Slinfold Parish Council PO Box 315, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 9XX Tel: 01403 785864 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held on Thursday 26th March 2009 At 7.30pm at the Parish Room 050/09 Attendance and Apologies for Absence Those present: Councillors R Hillyard (Chairman), C Burke, M Dunkerton, N Jefferys, F Jobling, A Skeates, E Sorensen, G Stenton-Chandler and D White. Also present: M Hodgson (County), P Rowlinson (District) and Parish Clerk M Burroughs. Apologies – Cllrs. W Coad and R Nye (District). 051/09 Declarations of Interest and Notification of Change to Members’ Interests There were no declarations of interest or changes notified to Members’ Register of Interests. 052/09 Chairman’s Announcements i. Allotments – an update was provided on two unsuccessful attempts to secure land for allotments. The residents who have requested an allotment have been advised. The search will continue but it is recognised that this is going to be difficult, as the Parish Council does not own any land. A note will be placed in the Parish Magazine. Cllr. Hodgson advised that the Parish Plan should make reference to allotments, to secure a S106 agreement for this purpose; linked to any potential future development of land. ii. School Car Park – the CLC has agreed that funds can be made available to make the improvements. Currently quotes are being obtained from three approved contractors. iii. St Peters Church – work begins on 1 April 2009 to provide the new church annexe. iv. Petworth Parish Council Village Design Statement – it was agreed to advise Petworth Parish Council that a Design Statement, as a supplementary planning document, ought to be taken into account by the local planning authority. It is this councils’ understanding that several hundred houses are to be built in the area and a design statement may be of benefit to help secure the character of this area. It may be too early to say whether the Parish Design Statement for Slinfold will provide benefit; copies have been sent to a number of people considering developing properties. It is hoped that the ‘statement’ is considered prior to any application being placed with our local planning authority. v. Parish Council Reception – The Chief Executive of HDC will be attending the reception. Invites have been sent to local voluntary organisations; around 30 acceptances have been received to date. vi. Six Acres transfer – Rowlinson & Butler has sent the transfer deed with regard to the adoption of land at Six Acres. Clarification is required to ensure that the Parish Council is in a watertight position as transferee. It was agreed that Cllr. Jefferys should deal with Rawlinson & Butler on the transfer and that the Chairman sign the transfer deed when negotiations are complete and assurances have been received. All Councillors were in favour of this course of action. 053/09 Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on 26 th February 2009 as previously circulated. The draft minutes for the Parish Council Meeting having been circulated, were taken as read and it was agreed that the Minutes be accepted and signed as a true record. 054/09 Matters arising from 053/09 (Parish Council Minutes), for information only i) ii) Grass Cutting – The contract has been awarded to Kent County Council following consultation with Parish Council members and the Sports Association. The specification has been revisited and the number of cuts at Cherry Tree has been reduced. The contract is for the next 2 years (£1,731 for 2009-10 and £1,818 for 2010-11), subject to a satisfactory service in the first year. Cllrs. Burke, Coad and Stenton-Chandler have undertaken SID training and are now ready to operate this device in the village. An update was provided and PCSO Hammond is looking at the suggested sites. 055/09 Matters arising from the Public Session There were no matters arising from the public session. 056/09 Planning Report Cllr. Burke presented the Planning Report to the Parish Council. New and amended planning applications: The following applications were received in the month and reviewed by the Planning Advisory Group. HDC has been advised of the Parish Council’s recommendations as follows: HDC Application Date received by number HDC Address & Post Code of application Nature of application Name Applicant or Agent Feedback to HDC Planning Committee (Date) DC/09/0464 18/03/2009 Smithawe Farm Nowhurst Lane Broadbridge Heath Horsham West Sussex RH12 3PJ Conversion of barn to form a 2-storey x 3-bed dwelling Listed Building Consent) Mr and Mrs Scarborough Feedback Outstanding DC/09/0463 18/03/2009 Smithawe Farm Nowhurst Lane Broadbridge Heath Horsham West Sussex RH12 3PJ Conversion of barn to form a 2-storey x 3-bed dwelling (Full Planning) Mr and Mrs Scarborough Feedback Outstanding DC/09/0373 05/03/2009 Slinfold Village Hall The Street Slinfold Horsham West Construction of a porch over the main entrance door Sussex RH13 0RP Mr D Ingelby 26/3/2009 - No Objection DC/09/0298 23/02/2009 Huntingrove Place Park Street Lane Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RB Permanent 3-bed dwelling to serve the essential needs of the established equestrian enterprise Messrs Menzies and Williams Planning Advisory Committee has No Objection (U5/5) but agricultural clause required, house must be conditional on business. 16/03/2009. Ratified by PC 26/3/2009 DC/09/0279 20/02/2009 Warrenside Farm Elmhurst Lane Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RJ Oak framed garage with store/hobbies room above Planning Advisory Committee has No Mr & Mrs Potbury Objection (S4/5). 16/03/2009. Ratified by PC 26/3/2009 Applications permitted, refused and withdrawn: The following applications have been processed by HDC and the results follow: HDC Application number Date received by HDC Address & Post Code of application Nature of application Status Feedback to HDC Planning Committee (Date) DC/09/0190 05/02/2009 Wild Harrys Hayes Lane Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0SL Single-storey extension to provide a garden room to main house and rebuild link between house and ancillary accommodation within barns (Full Planning) Application Permitted Planning Advisory Committee has No Objection (U5/5). 10/2/2009. Ratified PC 26/2/2009 DC/09/0189 05/02/2009 Wild Harrys Hayes Lane Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0SL Single-storey extension to provide a garden room to main house and rebuild link between house and ancillary accommodation within barns (Listed Building Consent) Application Permitted Planning Advisory Committee has No Objection (U5/5). 10/2/2009. Ratified PC 26/2/2009 DC/09/0160 02/02/2009 Littlegate House Hayes Lane Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0SN Demolition of existing utility room and replacement with new single-storey utility and garden room extension Application Permitted Planning Advisory Committee has No Objection (U5/5). 10/2/2009. Ratified PC 26/2/2009 DC/09/0159 02/02/2009 Littlegate House Hayes Lane Demolition of existing utility room and Slinfold Horsham West replacement with new single-storey utility Sussex RH13 0SN and garden room extension (Full Planning) Application Permitted Planning Advisory Committee has No Objection (U5/5). 10/2/2009. Ratified PC 26/2/2009 DC/09/0100 21/01/2009 Industrial Building Change of use of building from fabrication of Homestead Whitebreads plaster coving to storage of materials and Farm Stane Street Slinfold equipment needed for fabrication of plastic Horsham West Sussex RH13 extension 0RE Application Permitted Planning Advisory Committee has No Objection (U5/5). Ratified by PC 29/1/2009 DC/09/0095 21/01/2009 Application Permitted Planning Advisory Committee has No Objection (U5/5). Ratified by PC 29/1/2009 Elm Cottage Stane Street Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0QX 2-storey side and single-storey rear and part front extensions DC/09/0094 21/01/2009 2-storey and 1st floor front extensions, pitch 1 West Way Slinfold roof over existing garage, vertical tile Horsham West Sussex RH13 hanging to 1st floor of extensions and carried 0SB round 1st floor of existing house Application Permitted Planning Advisory Committee Objects (S3/5) on the grounds of size and overpowering adjoining properties. PC Meeting 29/1/2009 No Objection DC/09/0023 09/01/2009 Slinfold Park Golf Club Stane Street Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RE Installation of LPG storage tanks and enclosure Application Permitted Planning Advisory Committee has No Objection (U5/5). Ratified by PC 29/1/2009 30-Dec-08 Highlands Hayes Lane Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0SN Change of use of part of existing paddock to incorporate into the residential curtilage and construction of new entrance from Hayes Lane and provision of new entrance gates and drive and construction of a gardeners store/pump house. Application Refused Planning Advisory Committee has No Objection (U5/5). Ratified by PC 29/1/2009 DC/08/2631 Planning applications pending consideration or decision by HDC: The Parish Council received a report on all previous applications currently pending consideration or a decision by HDC. Appeals: None New Enforcement issues: HDC Enforcement No Date received by HDC Address & Post Code of application Brief details EN/09/0081 23-Feb-09 The Paddocks, Billingshurst Road Erection of Tree House and the installation of security & flood lights EN/09/0088 25-Feb-09 Waterland Chalet, Guildford Road Use of building not in accordance with approved plans - DC/04/2351 Other Matters: HDC Application number Date received by HDC Address & Post Code of application Nature of application LI/08/0723 20/03/2009 Random Hall Hotel Stane Street Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0QX Extend the area available for licensable activities to include a proposed extension to the main residential area. Entertainment facilities restricted to the interior. No change to existing activities There was no objection to this licensing application 057/09 Report from County Councillor Cllr. Hodgson spoke on the following matters: The last meeting of the County Council, before the elections, is on 27 March 2009. The next Rights of Way Meeting is in April; negotiations are taking place on the ‘missing link’, rights have been reserved to obtain the land by compulsory means if necessary HGV signs will be put to the next CLC Meeting 058/09 Report from District Councillor(s) Cllr. Rowlinson provided an update on the following: Horsham District Council restructuring. Horsham District Council Budget – facing difficult times ahead, a deficit is expected. 059/09 Councillor Training It was agreed that The Clerk should establish the costs for SALC to provide training at the Village Hall. 060/09 Internal Audit Appointment & Effectiveness – it was RESOLVED to approve the continued appointment of Peter J Consultants as our Internal Auditor for 2009/10 on the following basis: i. ii. iii. Appoint as the Parish Council’s independent Internal Auditor (having no other role within the Council), and to adopt the 65-point audit plan as scope for the audit to be performed. Ensure that the Internal Auditor provides a report to accompany the Annual Return. Publish a Statement of Assurance, which should accompany the Annual Financial Statements. The estimated cost is £165 for the annual audit, which will take place on 24th April 2009. 061/09 Finance i) A list of accounts to be paid in the sum of £3,139.86 was distributed to all Councillors present. The list was reviewed and duly agreed. Details of The Clerk and Litter Warden’s salaries are available upon request. Cheque/DD Payee £ Saxon (Garage Hire) DD Saxon Weald £34.60 Clerks Salary 2316 Mrs M Burroughs Clerks Expenses 2317 Mrs M Burroughs LW Salary & Expenses 2318 Mr A Baker Hall Rental 2319 Slinfold Village Hall Insurance AP 2320 Allianz Pension Payments 2321 WSCC Tax & NI 2322 HM Revenue & Customs Youth Club Insurance 2323 Mr D White Dog Bins 2324 HDC Trade Bin 2325 HDC Payments March 2009 TOTAL ii. iii. iv. v. vi. £92.37 £123.50 £41.38 £608.45 £713.79 £167.49 £88.40 £306.77 £3,139.86 It was RESOLVED to pay the SALC/NALC subscription of £437.01 but to reduce the number of Local Council Review issues from ten copies to two. It was RESOLVED to approve SALC/NALC’s recommendation, following arbitration, to increase the Clerks Salary Scale by 4p per hour (pro-rata £28 per year) from 1 April 2008. The Clerk will adjust for this increase next month. The Risk Assessment was reviewed and discussed by the members present. The Risk Assessment was agreed but it was suggested that the Clerk look at improving the back-up facility using an FTP Server. The Clerk will look at this option. It was also agreed that the payments list and supporting documents would be reviewed in detail by two councillors at each meeting and signed off by the Finance Chairman. Cllrs. Dunkerton and Jefferys reviewed the bank reconciliation at 28 February 2009 and approved the same. Members present reviewed the list of reserves for year-end. No changes were required. 062/09 Highway Matters i) ii) HGV Sign, Lyons Road - WSCC Highways has replaced the sign opposite the Toyota Garage to include an arrow to deter HGV drivers from entering the village. The sign has been attached to a post so that it cannot be turned around. Cllr. Skeates advised that there had been a mixed reaction to the re-surfacing of the Downs Link. There were no other matters to report. 063/09 Clerk’s Announcements & Correspondence Received Clerks Announcements - None: Correspondence Received: The following correspondence was made available for Councillors to review: Response to WSCC Golf Club entrance. West Sussex PCT e-Bulletin Issue 41 (on their website). West Sussex Courses 2009. Sussex Heritage Trust – Awards 2009. SALC – Membership Information. Disabilities Trust Annual Review. Local Council Review March 2009. Local Council Update – March 2009. HACVS February 2009. Town and Parish Standard February 2009. HDC Standards Committee Agenda Wed 1 April 2009. HALC Meeting 2 March 2009. 064/09 Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies Cllr. Sorensen provided an update on the HALC meeting on 2 March 2009. Cllr. Dunkerton provided an update on the Village Hall Management Committee Meeting. The Clerk was asked to find out the reason for the HDC Holiday Play Scheme stopping. Cllr. White was asked to look at Youth Club representation at the meetings, which take place every 2 months. 065/09 Members’ Questions and Comments Cllr. Sorensen shared a newspaper extract on Capel Parish Council’s judgement from the High Court on a proposed incinerator. Cllr. White asked if there was a Highways Meeting on 21 April 2009. The Clerk advised that there is no requirement for a Highways Meeting. 066/09 Items for the Parish Magazine Meeting Schedule for the coming months. Allotments. Speed Indicator Display (SID). 067/09 Next Meeting(s) - Tuesday 21st April 09, Finance (Parish Room) 7.30pm - Thursday 30th April 09–Annual Parish Meeting and Parish Council Meeting (Parish Room) 7.30pm Meeting closed at 9.45pm.