Morgan Park High School 1744 W. Pryor Ave Chicago, IL 60643 Physics Syllabus 2009-2010 Instructors e-mail Teaching Schedule Phone/ Website F. Gebrehiwot 1st, 2nd ,4th, 7th , 8th 773-535-2550 nd th th th B. Hurley 2 , 4 , 5 , 7 , 8th E. Martinsek 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th Text: Holt Physics by Serway and Faughn, copyright 2002. Physics Course Description: This Physics course will help students to appreciate the world around them, enabling them to obtain information from the world by direct measurement and, by applying the Laws of Nature (Physics), allow them to perform experiments and draw independent conclusions consistent with their physical environment. This course is designed to help the student analyze problems in the real world by building problem-solving strategies and utilizing mathematical skills. This course will cover measurement, vectors, kinematics, light, waves, dynamics, momentum, work, power, energy, heat, thermodynamics, electricity, and magnetism. Physics is based on the Illinois Learning Goals 11-13 and the ACT College Readiness Standards. In particular, the course will include an integration of science process (standards 11A, 13A), science content (goal 12), and science context (goal 13). This content will be taught in a manner that develops students’ abilities in science inquiry (standards 11A and 13A) connected to the context of science (goal 13) to teach the physics content. As with all courses, physics is aligned with State goal 1 with all students reading for literacy. Goals The focus of this course will be to: Develop and utilize methods of problem-solving Use the scientific method to analyze problems or physical phenomena Work cooperatively to solve problems Connect abstract scientific equations and concepts to real-life examples and applications Develop organizational and time management skills Objectives 1. Students will be able to develop an understanding of the scientific processes and theories designed to provide answers to the questioning mind. 2. Students will develop an appreciation for the science of physics as a quest to know and understand the physical world. 3. Students will develop an ability to think in a critical manner using both concrete and abstract examples from physics as models. 1 Evaluation GRADE SCALE Tests: 15% Quizzes:15% Final and Midterm: 15% Classwork (notes, participation…): 25% Labs and Projects: 15% Homework: 10% Notebook: 5% 100---90% 89---80% 79---70% 69---60% 59---0% = = = = = A B C D F ATTENDANCE POLICY & HOMEWORK POLICY: Please follow the Student Code: In accordance to Chicago Public Schools Policy and as outlined in the Parent Letter, and distributed by the class instructor. Late work – due to a CPS approved absence may be submitted within two days of your return. Missed Tests, Quizzes, Labs, and Projects – If a student misses a test, quiz, or lab for a CPS approved excuses; they will have to make it up during tutoring sessions; immediately following the assignment. If the student fails to attend the tutoring session they will receive a zero for the test, quiz, lab, or project. Attendance – Good attendance and punctuality are necessary for academic excellence. Students missing class due to school activities must give notice at least 48 hours in advance. All work that is missed is the responsibility of the student, regardless of the reason. Students will have a maximum of three days to make up work that is missed due to EXCUSED absence only. If a student misses one day then it would be expected that it only take one day to complete the missed assignments. Student Responsibilities When Absent: It is also the student’s responsibility to get any class notes or discussion information missed. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor and determine what work was missed while absent this includes class notes, homework assignments, tests, quizzes, labs, and projects. COMMON ASSESSMENTS: Common unit assessments will be administered to students every five weeks. EXAMINATIONS: At the end of each semester, students will be given a common end of the semester final. This final examination will be cumulative. STUDENT ASSISTANCE/ RESOURCES: Tutorial sessions are available for students before and after school at no cost to the student. Science fair project help will be available during Science Club times. Class Expectations and Requirements: 1. Respect others and yourself. 2. Respect instructional time. 3. Come to class prepared to work and learn. 4. That we all help each other to succeed – we’re all in this together. 5. Have a good attitude and an open mind. 6. Bring your “A” game to class 2 7. No excuses: take responsibility for your actions 8. Don’t let anyone copy your work 9. You always have to try – even if you don’t particularly care for what we’re doing in class. 10. To adhere to all of Morgan Park’s school rules and policies. 11. To do homework and study your physics outside of class. Materials Required: Scientific calculator Ruler Notebook Colored Pencils Folder Class Fee: A class fee of $20 will be collected to cover materials for projects, labs, and activities. 50 pts. extra credit will be awarded to those who turn in the fee in the first two weeks. The $20 class fee is due by September 28th. After this date this fee will become a debt payable to the Main Office. Class Website: Access to the class website will be essential to ensuring your success during the class. To access the site go to Then select Classes/Homework under the Students tab at the top of the page. Select Physics under Class Name. Here you will find downloadable notes, homework, weekly schedules, help/solutions to assignments, and other useful resources and materials to assist you. It is crucial that you check this website on a daily basis to be successful in physics. Accessing Grades and Performance Students and Parents can access grades, attendance, missing work and other class pertinent information thru IMPACT. There are separate accesses for the student (“Student Portal”) and the parent (“Parent Portal”) on the IMPACT website. To access the site go to COURSE SCHEDULE Note: Schedule may change due to continued planning by teachers and administration. WEEK 1 2 3 4 TOPICS Physics Graphing Scientific Method WEEK 20 SI Unit Measurement Intro to Displacement 21 & 22 23 & 24 1-D Motion Terms and Concepts Displacement 25 Free-body Diagram Velocity Acceleration 26 Fettuccini Project TOPICS Graphs of Projectiles Comparing Projectiles Newton’s three Law’s Inertia Force Force and Acceleration 3 Graphing 1-D Motion 1-D Motion Problems 6 Toy racer Lab 7, 8 & 9 Quarter Exam 1-D Motion Problems Stopping Distance Quarter Review 10, 11 & 12 Acceleration Lab Reaction Free fall Equations and Problems 13 Midterm Review 5 Midterm Exam 14 & 15 16 17 & 18 19 Air Resistance Science Fair Egg drop lab Vector and Magnitudes Vector Components and Trig Projectile Motion Equations and Plane Semester Exam Review Forces Review Types of Energy Work and Energy Potential Energy Kinetic Energy Trebuchet Project PE electric Voltage Amperage Midterm Review 33 Voltaic Cell Project 34 Resistance Ohm’s law 35 Ohm’s Law Project 36 Capacitors 37 Finals Review 27 Quarter Exam 28 & 29 30 31 32 Midterm Exam Semester Exam Semester Exam The instructor retains the right to vary this syllabus due to school schedule changes or as the instructor deems necessary due to circumstances. 4