WESTDALE SECONDARY SCHOOL COURSE OUTLINE: ENG2P Grade 10 English, Applied Department of English Department Head: Ms. Little Teacher: Mr. Marshall Contact Information: http://marshallclassblogs.wordpress.com/ Telephone: 905 522 1387 ext. 585 First Class: stuart.marshall@hwdsb.on.ca Overview: This course is designed to extend the range of oral communication, reading, writing, and media literacy skills that students need for success in secondary school and daily life. Students will study and create a variety of informational, literary, and graphic texts. An important focus will be on the consolidation of strategies and processes that help students interpret texts and communicate clearly and effectively. This course is intended to prepare students for the compulsory Grade 11 college or workplace preparation course. Prerequisite: English, Grade 9, Academic or Applied Textbook(s): Required Materials: In the Heat of the Night, Seven Plays of Mystery and Suspense, Elements of English 10, Reading and Writing for Success, Section dividers for notes & a three-ring notebinder (Short Stories, Drama, Novel, Poetry, 5P Essay, Writing and Grammar) Curriculum Expectations Strands 1. Oral Communication 3. Writing 2. Reading and Literature Studies 4. Media Studies The course expectations can be found in the Ontario Curriculum, or at www.curriculum.org Unit Titles : Unit 1 Short Stories/Non-fiction Unit 2 Essays Unit 3 Drama Unit 4 Novel Studies Unit 5 Poetry Assessment and Evaluation = 70% (Based on Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board guidelines) Knowledge & Thinking & Inquiry Communication Understanding 20% 30% 20% 15 hours 10 hours 25 hours 40 hours 20 hours Application 30% Final Evaluation = 30% (Students may experience a combination of evaluation methods towards the end of the course and/or unit(s).) Formal Evaluation 15% Culminating Activity 15% WESTDALE SECONDARY SCHOOL ENGLISH EVALUATION POLICY 1. ASSIGNMENTS: All written assignments will be handed in on the date specified in advance by your teacher. Missing assignments will be given a grade of zero. 2. ORAL PRESENTATIONS: Students must be present for all oral presentations. If a student is not present a mark of zero will be assigned. In cases of legitimate absence, late penalties may be waived. 3. PLAGIARISM: Academic dishonesty in not acceptable. In cases where the words or ideas of others have been taken without credit, or cheating on a test or examination has occurred, the plagiarized work will receive a grade of zero. Copies of the plagiarized work will be forwarded to school administration, and kept on file. 4. FAMILY TRIPS: Family trips during the school year must be cleared with the principal. Your teacher must be made aware of the trip at least seven days in advance, and students are responsible for handing in all work that is due during the trip time. 5. PREPARATION: Students are expected to come to class with a course specific binder, lined paper, and with pens and/or pencils to take notes. Students will benefit from bringing their own dictionary and thesaurus as well. It is expected that students will take daily notes to supplement in-class handouts whenever possible. 6. MODIFICATIONS: All modification will be made in accordance with the I.E.P. document 7. MISSED TESTS: The grade for an unexplained missed test is zero. Tests must be written on the scheduled days. In the case of an explained absence, the test will be written the day after the student returned to school. 8. SUSPENSIONS: If a student is suspended, the suspended student will take responsibility for completing any assignments assigned during that time. Assignments which are due while a student is on suspension must be dropped off at the main office by a relative or friend, and signed for. 9. HOMEWORK EXPECTATIONS: In order for a student to be successful in High School, homework must be completed regularly and thoroughly. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE ABOVE MATERIAL Student Signature ________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________________