding
o problem solving
* content independent
o collaboration / teamwork
o communication
o self-regulation
Wouters et al (2009)
Identified four different kinds of outcome that games might have –
* cognitive outcomes – knowledge and cognitive skills
* motor skills
* affective outcomes
* communicative outcomes
Our categorisation of outcomes
* knowledge acquisition/content understanding
* perceptual and cognitive skills
* affective, motivational and physiological outcomes
* behaviour change
* motor skills
* soft skills/social outcomes
Diverse range of papers found
Papers focusing on entertainment games (64)
* Questionnaire studies/ development of models of time spent playing games/ game playing
patterns/reasons for playing entertainment games
* Validation studies of measures of engagement (flow, immersion)
* Experimental studies of immersion in games, physiological responses
* Experimental studies examining perceptual and cognitive benefits of playing games
* Studies evaluating use of entertainment games for learning
Papers focusing on games for learning (52)
* Evaluations of the effectiveness of specific GBL in supporting learning
* Studies examining pedagogical variables which influence effectiveness of games for learning
Papers focusing on games for behaviour change (8)
* evaluations of the effectiveness of specific games in supporting behaviour change
Affective and motivational outcomes
* Most of the papers categorised under affective and motivational outcomes looked at aspects of
motivation and engagement in playing games
* Digital games are clearly highly engaging, but engagement is a somewhat elusive and
underspecified construct
* Engagement/enjoyment is an outcome of playing games but also a reason for playing
Indicators of engagement in games
* numbers of people who play games
* the amount of money spent on games
* models of amount of time spent playing games/patterns of playing games (TAM model;
* models of reasons for playing games (U&G theory)
* the games that people play
* subjective enjoyment of games – questionnaire measures
* harder, more objective, measures of engagement
Models of time spent playing games
* Reasons for playing games: U&G theory identified competition, challenge, social interaction,
diversion, fantasy and arousal (Lucas and Sherry, 2004); applying U&G to sports games, Kim
and Ross (2006) identified knowledge application, fantasy and identification with sport
* TAM theory: social variables (social norms and critical mass) were more important than
traditional TAM variables (perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness) in predicting time
spent playing entertainment games (Hsu and Lu, 2004)
* Self-regulatory mechanisms (relieving boredom, reducing loneliness, passing the time,
providing an escape) are important in controlling amount of time spent playing games; the
experience of flow make it more likely that players will have difficulties in regulating media
consumption (Lee and Larose, 2007)
Studies of flow, immersion and presence
Immediate feelings of enjoyment and engagement experienced while playing games
* Flow relates to the activity
* Presence relates to the technology
* Immersion relates to involvement with game
EGameflow: Fu, Su and Yu (2005)
* Sweetser & Wyeth’s model of GameFlow provided an integrated account of enjoyment of
entertainment games.
* Included eight dimensions: challenge, player skills, concentration, control, goal clarity,
feedback, immersion and social interaction.
* Fu, Su and Yu (2005) added a knowledge improvement scale to their EGameFLow model to
measure “the level of enjoyment brought to the learner by e-learning games”.
Immersion (Jennett et al, 2008)
* term used to describe the extreme involvement and enjoyable feelings experienced while
playing computer games.
* but lack of clarity concerning precisely what immersion means
* series of experimental studies designed to develop better questionnaire measures of immersion
(subjective measures) as well as exploring the possibility of developing harder, more objective
measures of immersion and relate these two together.
Immersion Questionnaire (Jennett et al, 2008)
A validation study identified 5 factors underlying the immersion experience questionnaire. These
were 3 person related factors
* cognitive involvement: “How much effort did you put into playing the game?”
* real world dissociation: “To what extent was your sense of being in the game environment
stronger than your sense of being in the real world?
* emotional involvement: “To what extent did you feel emotionally attached to the game?”
and 2 game related factors
* challenge: “To what extent did you find the game challenging?”
* control: “To what extent did you feel as though you were moving through the game according
to your own will?”
Immersion (Jennett et al, 2008)
* Predicted that participation in an immersive task would reduce the ability of players to
subsequently “re-engage” with the real world and this could be measured by their performance
on the subsequent task.
* Time taken to complete the subsequent (Tangram) task was longer following the immersive
game (Half-life) than following the non-immersive task (“square clicking”).
* Interesting point: participants rated “square clicking” as quite immersive!
* Participants’ eye movements significantly increased over time in a non-immersive condition
but significantly decreased over time in an immersive condition. In an immersive game eye
movements will decrease as players’ attention becomes more focused on visual components
relevant to the game.
* Also found more immersion with faster stimulus presentation.
Popularity: 12% [?]