English II---Ryan Harms Syllabus 2014-2015 Course Overview This class will use the “writers workshop” model to develop skills in peer editing, review, and group discussion in order to develop their own “voice” as writers. We will emphasize literary analysis, note taking, research skills, and multi-media components. This class will utilize non-fiction and historical fiction texts to enhance the lessons students receive in their World History class. We will also explore elements of world mythology and creation stories. The literary works that will be read may include but are not limited to All Quiet on the Western Front, Animal Farm, A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and Hamlet. Text The Language of Literature, World Mythology, and Mythology and You Assessment Assignments are graded using a point system: Daily work / Quizzes 40% Projects / Tests / Essays 40% Participation 20% A 94-100% B+ 87-89% C+ 77-79% D+ 67-69% F < 60% A- 90-93% B 84-86% C 74-76% D 64-66% B- 80-83% C- 70-73% D- 60-63% Participation All students are expected to participate during in-class discussions and activities and to display an appropriate, respectful work ethic toward their classmates. Students will also be expected to demonstrate independent work skills and discipline. Assignments Daily/weekly assignments will be due on the assigned dates or by arrangement whenever independent student projects require students to develop their own bench marks of progress. Late work will be accepted one day late with a 50% reduction in the grade. (Exceptions to this can only be made by teacher/student arrangement.) Make-Up Work- Students are responsible to get missing assignments, notes, or information from the teacher or other students. Students have one day for each day absent to complete their work (except by teacher/student arrangement.) Students who are traveling for extra-curricular activities or other planned activities need to get their assignments before leaving and turn in their work the day they return to school. Long-term assignments are due as scheduled despite short-term illness or travel Discipline It is my expectation that students are able to demonstrate tolerance and respect for each other, avoid put-downs, bullying, negative commentary, offensive language and otherwise inappropriate school behavior. The school discipline policy as outlined in the Student Handbook will be followed for any behavior requiring intervention. Plagiarism Students who submit written work in which all or part has been written by someone else, and/or which contains passages quoted or paraphrased from another’s work without proper credit given, have plagiarized. Students who have plagiarized will receive an automatic grade of zero without the opportunity to rewrite the work and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken if the practice continues. Communication Please don’t hesitate to reach out if there is something you’d like to know more about. E-mail me at rharms@hbsd.net, call me at 766-6700 ext. 6752 or stop by the classroom for a chat.