DeVry Institute of Technology - California State University

California State University Dominguez Hills
College of Business Administration and Public Policy
Department of Information Systems and Operations Management
CIS 478/476-2 Firewall and Networking Security
Fall 08
W 7:00- 9:45, Wh-F144
Mohammad Eyadat, Ph. D.
Office :
Office Hours: MW 10:00-11:00 am, W 6:00 –7:00 pm, by email, and by
Catalog Description
and Prerequisites:
This course provides an introduction to firewalls and other network security
components and elements that can work together to create an in-depth defensive
perimeter around a LAN. These include packet filtering, authentication, proxy, servers,
encryption, bastion, virtual private networks, log file maintenance, and intrusion
detection systems. Practical topics in network security include policy and mechanism,
malicious code; intrusion detection, prevention, response; cryptographic protocols for
privacy and integrity are also covered.
CIS275 or CIS475 and CIS378
Required Textbook:
1. Guide to Firewalls and Network Security: Second Edition,
Michael Whitman, Herbert Mattord, Richard Austin, Greg Holden
ISBN 13: 978-1-4354-2016-8 © 2009
ISBN 10: 1-4354-2016-0
Publish date: June 10, 2008
2. Security+ Web-Based Labs
ISBN 13: 978-1-4283-7695-3 © 2009
ISBN 10: 1-4283-7695-X
Publish date: February 12, 2008
Revised on 3/6/2016®Eyadat
Student Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to
 Describe various types of firewall protection
 Build and maintain firewall in a business environment
 Understand why a security policy is an important part of a firewall
 Employ method of adding functionality to a firewall
 Understand packets, packet filtering, and approaches to packet filtering
 Understand proxy servers and how they works
 Make decisions regarding proxy server configurations
 Identify common authentication protocols used by firewall
 Describe user, client, and session authentication
 Identify the role encryption on a firewall architecture
 Explore the general requirements for installing a bastion host
 Choose the right tunneling protocol for a VPN
 How to secure remote access for individual users via a VPN
 Explain how enterprise firewalls work
 Explore how to evolve a firewall to meet new needs and threats
 Describe the role of a firewall and its potential functions and analyze the pros
and cons of this form of security and its appropriateness to their organization
 Describe some of the incidents of network security breaches
 Explain how Denial of Service attacks are carried out and analyze the
potential threat to their organization from these types of intruders
Course Expectations and Policies:
 Course Expectations: Each student is expected to read the assigned material and
prepare the written assignments prior to class. The university standard for course
workload is two hours of outside work for every hour in class, i.e., a 3-unit course
requires 6 hours of work outside the classroom, or a total of 9 hrs/week.
 Attendance Policy: It is expected that students will attend class regularly and
participate in the class discussion throughout the term. Attendance and class
participation will be used in the final determination of grades and can alter your grade
up or down. Students are allowed two excused absences. More than two may result
in a lower grade or failure in the course
 Academic Integrity: Cheating or plagiarism in connection with an academic program
or class at a campus is subject to discipline as provided in Sections 41301 through
41304 of Title 5, California Code of Regulations. Please see the University Catalog
for further information.
 Due Dates/Make Up Work: Examinations must be taken as scheduled; Assignments
are due when scheduled. Make-ups will be allowed only if the student has contacted
the professor before the due date, detailing a serious problem.
Revised on 3/6/2016®Eyadat
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
Online Lab
Final Project
Grading Scale
Letter Grade
Percentage of Points
93% - 100%
90% - 92%
87% - 89%
83% - 86%
80% - 82%
77% - 79%
73% - 76%
70% - 72%
67% - 69%
60% - 66%
Below 60%
Evaluation criteria explained:
 Students are expected to be active participants in each class meeting. Full credit
for participation will be extended to students who regularly ask questions, share
observations, and contribute relevant personal experiences.
 The mid-term examination will consist of objective questions and will require a
technological comprehension that covers the lecture material and assigned
readings. Final exam is comprehensive.
 The projects will consist of a number of individual in class and homework tasks.
Students will be given specific guidance on the amount of collaboration permitted
for each assignment. Unless otherwise specified, all case projects are individual
assignments, and thus must be completely the original work of the student
submitting them and include proper citations to the published work of others.
Quizzes will be given throughout the semester, at a rate of approximately 1 per
two chapters. Quizzes will always cover the material covered since the last Quiz
or Exam. The quizzes will be combinations of objective and short-answer
questions. Quizzes will be administered online. Makeup quizzes will not be given.
However, the lowest quiz grade will be dropped. Any class material missed by the
student is the student's responsibility to acquire.
There will be two examinations – a midterm and a final exam. The content will
come from the text and other material presented in lecture sessions. Note that
material presented in class will supplement the assigned reading. Therefore, class
attendance and good note taking are essential tactics for success.
There will be no make-up examinations. It is the student’s responsibility to
arrange for an excused absence before the exam. A grade of zero will be assigned
for all exams missed without an excused absence. If an emergency arises on the
day of the midterm, and the instructor deems that the absence is excused, then the
weight of the final exam may be increased to replace the midterm.
Revised on 3/6/2016®Eyadat
Online Lab Exercises (Case Studies)
The case studies will be designed to implement the theoretical knowledge learned in
the class. All cases must be done by using a VIRTUAL LAB (VL). VL Detail
instruction will be given. It is a team work. For each lab exercise a team must email
the instructor one copy of the Lab results and submit a hard copy report which
states the lab exercise’s objectives and the lessons learned.
Final Project
The final project will be designed to take the knowledge learned in the class room
and put it into practice. It is a team project. Team members are responsible to
select a topic, get the instructor approval, and prepare oral presentation and
written report to be shared with other classmates. Details information and
evaluation criteria will be given
Guidelines for submitting work:
All homework assignments are to be submitted in class to the instructor. See
individual assignment requirements in the assignments sheet. All l assignments
must be submitted by the stated deadline. The following format must be used
when submitting assignments.
Student Full Name:
Subject: XXXXX
Assignment’s Objective
Course Title and Number
Assignment Title and Number
Disabled Students Services: Students with verified disabilities are eligible for a
variety of support services from the Disabled Services Office. If you have a
disability that may adversely affect your work in this class, I encourage you to
register with Disabled Student Services (DSS) and to talk with me about how I
can best help you. All disclosures of disabilities will be kept strictly
confidential. NOTE: no accommodation can be made until you register with
the DSS in WH B250. For information cal (310) 243-3660 or to use the
Telecommunications Device for the Deaf, call (310) 243-2028
Important Days
Saturday, Aug. 30
Classes Begin
Saturday, Aug. 30 - Thursday, Sep. 18 Late Registration, Add/Drop
(Fees Due at Time of Registration)
Monday, Sep. 1
Labor Day Holiday- No Classes; Campus Closed
Thursday, Sep. 18
Change of Program and Add/Drop Deadline
Thursday, Sep. 18
Credit/No Credit and Audit Grading Deadline
Thursday, Sep. 18
Drop Without Record of Enrollment Deadline
Thursday, Sep. 18
Last Day to drop from FT to PT status with refund
Friday, Sep. 19 - Thursday, Nov. 20 Serious and Compelling Reason
Required to Drop/Withdraw
Friday, Sep. 26
Student Census
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Wednesday, Nov. 5
Last Day for Pro-rata Refund of Non Resident
Tuition and State University Fees
Tuesday, Nov. 11
Veterans Day Holiday - No Classes; Campus
Friday, Nov. 21-Thursday, Dec.12
Serious Accident/Illness Required to
Thursday, Nov. 27-Saturday, Nov. 29 Thanksgiving Holiday - No Classes; Campus
Friday, Dec. 12
Last Day of Scheduled Classes
Saturday, Dec. 13 - Friday, Dec. 19
Final Examination Week
Revised on 3/6/2016®Eyadat
Tentative Course Schedule - Subject To Change
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Final Exam Week
Chapter 1
Introduction to the course
Introduction to Information Security:
An Introduction to Networking
Chapter 2
Security Policies, Standards, and Planning
Quiz # 1 (ch1 and ch2)
Security Policies, Standards, and Planning
Finding Network Vulnerabilities
Finding Network Vulnerabilities (cont’d)
Chapter 3
Due Dates
Lab exercise 1
Assignment 1
Chapter 3
Lab exercise 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Lab exercise 3
Assignment 2
Assignment 3
Firewall Planning and Design
Quiz # 2 (ch3 and ch4)
Firewall Planning and Design (cont’d)
Midterm Exam
Packet Filtering
Final Project Discussion
Packet Filtering (cont’d)
Working with Proxy Servers and ApplicationLevel Firewalls
Quiz # 3 (ch5 and ch6)
Working with Proxy Servers and ApplicationLevel Firewalls (cont’d)
Firewall Configuration and Administration
Chapter 5
Assignment 4
Encryption and Firewalls
Quiz #4 (ch7 and ch8)
Quiz # 5 (ch9)
Final Project Oral Presentation and
Written Report are Due
Chapter 9
Lab exercise 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Assignment 5
Chapter 6
Lab exercise 5
Chapter 7
Assignment 6
Chapter 7
Lab exercise 6
Chapter 8
Lab exercise 7
Assignment 7
Lab exercise 8
Assignment 8
Lab exercise 9
Assignment 9
Lab exercise
Assignment 10
Chapter 10
The Final Exam is Comprehensive
Wednesday, Dec 17th ; 7:45- 9:45pm
 This syllabus is subject to change depending on class progress.
 The student will be informed if any change in the syllabus, exam dates, or any other
Revised on 3/6/2016®Eyadat