Physics Mrs. Hageman Port Townsend High School Port Townsend, Washington Course: Physics 2014 - 2015 Instructor: E-mail: Text: Mrs. Hageman Physics by R. Serway and J. Faughn, Holt McDougal. © 2012 Conceptual Physics, 3rd Ed. by Paul G. Hewitt, Scott Foresman Addison Wesley. © 1999 I. Course Description: This course is designed to expand on a student’s prior knowledge of physical science concepts. Students will practice gathering information through observations (experiments), organizing this information, seeking regularities in the information, wondering why the regularities exist, and communicating their findings and their probable explanation. The focus of the first semester is Newtonian Physics. In the second semester we’ll move on to explore thermodynamics and wave properties of sound and light, concluding with electrical fields and forces. NOTE: This course is aligned to Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards. II. Grading: Grading will be done via a “mastery” system. Before students can move on from one unit to the next they must score a 75% on all Activities and the Chapter Test. A student's grade will be weighted with the following categories: 25% Practice: Activities/Problem Sets/Worksheets/Quizzes 25% Laboratory Experiments and Laboratory Reports 50% Chapter Tests III. Make up and late work: This is somewhat obsolete since Physics is a self-paced course. But I want to emphasize that you work toward each of the dates that will be posted in the class. You may work ahead of the posted due dates. After remediation, you may retake failed quizzes and tests. IV. Labs: Labs are an essential part of Physics. For most labs student will be working in groups; however, each student is responsible for preparing their own pre-lab in advance of entering the lab setting. Each student should record the group data in their own lab book and write their own conclusions. A minimum of two formal, type-written lab reports will be required, one per semester. The MAXIMUM grade you can earn on a lab is a "B" if you answer ALL of the Analysis Questions. To earn an "A" you must do ONE Extension, and include the necessary data table and/or graph, and conclusion as stated in the extension. V. Scholarly etiquette: It is very important that students learn the proper means and methods to interact with adults and peers in scholastic and business setting. To this aim, I would like to maintain a friendly and business-like class atmosphere by asking that students adhere to the following: Please raise your hand to be recognized before speaking. Interrupting the instructor or other classmates is not acceptable behavior. When class time is given to students to work on assignments, please do not waste that time by unnecessary socializing. Always be courteous to other classmates and the instructor. 2 VI. Materials: Since Physics is a rigorous class, it is essential that you are organized. Required supplies: Two 100 page Composition Notebooks (Interactive Student Notebook or ISN) Pen and pencil (daily) Graphing or scientific calculator (daily) (TI-83, 83+, 84, 84+) Flash Drive Suggested: highlighters, post-it notes, glue stick, bottle of white glue or scotch tape VII. Class organization Chapter Check-Off sheets will be provided with the required activities, laboratory experiments, and assignments for the whole chapter. Most homework will be watching short video lessons online, defining vocabulary, and report writing. In class I’ll assist students with practice problem sets and facilitate laboratory experiments. All quizzes and tests will be proctored during class time. VIII. Communication: Students – The emphasis in this class, and in your grades, is to improve upon where you started from and continually grow. You are only limited by the effort you are willing to put forth to earn the grade you want. You will succeed in Physics if you try. Succeeding in this class isn’t just about your scientific reasoning and mathematical knowledge. It’s also about your ability to try, ask for help when you need it, and developing the skills necessary to analyze something critically. Please e-mail me if you are stuck on something while you are doing your homework. I will either send you a message back, or address the question in class the next day (others will most likely have a question similar to yours). Need face-to-face help? I’m here to help. See the “Study Table” chart for my weekly availability. Before school 7:30am – 7:50am During lunch time After school until 3:30-ish Parents – I know that keeping up with your student’s progress is extremely important to you. The best tool to keep you informed is the Family Access/Skyward online program that can be accessed through the school’s website If you do not have a login and password yet, please contact the main office. I work very hard to keep grades current and anticipate that you will be checking online on a regular basis. I am always very happy to speak with you. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free send me an e-mail anytime Remind 101 –Remind 101 is a safe way for teachers to text message students and stay in touch with parents for free. I’ll use this tool to send updated homework information and reminders about upcoming labs, quizzes, and tests. Please give me feedback on how you think this system is working. Follow these easy steps to get enrolled: 1. Enter this number (509)822-6876 just like you would enter a phone number to send a text. 2. Text the unique class code that I created for your AP Statistics class. Each class period has a unique class code. Choose the number that matches your class period. Physics 1st period text @hageman1 Physics 3rd period text @hageman3 Physics 4th period text @hageman4 Brandi Hageman Room A-106 3 STUDENT INFORMATION SHEET Students should complete this form (please print). Have your parents or guardians read all the classroom policies and sign next to their name. Student Name: (last) (first) (please call me) Student email Guardian #1 Name: Day Phone ( ____________ ) Relationship email Guardian #2 Name: Day Phone ( ____________ Relationship _______ ) email Person you prefer me to call Reason for taking this course: I am considering a career in: Sports, extracurricular, or recreational activities: Employment outside of school Will you be working during the school year? If yes, complete the following: Type of job: Hours per week: Previous math class ______________________ Instructor __________________ What grade do you expect to get in Physics this year? Do you have a computer at home? Yes No What platform do you have? PC Mac Do you have Internet access at home? Yes No Type of Internet Access None Dial-Up What kind of calculator do you have? TI-83+ TI-84 Do you need to sit in a special location in the room? _______ Where? 4 TI-89 High Speed TI-Nspire