Colgate Parish Council Meeting 10th November 2014 at Colgate School at 7:30pm Present Councillors: J Sired, Mrs. D Luxford, Mrs. C Crosdil, Miss R Crosdil, Mrs. S Marley, k Johnson, Mrs. R Calvert, D Stillwell. In Attendance: Mrs. B. Clayden (Parish Clerk), and 3 members of the public, Cllr Liz Kitchen (8; 15-8.35pm), PCSO Bicknell (7:30-7; 50pm). Minutes 1. Apologies for absence. Brian Knight 2. Declarations of Interest by Councillors on any matter on this Agenda. None 3. Agree the minutes of the previous council meeting held on Cllr Calvert proposed and Cllr Sired seconded that the minutes of 8th Sept, 1st, 15th and 29th Oct was agreed and could be signed off by the chair which was duly done. 4. Any urgent matters to be included on this agenda at the Chair’s discretion. The sign advertising housing that has recently been put up on light columns throughout the parish have 6 months to remain. All signs have to have authority form HDC, which these ones have. Improved broadband is due in the Parish in January 2015. Noisy motorbikes were reported.PCSO Bicknell asked for times when the motorbikes were a nuisance so she could monitor and assess if there is a pattern to the noise. She also advised that these incidents should be report via the non emergency number 101. Replacement of the lamp posts has been completed in Faygate except Park Road and will begin in Colgate during December. 5. Members of the public-invited to speak to the Council on any other matters of concern included in the agenda. Tower Road flooding reported again. Clerk to chase WSCC again. Cllr Crosdil has had a complaint about pupils from the school dropping litter. Cllr Luxford to advise school. 6. Updates from the PCSO, County and District Councillors if they are able to attend. PCSO advised that although there had been many changes to staff at Horsham Police station. Tracey would still be patrolling Colgate Parish. She also hoped that the Community Speed Watch initiative would be up and running in the New Year. She apologised for the delay stating that it was due to the staff changes. 1 Cllr Kitchen has had many residents’ complaints about parking from the Alfa Romeo garage. Clerk will write to the garage owners asking them to look at alternative parking by perhaps approaching a land owner or Faygate Village Hall to rent space. Cllr Kitchen also asked for all comments about the second run way to be sent to her as soon as possible. The chair stated that the Parish Council voted against the second runway when completing the consultation document. Cllr Kitchen agreed to speak to ANOB about the biomass application DC/14/0587. Cllr Kitchen had had a request from a member of the scout’s community to reduce the speed limit on Tower Road. Whilst the council accept this can be a fast road Colgate Parish Council were advised by Cllr Stillwell that he will deal with this in his capacity as a member of the Scouts management committee who have agreed safety measures for arrival and departure from the scouts site. 7. Finance a) Bills paid since last meeting 693-WSCC-clerks salary (£377.79) and expenses (£111.60) £ 489.39 694-PKF Littlejohn-ext audit £ 120.00 695-WSCC –clerks salary (£377.79), exp (£125.89) Mr Molesworth (£130) £ 634.63 696-B.Clayden-paper £ 697-WSCC-clerks salary (£377.79) £ 377.79 Total £ 1624.31 2.50 b) Bills to be paid Nov-Dec 2014 Clerks Salary- Nov £ 377.79 Clerks Salary-Dec £ 377.79 Clerks exp-Nov/Dec (approx) £ 150.00 Balfour Beatty £3400.00 Mr Molesworth salary- Nov £ 131.00 WSCC adm £ SLCC membership £ 150.00 Total £4656.58 Current account balance on 8th Nov 2014 £20966.31 Inc.£1500 self help and £3400 BB Reserve account 2 £50.00 70.00 No unexpected payments and budget has a comparison of spending to show that budget v expenditure is on target. d) Clerk’s expenses, September 2014 Office £35.00 Mileage 28x.65 £18.20 Total £53.20 October 2014 Office £35.00 Mileage 58x.65 £37.70 Total £72.70 Total for both months £125.90 Cllr C Crosdil proposed the acceptance of the financial statements, clerk’s expenses and cheque payments and Cllr Luxford seconded them. e) Draft budget Cllr Stillwell proposed the acceptance of the budget and Cllr Calvert seonded the motion. However, it was agreed that should the election costs not reach the projected figure then the precept could be decreased the following year accordingly. The clerk also stated that until the band D figures are published by HDC the increase of the precept cannot be calculated. COLGATE PARISH COUNCIL ACCOUNTS FINANCIAL ESTIMATES 2015/16 Prepared 28th Oct 2014 INCOME Balance as at 1st April BF grant HDC council tax Precept Interest on Accounts Refund of VAT from previous year Environmental Grant (Litter Control) WSCC grant ring fenced for self help EXPENDITURE Clerk's Salary 3 Estimate 2014/15 £ Actual Probable 14/15 £ Estimate 2015/16 £ 314 11886 2 220 764 314 11886 3 332 786 250 12400 3 300 790 13186 13,321 13743 4534 4,534 4540 Clerk's Expenses, Room hire Insurance Subscriptions Play Equipment Inspections Street lighting: WSCC/power Councillors/Clerk's courses Litter Control Audit fees VAT Contingency -repairs and maintenance * election wscc salary adm compensation for loss of grant GRANTS Colgate Village Hall Faygate Village Hall Colgate PCC GACC Total surplus 1250 75 350 550 100 1300 300 770 300 220 1700 1,200 75 279 550 80 1300 250 786 190 332 1200 100 300 560 100 1600 300 790 250 300 1000 1000 170 200 150 200 150 200 450 450 450 30 450 450 450 30 450 450 450 13179 11,306 13760 c/f held as reserve recommended at least half of precept.=£6500 notes £1500-self help from WSCC £3400 -op watershed 8. Update on the meeting about traffic speeds and parking throughout the Parish, including crossing A264, Faygate. PCSO Bicknell confirmed that she intends getting the Community Speed Watch initiative up and running in the New Year. The delay is due to staff changes. The traffic calming scheme suggested to WSCC will have a decision made on it later in the year. 9. WSCC a) Operation Watershed Landbuild will cap the drain off in Faygate Lane at no additional cost to the council. . 10. Planning - a) Review HDC application DC/14/1761 Overhead cables at Holmbush Farm World Holmbush Farm Crawley Road Faygate. No objections. 4 DC/14/1685 Proposed demolition of existing workshop and garage and construction of new outbuilding South Lodge Forest Road Colgate Horsham West Sussex RH12 4TF Objected DC/14/2002 Erection of detached 3 bay garage with ancillary accommodation at first floor level Southover Springfield Lane Colgate Horsham Objected DC/14/1654 Demolition of existing cattery buildings and other farm buildings, expunge outside storage use of plant and machinery and the erection of one detached chalet style dwelling with integral garaging Cattery Beacon Hill Croft Tower Road Colgate No objections DC/14/2180 Demolition of existing dwelling and stables and erection of new dwelling and detached garage - Revised proposals following refusal of application DC/14/1384 Springfield Farm Bungalow Springfield Lane Colgate Horsham West Sussex RH12 4TA No objections DC/14/2188 Fell 2 Beech Trees Beedingwood Drive Colgate West Sussex Colgate Parish council wanted the decision to be left with the HDC arboriculturist. b) Decisions from HDC, DC/14/0651 Application Permitted Grouselands Woodland Lane Colgate Horsham West Sussex RH13 6HU Demolition of the existing derelict farm buildings (barns and livestock sheds) etc., and erection of a new stable block, barn, hay store, together with parking and a paddock/manege Date of Decision: DC/14/2058 13/10/2014 Application Permitted 1 Shelley Cottages Grouse Road Pease Pottage Crawley West Sussex RH11 9AS Non-Material Amendment to DC/13/1305 (Two storey rear extension) for window at rear elevation of property to single pane non opening picture window and Juliet balcony. 5 Date of Decision: DC/14/0869 15/10/2014 Application Permitted Beedingwood House Forest Road Colgate West Sussex Erection of four detached houses with garages Date of Decision: DC/14/1326 22/08/2014 Application Permitted Roffey Park Institute Forest Road Colgate Horsham West Sussex RH12 4TB Refurbishment of existing restaurant areas to include amendments, construction of new pitched roofs above existing meeting rooms and kitchens, and provide a new covered walkway from the main building to the restaurant area Date of Decision: DC/14/1438 28/08/2014 Application permitted Meteorological Station Buchan Hill Install a carport Date of decision 03/09/2014 DC/14/1761 Prior Approval Not Required Holmbush Farm World Holmbush Farm Crawley Road Faygate Horsham West Sussex RH12 4SE Description: Overhead Lines Date of Decision: 29/09/2014 DC/14/1685 Application Refused South Lodge Forest Road Colgate Horsham West Sussex RH12 4TF Proposed demolition of existing workshop and garage and construction of building for use as ancillary accommodation Date of Decision: 31/10/2014 c) Appeal- DC/14/0587 Blindmans Wood Biomass application has gone to appeal. The council to write to the inspectorate with any additional objection. These will include ANOB comments and the concern that oaks and pine trees may be damaged due to the increase of large vehicles accessing the site. Will Jones, HDC arboriculturist has been approached by the Parish council to place a Tree Preservation Order on 4 oaks along Grouse Road that may be under threat should this application go ahead. 11. Website and Facebook. 6 Cllr Johnson continues to update the website. DVD were distributed for comment and a decision will need to be taken as to whether the council wants to proceed with the website as estimated costs are in the region of £300. Elizabeth Rice commented that the community21 website was a lot easier to up load information too since the restructure of the website. 12. S106 monies. Despite several e mails to HDC and a long telephone conversation it was difficult to ascertain who to speak to over S106 monies. Cllr Kitchen suggested the parish write to the head of planning and chief executive to try to understand the mechanism for s106 monies. In the meantime the clerk will write asking about s106 monies for Beedingwood Drive and draw up an up to date wish list for HDC. Clerk offered to send details to the councillors the rules for applying for the community monies. It was suggested that the clerk writes to land owners to see if any are interested in selling land for development of affordable housing. Councillors to suggest land owners. Also a plea to go out in the parish magazine. 13. Neighbourhood plan. It was decided that due to lack of community engagement the Neighbourhood Plan would be put on ice until there was more community support for developing a plan. If anyone is interested in getting involved please contact the clerk or any member of the council. 17. Safety check report Cllr R Crosdil to report back any defects to the clerk and pass the safety check report to Cllr Luxford for Dec/Jan report. Wscc produced some laminated sheets that should be displayed on/near to the salt bins. Councillors agreed for the clerk to source two new notice boards and apply for s106 monies to cover the cost or some of the cost. 19. Agree the date of the next meeting. 12th January at Faygate Village Hall With no other business the meeting was closed at 8:50pm. Signed chairman…………………………………… Date……………………………. 7