Colgate Parish Council Meeting 12th January 2015 at Faygate Village Hall at 7:30pm Present Councillors: J Sired, Mrs. D Luxford, Mrs. C Crosdil, Miss R Crosdil, Mrs. S Marley, K Johnson, B Knight. In Attendance: Mrs. B. Clayden (Parish Clerk), and 3 members of the public, Cllr Liz Kitchen (7:55-8.10pm), Minutes 1. Apologies for absence. Ruth Calvert, David Stillwell, Elizabeth Rice, PCSO Bicknell. 2. Declarations of Interest by Councillors on any matter on this Agenda. None 3. Agree the minutes of the previous council meeting held on Cllr Johnson proposed and Cllr Sired seconded that the minutes of 10th Nov and 10th Nov, 26th Nov and 17th Dec. planning minutes were agreed and could be signed off by the chair which was duly done. 4. Any urgent matters to be included on this agenda at the Chair’s discretion. Replacement of the lamp posts has been completed in Faygate except Park Road and will begin in Colgate during December. All lamp post should be replaced by the end of April 2015 The Chair announced important information for the forthcoming election The Notice of Election for parish elections will go up on Mon 23 March Nominations can come in from Tues 24 March and MUST BE HAND DELIVERED TO Maxine Mears not necessarily by the candidate though. They cannot be posted in. Close of nominations will be 4pm Thurs 9 April Close of withdrawals is 4pm on 9 April too. No longer can candidates wait to see if an election is contested before withdrawing their nomination. Polling day Thurs 7 May Parliamentary verification and Count from 10pm Thurs 7 May District and Parish verification from 10pm Thurs 7 May District and Parish count from 5pm Fri 8 May Nomination papers will be available from early March from Parish Clerks and Electoral Services at Horsham DC. 5. Members of the public-invited to speak to the Council on any other matters of concern included in the agenda. The new glass in the Faygate notice board is welcome. 1 Member of the public concerned about the amount of vehicles parking in the residential roads that are connected to the Alfa Romeo garage. After discussion it was decided that the Clerk would trace the landlord and write to the landlord explaining the concerns of the residents, contact the Community Development Officer and PCSO Bicknell. The public were advised to take any photos of any cars obstructing the highway and these can be reported to Operation Crackdown. The Clerk to advise WSCC that the school sign has still not been replaced. VAS sign on Forest Road still not working. 6. Updates from the PCSO, County and District Councillors if they are able to attend. PCSO Bicknell sent a report: The most recent crime figures are for the past year to the end of December 2014. In Horsham North we have had 2902 crimes reported to us. Crime unfortunately has increased slightly in the Horsham North area with 97 more crimes reported than the same period last year. We have seen an overall reduction in Colgate/Faygate by -2 for the period. The amount of crimes reported is 76 for the year and there have been increases in crimes of vehicle theft +7; burglaries from outbuildings seeing a fall -7 and burglaries have not seeing a slight increase +3 Update on what incidents or policing activity has occurred .I have been waiting to get the go ahead from Inspector McKnight on the speed sites which Sgt Miller and myself have checked and assessed and will get a training session for volunteers as soon as I can. Thanking every one for there continued patients and support as this has unfortunately taken some time. We will get a Colgate Community Speed Watch!! Whilst I remain the first point of contact for any concerns that you may have, please do continue to report crime by telephoning 101 for non-emergency incidents and of course 999 for emergencies. I am supported by a team of Neighbourhood Police Officers and Staff working from Horsham Police Station and by our Divisional Commander, Chief Inspector Hodges. Overall Horsham District remains a really safe area in which to live. 7. Finance a) Bills paid since last meeting 698- SLCC membership £149.00 699- WSCC lighting £121.14 700- stamps £ 701- WSCC Adm £ 64.00 702- WSCC Salaries Mr Molesworth £130.95 Clerk inc expenses Total 2 6.39 £503.69 £975.17 b) Bills to be paid Jan -Feb 2015 Balfour Beatty £3400.00 Clerks Salary Jan £377.79 Clerks Salary Feb £377.79 Clerks expenses approx £100.00 Mr Molesworth salary Feb £130.95 Total £4386.53 Current account balance on 8th Nov 2014 £19990.00 Inc.£1500 self help and £3400 BB Reserve account £50.00 No unexpected payments and budget has a comparison of spending to show that budget v expenditure is on target. d) Clerk’s expenses, November 2014 Office £35.00 Mileage 44x.65 £28.60 Total £63.60 December 2014 Office £35.00 Mileage 32x.65 £20.80 Total £55.80 Total for both months £119.40 Cllr K Johnson proposed the acceptance of the financial statements, clerk’s expenses and cheque payments and Cllr Knight seconded them as well as the clerk annual rise dictated by NALC. e) budget and precept 2015/16 3 Proposed budget 2015-16 Actual Probable 14/15 Estimate 2015/16 INCOME £ £ Balance as at 1st April 2014 BF grant HDC council tax Precept Interest on Accounts Total holdings 14-15 13768 314 11886 3 220 12400 3 Refund of VAT from previous year 332 300 Environmental Grant (Litter Control) 786 790 WSCC grant ring fenced for self help £13,321 13713 b/f plus precept 27089 EXPENDITURE Clerk's Salary 4,534 4540 Clerk's Expenses, 1,200 1200 Room hire 75 100 Insurance 279 300 Subscriptions 550 560 80 100 Play Equipment Inspections Street lighting: WSCC/power 1300 1600 Councillors/Clerk's courses 250 300 Litter Control 786 790 Audit fees 190 250 VAT 332 300 Contingency -repairs and maintenance * 1000 election 1000 wscc salary adm 150 170 compenstation for loss of grant 200 200 Colgate Village Hall 450 450 Faygate Village Hall 450 450 GRANTS 4 13321 Colgate PCC GACC 450 450 30 Total £11,306 13760 surplus 11306 15783 c/f held as reserve recommended at least half of precept.-£6500 9283 total surplus in account 4383 Cllr Johnson proposed that the precept applied for should be £12400 and Cllr Knight seconded this motion. 8. Update on the meeting about traffic speeds and parking throughout the Parish, including crossing A264, Faygate. PCSO Bicknell confirmed that she intends getting the Community Speed Watch initiative up and running in the New Year. The delay is due to staff changes. The traffic calming scheme suggested to WSCC will have a decision made during March 2015. 9. WSCC a) Operation Watershed Landbuild had capped the drain off in Faygate Lane at no additional cost to the council. However, the landowner is still not satisfied. Negotiations continue with WSCC to rectify this matter and Colagte council will probably have to apply for another Op. Watershed grant to finace the additional works. 10. Planning - a) Review HDC application DC/14/2207 Beedingwood Drive, Forest Road Two storey extension to enlarge living room and bedroom. No objections. DC/14/2260 Retrospective application for Change of Use on existing concrete yard to allow storage and use of portacabin and container. These units are in place and in use Peartree Farm Grouse Road Colgate Horsham West Sussex RH13 6HT 5 The council objected to this application. The Parish believe neighbours to this property are unhappy about the porta cabin and container. It is unsightly. There are already storage facilities on the site. The need for the additional storage in the form of the porta cabin and container has not been demonstrated in this application. DC/14/2262 Demolition of existing stables/barn and construction of new dwelling Forest Grange Stables Forest Grange Horsham West Sussex RH12 4TG Colgate Parish Council objects to this planning application DC/14/2376 Non Material amendment to previously approved application DC/10/0088 (Demolition of existing buildings, construction of 148 retirement dwellings (comprising 57 x 2-bed apartments and 91 x 2-bed cottages) and 8 affordable housing units (comprising 6 x 2-bed and 2 x 3-bed dwellings/units). 1 warden's unit, 50-bed care home, visitor accommodation, central facilities building, shop, doctor's surgery, provision of open space, balancing pond, landscaping and improvements to existing access (Approval of Reserved Matters)) Durrants Drive Faygate West Sussex. The Parish Council objects to this amendment as it moves the surgery to an inconvenient location by positioning it inside the clubhouse. It would be more inaccessible for the villagers of Faygate. The Parish Council would also like it to be noted that HDC have not approached the Parish Council regarding any amendments as noted in correspondence of 31st October 2014 (Barton Willmore) DC/14/2071 This is an outline application for a Petrol Filling station and convenience store. The proposals seek permission for access only, with all other matters reserved. Little Clovers Farm Crawley Road Faygate Horsham West Sussex RH12 4SA The Parish Council has concerns as to what measures will be taken to slow the traffic down on the A264 approach to the entrance of the petrol station. The general feeling in Faygate is that the application is a good idea and few verbal objections have been heard. Colgate Parish Council feels that if this development goes ahead it is a perfect opportunity to provide a pedestrian crossing over the A264, something that the Parish Council have been requesting for over 20 years. DC/14/2424 Variation of condition 2 (occupancy condition) attached to RS/33/88 to allow occupation of the property by someone solely or mainly working or last working in the locality in agriculture or in the commercial breeding, rearing and training of horses Budds Cottage Budds Farm Wimland Road Faygate West Sussex RH12 4SS The Planning Statement states that "Zachery Heydon is a full time employee on the farm assisting with the livestock", so the Parish Council can see no reason to vary Condition 2 of the planning consent RS/33/88, as he is already entitled to live in the dwelling. If the occupant’s occupation were to change to solely working with horses then planning would then have to be consulted. b) Decisions from HDC, 6 DC/14/1654 Application Refused Cattery Beacon Hill Croft Tower Road Colgate Horsham West Sussex RH12 4SX Demolition of existing cattery buildings and other farm buildings, expunge outside storage use of plant and machinery and the erection of one detached chalet style dwelling with integral garaging Date of Decision: 07/11/2014 DC/14/2002 Application Permitted Southover Springfield Lane Colgate Horsham West Sussex RH12 4TA Erection of detached 3 bay garage with ancillary accommodation at first floor level Date of Decision: 20/11/2014 DC/14/1685 Application Refused South Lodge Forest Road Colgate Horsham West Sussex RH12 4TF Proposed demolition of existing workshop and garage and construction of building for use as ancillary accommodation Date of Decision: 31/10/2014 DC/14/2188 Application Permitted Beedingwood Drive Colgate West Sussex Fell 2 Beech Trees Date of Decision: 26/11/2014 DC/14/2207 Application Permitted 1 Beedingwood Drive Colgate Horsham West Sussex RH12 4TE 2 storey extension to enlarge existing living room and principal bedroom, together with associated internal alterations Date of Decision: 25/11/2014 DC/14/218 Application Refused Springfield Farm Bungalow Springfield Lane Colgate Horsham West Sussex RH12 4TA Demolition of existing dwelling and stables and erection of new dwelling and detached garage - Revised proposals following refusal of DC/14/1384 Date of Decision: 03/12/2014 c) Appeal- DC/14/0587 Blindmans Wood Biomass application has gone to appeal and the outcome is awaited. 11. Website and Face book. 7 All councillors agreed that Cllr Johnson should go ahead and set up a community website. Total cost for the first year should be approx. £200. 12. S106 monies. Cllr Marley and Cllr Johnson met with Dr Lyons on 7th January to discuss s106 monies. Dr Lyons advised that HDC planning dept was recruiting 7 new members of staff one of whom would over see the s106 contributions. He also acknowledges that improvements are required. Durant Village and Kilnwood Vale were both discussed. Dr Lyons was also challenged on the fact that no planning officer attended the meeting with the planning inspector in respect of application number DC/14/0587. Dr Lyons will investigate these points. Dr Lyons suggested the council provide a wish list for consideration during the planning application process. Consideration was given to this and the following list was produced: Affordable housing War Memorial Crossing on A264 New village hall in Colgate Bus service Traffic calming Gas mains to both villages Clerk to advise Dr Lyons accordingly. 13. Safety check report Cllr Sired to carry out the next inspection 19. Agree the date of the next meeting. 9th March at Colgate School and then 18th or 19th May at Faygate Village Hall With no other business the meeting was closed at 9.05pm. Signed chairman…………………………………… Date……………………………. 8