Slinfold Parish Council PO Box 315, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 9XX Tel: 01403 785864 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held on Thursday 26th February 2009 At 7.30pm at the Parish Room 032/09 Attendance and Apologies for Absence Those present: Councillors E Sorensen (Chairman), C Burke, W Coad, M Dunkerton, N Jefferys, A Skeates, G Stenton-Chandler and D White. Also present: Parish Clerk M Burroughs. Apologies – Cllrs. R Hillyard, N Jefferys, F Jobling, M Hodgson (County) and P Rowlinson (District). Darryn Moulding from the Street Scene Team Wardens was also present in connection with minute 034/09. 033/09 Declarations of Interest and Notification of Change to Members’ Interests Cllr. Burke declared a personal interest in 039/09 as he lives close to KGV field where there is a planning application for a MUGA court. There were no other declarations of interest or changes notified to Members’ Register of Interests. 034/09 Presentation by the Street Scene Team Wardens Darryn Moulding attended the meeting to brief members on the work that the team does. The team has been formed for nearly two years and provides coverage from 7am to 11.00pm daily. HDC and Saxon Weald sponsor them. They deal with low-level anti-social behaviour and environmental crime to include graffiti, fly posting and tipping, abandoned vehicles, dog fouling and engaging with young people using a yellow-card system for offenders, whereby, three yellow card offences are referred to Sussex Police. It was suggested that the team could help with reducing smoking litter in the village, particularly outside the Red Lyon and also provide an article for the parish magazine i.e. contact numbers etc. that Slinfold residents could use to report low level crime. Darryn Moulding agreed to look at these two matters. 035/09 Chairman’s Announcements i. ii. iii. S106 funds – Downs Links & School Car Park - The Downs Link work has almost been completed. WSCC has asked the Parish Council to place a note in the village magazine to ask that riders walk their horses rather than canter down the path. Cllr. Hillyard and School Governor, Neville Taylor are attending the CLC Meeting on 2nd March 2009 to try to obtain agreement to using £16k of Golf Club monies to improve parking in village by extending the school car park from 7 to 22 spaces. WSCC and Cllr. Hodgson are supporting this application. Members present were in full agreement to using the S106 monies for this project. Consultation – Code of Recommended Practice on Local Authority Publicity – Cllr. White’s feedback to his review of this consultation as previously circulated was discussed. Members present agreed with the recommendations made. HALC Meeting Monday 2nd March at 7.30pm – Cllrs. Sorensen and Burke will confirm if they are able to attend. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Parish Council Reception – Friday 8th May 2009 – this date was noted by the members present. Sussex Village of the Year – Members present felt that entry to the competition this year was not appropriate given the preparation involved, however felt that it may be worth working towards an entry for 2010. It was suggested that this might be something that Cllr. Jobling may like to investigate further. The Clerk will liaise with the Councillor on this matter. Speed Indicator Display (SID) – Training will take place on Wednesday 11th March 2009. Cllrs. Burke, Coad and Stenton-Chandler will attend the training session and provide further information at the next parish council meeting. Village Hall Trustees Planning Application – Mr. Denis Ingelby has prepared an application for the addition of a porch to the Village Hall. If the application goes to HDC from the Parish Council, with Mr. Ingelby as agent, then a 50% discount applies, saving £85. Members present agreed that the application could be submitted in the name of the Parish Council. Local Needs Affordable Housing – The Clerk has received a letter from, Tom Warder, a Rural Housing Enabler with Action in Rural Sussex (AirS). The letter asks if the Parish Council would like to meet to discuss the issue of Affordable Rural Housing; members present felt that a meeting was not required at this time but agreed to passing on contact information for the village magazine. 036/09 Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on 29th January 2009 and the Youth Club AGM on 11th February 2009, as previously circulated. The draft Minutes for the Parish Council Meeting and the Youth Club AGM, having been circulated, were taken as read and it was agreed that the Minutes be accepted and signed as a true record. 037/09 Matters arising from 036/09 (Parish Council Minutes), for information only i) ii) Tanbridge School has confirmed that they would like to use Cherry Tree as a stop off point for their sponsored walk. There were no other matters arising to report. 038/09 Matters arising from the Public Session There were no matters arising from the public session. 039/09 Planning Report Cllr. Burke presented the Planning Report to the Parish Council. New and amended planning applications: The following applications were received in the month and reviewed by the Planning Advisory Group. HDC has been advised of the Parish Council’s recommendations as follows: HDC Date received Address & Post Code Application by HDC of application number Nature of application Name Applicant or Agent Feedback to HDC Planning Committee (Date) DC/09/0243 12/02/2009 Lower Lodge The Haven Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 9BE Amendment to previously approved barn conversion (DC/05/1061) to include internal alterations Mr Mark Avery Feedback Outstanding DC/09/0206 06/02/2009 Gaskyns Lyons Road Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0QT Alterations to south elevation of approved swimming pool (Building 11) to provide small extension with hipped gable roof (amendment to DC/08/1620) Listed Building Consent Mr Eric Mariani 26/2/2009 Feedback from the PC will be based upon site visit planned for the 27/2/2009. DC/09/0205 06/02/2009 Alterations to south elevation of approved swimming Gaskyns Lyons Road Slinfold pool (Building 11) to provide small extension with Horsham West Sussex RH13 hipped gable roof (amendment to DC/08/1619) Full 0QT Planning Mr Eric Mariani 26/2/2009 Feedback from the PC will be based upon site visit planned for the 27/2/2009. DC/09/0190 05/02/2009 Wild Harrys Hayes Lane Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0SL Single-storey extension to provide a garden room to Planning Advisory Committee has No main house and rebuild link between house and Mr & Mrs Aldridge Objection (U5/5). 10/2/2009. Ratified PC ancillary accommodation within barns (Full 26/2/2009 Planning) DC/09/0189 05/02/2009 Wild Harrys Hayes Lane Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0SL Single-storey extension to provide a garden room to Planning Advisory Committee has No main house and rebuild link between house and Mr & Mrs Aldridge Objection (U5/5). 10/2/2009. Ratified PC ancillary accommodation within barns (Listed 26/2/2009 Building Consent) DC/09/0160 02/02/2009 Littlegate House Hayes Lane Demolition of existing utility room and replacement Slinfold Horsham West Sussex with new single-storey utility and garden room RH13 0SN extension Mr & Mrs Campbell Planning Advisory Committee has No Objection (U5/5). 10/2/2009. Ratified PC 26/2/2009 DC/09/0159 02/02/2009 Littlegate House Hayes Lane Demolition of existing utility room and replacement Slinfold Horsham West Sussex with new single-storey utility and garden room RH13 0SN extension (Full Planning) DC/09/0155 30/01/2009 Gaskyns Lyons Road Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0QT 4 x Dormer windows to replace 8 roof lights on Building 22 currently under construction (Amendment to previously approved application DC/08/1618). Mr & Mrs Campbell Planning Advisory Committee has No Objection (U5/5). 10/2/2009. Ratified PC 26/2/2009 Mr Eric Mariani 26/2/2009 Feedback from the PC will be based upon site visit planned for the 27/2/2009. Applications permitted, refused and withdrawn: The following applications have been processed by HDC and the results follow: HDC Date received Address & Post Code Application by HDC of application number Nature of application Status Feedback to HDC Planning Committee (Date) Application Permitted Planning Advisory Committee (S 3/2) No Objection. Concern over traffic onto the A29 and discrepancies in application. No objection - ratified at PC meeting 29/01/2009 DC/08/2600 22-Dec-08 Random Hall Hotel Stane Street Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0QX 2-storey extension comprising 6 bedroom suites with single storey extension to rear enclosing existing open air licensed area, minor modifications to verge of existing overgrown pond, associated parking and alterations to existing bedrooms affected by new works and re-instatement of owner occupier's residence to provide 2 bedrooms and lounge area (Full Planning). DC/08/2601 22-Dec-08 Random Hall Hotel Stane Street Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0QX as above see 2600. Listed Building Consent Application Permitted Planning Advisory Committee (S 3/2) No Objection. Concern over traffic onto the A29 and discrepancies in application. No objection - ratified at PC meeting 29/01/2009 DC/08/2574 18-Dec-08 Lucerne Five Oaks Road Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RL First floor extension Application Permitted Planning Advisory Committee (U 5/5) No Objection (12/01). Ratified PC Meeting 29 Jan 2009 DC/08/2528 10-Dec-08 Burley Edge 1 Six Acres Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0TH Surgery to 2 x Oak trees (T3 and T5) (sited on land to the north of Burley Edge, 1 Six Acres Slinfold) Application Permitted Planning Advisory Committee (U 4/4) No Objection advised HDC (18/12). DC/08/2448 26-Nov-08 Farthings Park Road Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0SD Surgery to 1 Oak tree (T1) Application Permitted Planning Advisory Committee (U 5/5) No Objection (15/12). HDC advised 18/12/2008 Planning applications pending consideration or decision by HDC: The Parish Council received a report on all previous applications currently pending consideration or a decision by HDC. Appeals: Old Strood, Nowhurst Lane – Appeal for double garage – granted, appeal for costs failed. New Enforcement issues: None Other Matters: - MUGA KGV – Application DC/09/0076. Cllr. Burke chose to leave the room whilst members discussed this application (see 033/09). Further consultation letters have been sent out to those residents who should have received a letter in the first instance. There were no members of the public present with regard to this application. Cllr. White shared with members the details of three representations, two from neighbours and one other from the Environment Agency. Neighbours were concerned about lighting, access and anti-social behaviour. The Environment Agency, in a letter to HDC, commented upon the risk of flooding and contamination. Members present having listened to the representations continue to support the application. It was agreed that as the Parish Council had previously supported the application and had submitted the application to HDC, that no further feedback was necessary. 040/09 Report from County Councillor Cllr. Hodgson was unable to attend the meeting and had conveyed his apologies to the Clerk prior to the meeting. Cllr. Burke informed members present that he had become aware of a Path Creation Order on the bridle path (Christ’s Hospital Station), previously mentioned by Cllr. Hodgson, which was being referred to the WSCC, Rights of Way Committee. The Parish Council has sent WSCC a letter of support. 041/09 Report from District Councillor(s) Cllr. Rowlinson was unable to attend the meeting and had advised that there was nothing to report. 042/09 Consultation – All Our Futures – Horsham District Sustainable Community Strategy (as previously circulated) Members present had reviewed the consultation document, feedback as follows, will be provided by the Clerk by 13th March 2009. Parish Councils should have a longer period of time in which to consider their response to consultations of this nature. Whilst there are many reports being produced, it will be interesting to see what action will be taken. The document is repetitive and contradictory in parts, it could be much more succinct. Most of the commercial areas in the Horsham District have been built upon, creating a dormitory town. There is agreement to more affordable housing but there is also a need for local employment to reduce travelling. Rural activities need more support to keep shops, post offices, village halls and public houses going together with more public transport, particularly for the elderly to medical centres. Young people need more support with leisure activities and job prospects. With increased pressure for local councils to meet housing needs, it is important that building is centred on brown field sites. Where sites have been identified for development, for example in Broadbridge Heath, then developers should be forced to comply with affordable housing requirements. Consideration must be given to the UK Sustainability Commission and their comprehensive area assessment reports. This information together with that from the Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre should provide valuable information to look after the rural nature of our district. Given the recent down turn in the economy, it is suggested that a brief supplementary report be produced, relating the most recent position. The creation of a University locally should be considered; evidence suggests that when students move away they do not return to the area! 043/09 Highway Matters i) ii) HGV Sign, Lyons Road - WSCC Highways will be replacing the sign opposite the Toyota Garage to include an arrow to deter HGV drivers from entering the village. The sign will be attached to posts so that it cannot be turned around. Gateway Fencing at the 30mph limit near Bobbins Post – Following a report from a resident that the fencing had been vandalised, WSCC, Highways has visited the area to assess the damage. This visit identified a number of defects and anomalies, which WSCC are investigating. WSCC also enquired as to who erected the fencing, members believed it was WSCC. The Clerk will advise WSCC, who have advised that the repair of the fencing will be low priority. 044/09 Finance i) A list of accounts to be paid in the sum of £1,740.37 was distributed to all Councillors present. The list was reviewed and duly agreed. Details of The Clerk and Litter Warden’s salaries are available upon request. Payments February 2009 Payee £ Comment Saxon (Garage Hire) Saxon Weald £34.60 Monthly charge for garage rental CLERKS SALARY MRS M BURROUGHS As per schedule CLERKS EXPENSES MRS M BURROUGHS £173.33 As per schedule LW SALARY & EXPENSES MR A BAKER Hall Rental Slinfold Village Hall £121.50 PC 52.50 YC 69.00 Spam Filter Vision Inc £28.75 Email and spam filter Communicorp CommuniCorp £65.00 Local Council Update Subscription Various jobs in village and play areas Mr R Pope £181.00 Handyman Work Sign for play area Bel Signs £94.30 Replace KGV signs which were broken New monitor for Parish PC N Glover £165.00 Supply and Install new monitor as agreed by Finance Committee SID Contribution Horsham District Council £100.00 To be agreed TOTAL £1,740.37 ii) iii) iv) As per schedule Speed Indictor Display (SID) – It was RESOLVED to approve a payment of £100 to Horsham District Council as a one-off contribution towards this device. Grass Cutting – The Clerk distributed a summary of the quotes received from three contractors who had been asked to quote for grounds maintenance for Cherry Tree and KGV for the next two years. The Football Club has asked that contractors re-quote based on a reduced number of cuts (i.e. 12) between April and September only. Quotes are pending from two contractors but members present agreed that based on the information received that the contract be awarded to the most competitive tender received. It was agreed that, upon receipt of the revised quotes, and as previously agreed, that a decision will be made by the Chairman and members of the Finance and Recreation Committees. Application for grant from Victim Support – it was agree to look at this request at the April 2009 meeting. 045/09 Clerk’s Announcements & Correspondence Received Announcements: i) The Clerk has received a request from West Sussex Mediation for a grant – it was agree to look at this request at the April 2009 meeting. ii) Slindon Landfill – A company by the name of Solargrove Properties Ltd had advised that a piece of land was going to auction in Slindon should anyone in the parish be interested in purchasing this land. This letter has been sent to all parishes in the area. iii) The Clerk advised that she had advised our insurers Allianz of a change in sums insured. However, despite a reduction in the overall sums insured, this change will attract an increase in premium, primarily as a result of increasing the value of ‘lighting’ at Cherry Tree and adding the litter bins. Correspondence Received: The following correspondence was made available for Councillors to review: WS NHS Trusts Merger & PCT Bulletin Southern Water Update Feb 2009 CP Re Campaigns Update ICIS – Information for life LCU January – Feb 2009 Your Environment – Issue 22 HDC Development Control 3rd March 2009 046/09 Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies Cllr. Stenton-Chandler provided an update on the Police Panel Meeting on 17 th February 2009. This report included details on attempted burglaries from cars in the area, speeding, and successes with regard to Youth Clubs and the reduction of anti-social behaviour. The priorities for the PCSO in Slinfold for the coming months are maintaining a visible presence, dog fouling, litter and illegal parking. Cllr. White mentioned the Youth Club AGM; members had received a copy of the minutes. 047/09 Members’ Questions and Comments Cllr. Dunkerton advised that she had been informed that a Catchments Inspector from Southern Water had visited the village with regard to ‘oil’ pollution in the water. This may be coming from a leaking oil tank and he will be placing an article in the magazine asking residents to check their oil tanks. Cllr. Skeates asked for an update on allotments. The Clerk advised that two possible sites had been identified but that the likelihood was that these would not be available and that the search for a suitable piece of land must continue. Cllr. Burke asked that the Parish Council make representation with regard to the reduction in the rail service from Christs Hospital to London. The service is deteriorating and the cost of travel is increasing. It was agreed that a letter of representation be sent to campaigner Monica Edmunds. Cllr. White advised that the donation of £2,000 recently received for the Sports Association might be in dispute. The Clerk forwarded the cheque to the Sports Association as indicated in the letter received but the Cricket Club has questioned whether they should have been the benefactors. It was agreed that the Sports Association and Cricket Club should resolve this issue. 048/09 Items for the Parish Magazine Meeting Schedule for the coming months. Downs Link – a plea to horse riders to walk their horses down the path. Non-emergency Police and Operation Crackdown details. 049/09 Next Meeting(s) Thursday 26th March 2009 - Parish Council (Parish Room) 7.30pm Meeting closed at 10.05pm.