Finite Mathematics - duPont Manual High School

Finite Mathematics
Instructor: Kathleen Geary
Classroom: Room 339
Let’s make this a great year! Here’s something to consider on your mathematical journey:
“How is it possible that mathematics, a product of human thought that is independent of
experience, fits so excellently the objects of physical reality?"—Albert Einstein, 1921
Purpose of the Course
The purpose of the Finite Curriculum is to increase student awareness of the importance of
mathematics in the modern world. The students will become more confident of their ability of work
with advanced mathematical concepts and relationships. They will learn how to think
systematically and use the precise logic required for advanced mathematical problem solving.
Students will become proficient in solving problems involving linear relations and functions, theory
of equations, vectors, circular functions, trigonometric functions, and analytical geometry.
Successful completion of this course will leave the student well prepared for the study of college
mathematics courses.
This course consists of a total of 36 weeks of study (18 weeks per semester) in which the students
will be exposed to the above concepts in various ways. We will discuss the concepts in detail
during class discussions. Classroom PowerPoint presentations will be used to reinforce concepts.
Students will be given ample opportunity to practice solving problems through in-class assignments
as well as through homework assignments. Students will keep folders of class notes and
Advanced Mathematics (Precalculus with Discrete Mathematics and Data Analysis)
Copyright: 2003
Publisher: McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin
Required Materials
Notebook/folder to keep materials organized
8 ½ by 11 inch loose leaf paper
Graph paper
Minimum requirement: scientific calculator
Red pen for grading
Important Notice:
Please remember that Ms. Geary reserves the right to make any changes to this course outline at
anytime she deems necessary to better meet the needs of the class.
Plagiarized Submissions:
In the ordinary course of events, you are expected to turn in assignments on time and to participate
collegially in classroom activities. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to familiarize yourself
with the material you missed and to find out about any assignments or announcements made.
Homework assignments may be discussed with other students; in fact, you may find a regular studybuddy or study-group helpful. However, homework must be written by each student in his or her
own words - no collaboration in writing up assignments is allowed. In other words: Student work
submitted should be original. The one exception to this rule is if the assignment involved group
participation and a single product is given by the group by which all members will be graded
Plagiarized writing assignments will be given a grade of 0 (zero).
Cheating in any form is completely unacceptable. Although it can be beneficial to work with
another student while doing homework, blatantly copying another student’s work is unacceptable
and will result in a zero on the assignment in addition to other discipline. Blatant cheating on a
test (i.e. cheat sheets or copying) will result in a zero on the test in addition to other discipline. All
answers on a test must be supported by your work. Unsupported answers receive no partial
credit. In addition, the point value of the problem may be doubled (i.e. an unsupported correct
answer on a 10 point problem will actually cost you 20 points.)
Students’ knowledge of material will be assessed through test, problem sets, homework, writing
assignment, and a midterm/final. Assistance will not be given during test and quizzes!!!!
93 – 100%
86 – 93%
79 –86%
70 – 79%
0 – 70%
School policy requires that letter grades be assigned according to the scale shown above.
Students are strongly encouraged to check often on their progress (via Thinkwave) and
report any errors to Ms. Geary in a timely fashion.
Evaluation Procedure
Each student will be evaluated on the basis of performance in each of the following areas
(Percentages are approximate and may vary):
Project (see below):
Portfolios (see below):
Practice Work:
Points for the Practice Work are as follows:
o Each assignment = 20 points based on number of problems attempted and work
shown to backup the answers. Included will be following instructions, behaving in a
non-disruptive manner, and participating in class discussions and labs
o Notes = 5 points for each section we cover in class.
o Bell work = 5 points for each day that it is assigned.
o Labs = usually 20 points based on completeness and shown work.
Portfolio: Written Assignment for English portfolio. A rough draft will be first semester
portfolio grade and a final draft will be second semester portfolio grade.
Project: At the beginning of each chapter students will be selected and assigned a section
in the chapter. The assignment is to create a review worksheet with the number of
problems Ms. Geary will assign. The student is also responsible for answering any
questions their classmates might have as they complete the worksheet. By semester’s end
each student will have been assigned ONE section. By year’s end each student will have
been assigned TWO sections. The student is also responsible for making copies of the
worksheet (if you give it to Ms. Geary at least one class period in advance she will copy it
for you). The worksheet will be brought to class on the “review day” for the rest of the
class to complete as a review for the chapter test.
Points for Tests and Quizzes are as follows:
o Tests = 100 points per chapter – material will be taken from homework and quizzes
o Quizzes = usually 50 points per quiz—material will mirror homework
NOTE: The above points are given as a guideline, depending on available time during the period,
points may have to be adjusted and/or changed.
Extra Credit: Class Log/Diary—recording the topic/subject material for the class period, recording
any and all assignments given. [Also at the semester end, extra credit will be given to those
students who have not used all their “hall passes”.
Hall Passes
You must have your student agenda to leave the classroom. You will be permitted to have 6 “hall
passes” for the semester. This means you will have six and only six chances to go to the
bathroom, water, etc. during class for the semester. Get necessary things done between classes,
and use your passes wisely.
Practice Work
 Because the vast majority of concepts taught in math depend on understanding the
preceding concepts, it is imperative that each student faithfully complete each assigned
task in the time allotted.
 Most practice work will be due at the beginning of the next class period following the one in
which the work was assigned. The first few minutes of the first class period following the
assignment will be used to answer a couple of questions on the assignment. Note that
probably not all the questions will be answered in these few minutes, so you may have to
get help at other times.
 Late work is not accepted. [Exception: An excused (documented) absence handled in
compliance of procedure in student handbook/agenda.]
As a reward/incentive for being prompt in completing all tasks, a 4% bonus may be added
to the grade of those students who complete all their tasks on time.
If you miss class for any reason, it is your responsibility to find out what was missed and to
turn in the make-up work promptly. If you know you will absent one or more class periods,
plan on turning in your work in advance of your absence. The work that was due the day
you were absent must be turned in the day you get back. Make-ups for tests and quizzes
will be given in class on the day the student returns to school. If a student misses several
days before a test as well as the test, we will work together to create a makeup schedule.
All other missed work should be made up according to JCPS Policy described in the Student
Handbook. If the work is not completed after the allotted number of days, the grade will be
Please include only one assignment on a single paper. Staple multiple page assignments
Get in the habit of showing your work in a form similar to that suggested by your instructor
and use reasonably neat handwriting. Points cannot be given for problems that cannot be
Work will be frequently graded in class. You must have your own personal red pen
available for this purpose. Borrowing from a classmate is not acceptable. Homework not
graded in red pen will not be accepted for credit as it is assumed that changes were made
while grading.
Note that most assigned work will be odd problems with answers you can check in the back
of the book. Thus most of the points will be given for showing your work.
Tests and Quizzes
 Tests and quizzes missed during unexcused tardiness or absence may not be made up and
a grade of zero will be recorded.
 You should plan to take test and quizzes at their scheduled time and finish in the time
 All tests, once begun, must be finished prior to leaving. That is, a test (or quiz) must be
finished in one setting. You may not leave and then later return to finish a test.
 No outside help will be permitted on any of the quizzes or tests. Anyone found cheating
will be subject to severe discipline as outlined in the Student Handbook and will lose all
points for that test or quiz. Never appear to be looking on someone else’s paper during a
test. Never talk to someone during a quiz or a test. Any such action will be interpreted as
cheating even if you were not and all of the above results will follow.
 Assistance will not be given during test and quizzes!!!!
Guidelines for Classroom Conduct
 All students are expected to be in their assigned seat and quiet when class begins.
Attendance is taken when the bell rings. If you are not in your seat, you may be marked
absent or tardy.
 Please bring everything you will need for class with you. You may not be allowed to return
to your locker once class begins. If you must leave the room after the bell has sounded,
you may be marked tardy. Students are only allowed restroom breaks during student work
time, not teacher lecture time.
 Often, when you arrive for class, there will be a short assignment posted on the board or
overhead. Please read the directions carefully and begin working immediately.
 Please refrain from talking to your classmates while Ms. Geary is instructing the class.
 Do participate in class discussions.
 Use scratch paper rather than desks or other school property for note taking.
Because of the number of students in this class, a rather formal atmosphere must be
maintained. Therefore, the usual courtesies of hand-raising and taking your turn are
expected and appreciated.
When you are given your assignment, begin working promptly and work quietly.
Eating (food, candy, etc.) and gum chewing are not permitted in the classroom. You can
help keep our room a pleasant place to be by erasing any marks on your desk and by
placing all waste paper in the basket by the door when class is dismissed. Your
thoughtfulness is appreciated.
Class Rules
1. Respect and be polite to all people. Listen carefully. Do not interrupt the teacher or other
students. Etiquette. Proper etiquette is required. During class, students will not engage in
any potentially distracting behavior such as reading a newspaper, whispering about nonmath subjects, using earphones, or using electronic devices (other than calculators) of any
kind. Cell phones must be turned off and unavailable. Pagers or watches that make a
sound, however quietly, must have the sound off. If your cell phone rings during class or
you text message, I reserve the right to turn it into the office along with a referral.
2. Respect the property of others. Put litter in trashcan. Return borrowed items. Do not write
on desks, walls, etc.
3. Bring all needed materials to class every day (pencil, paper, text, assignments).
4. Use the restroom before coming to class. "Emergency" restroom passes may be given for
special conditions (e.g., urinary tract infections, pregnancy, etc.--bring a note from home).
5. Obey all school and district wide rules (e.g., dress codes; absentee and tardy policy; no
food, drink, or gum in the classroom; etc.)
6. Exercise self control at all times. (Crude and offensive language will not be tolerated. Keep
hands and feet to yourself. No items (e.g. pencils, paperwads, etc.) are to be thrown or
tossed inside the classroom. Tone and volume of voice will be controlled at all times.)
Classroom Procedures
Before Entering the Classroom:
 Use the restroom.
 Make sure you have text, paper, pencil, completed assignments.
When You First Enter the Classroom:
 Sharpen pencil before tardy bell.
 Be seated in your assigned seat.
 Begin "warm up" problems as part of the next assignment.
When the Day’s Lesson Begins:
 Freeze! (Stop immediately whatever you are doing or saying.)
 Look at me.
 Wait for further instructions.
When the Bell Rings to End the Period:
 Stay in your seat.
 Pick up all books, papers, folder, trash, etc.
 Leave only when I dismiss you (normally at the bell).
It is impossible for me to notice everything that is going on in class. If you are ever concerned
about something that has taken place in class or the behavior of another student, please let me
know, either then, after class, or after school. I truly strive to have a kind and comfortable class
environment where everyone can learn and feel free to express their ideas and questions. Please
help me create that environment!
Attendance/Make-up Work
It is your responsibility to attend class each day. If you are unable to attend, it is YOUR
responsibility to complete and turn in your make-up work. The work that was due the day you
were absent must be turned in the day you get back. Make-ups for tests and quizzes will be given
in class on the day the student returns to school. If a student misses several days before a test as
well as the test, we will work together to create a makeup schedule. All other missed work should
be made up according to JCPS Policy described in the Student Handbook. If the work is not
completed after the allotted number of days, the grade will be a ZERO.
Any student absent the day of the review will be expected to take the test with the class on the
scheduled day.
Getting Extra Help
Although there is often ample time during class to have questions answered and concepts clarified,
students may occasionally need extra assistance outside of class. Please do not hesitate to contact
Ms. Geary when questions arise. If you need to meet with Ms. Geary after school hours, please
make an effort to make an appointment in advance. Doing so will minimize frustration for all.
If you come for extra help, be prepared to tell me exactly what you do not understand. Be able to
show me your work and notes where you have been trying to do the problems. Do not wait until
the last minute before a test!
How to Study for a Math Test
1. Look on your assignment list for the objectives that will be on the test. Check your
homework(s) to see which problems caused you problems.
2. Find examples and problems for each objective you have listed (and not just the easy ones).
Do not just scan them! Instead, pick up a pencil and work them on separate paper. Check
steps and answers with your notes.
3. Look for and try to recall general patterns in some of the problems.
4. Concentrate on objectives that gave you trouble. Work problems that you did incorrectly the
first time.
5. Review definitions of new words.
Use of Graphing Calculators
Graphing calculators are powerful mathematical tools. Through their use students can visualize
problems more quickly, discover mathematical properties, and validate their work done with pencil
and paper. They must be used appropriately. Graphing calculators are not substitutes for students
learning mathematical concepts and processes. They are to be used to enhance student learning.
I have a set of graphing calculators for students to use while in my classroom. In order to ensure
security, students will only be allowed to use one of my calculators on in-class quizzes and tests.
Game playing is not an appropriate use on the graphing calculator and it will not be permitted in
class. If a student is found playing a game on any graphing calculator, I will confiscate the
calculator, clear the memory of the calculator, and decide if further disciplinary action is
Keys to Success in this Course
1. Do all the assignments yourself. Getting help from me, your parents, or another student is
fine, but NEVER just copy someone else's work.
2. ALWAYS copy the problem before working it. (Exception: word problems.)
3. ALWAYS show your work. Turning in a list of answers is not acceptable and a waste of your
time. (Exception: problems meant to be done mentally--I'll let you know.)
4. WRITE DOWN everything I do on the overhead.
5. Make sure you understand what I'm talking about. If you don't, ask me to please go over it
6. Make sure you are able to do assignment problems WITHOUT looking at a "model" or
"sample" problem. You may need a model for the first few problems, but try to get beyond
the need for it quickly. (This is a critical step for doing well on tests.)
7. Check all odd numbered problems with the answers in the back of the book AFTER you
have completed the problem on your own. If you missed it, figure out why you missed it.
8. Before each test, try to work some of each type problem that is being covered. Be able to
do them WITHOUT a model. There will be no model on the test!
9. Keep an excellent folder.
10. Come to after school tutorials if you find an assignment especially difficult. If you are
having problems, TELL ME ABOUT IT!
11. Learn to PAY VERY CLOSE ATTENTION TO DETAILS. In mathematics you must learn to pay
attention to every letter, every minus sign, every parenthesis, etc. Many students lose lots
of points because of carelessness and inattention to detail!
12. Do not be misled by students around you who may be making poor choices. I have sadly
watched students fail math classes simply because they chose to follow the wrong
example. Decide your own fate!
Please sign then return this page to Ms. Geary. [This will count as the first quiz grade.]
By signing below I am stating that I have read and understand all parts of the attached syllabus.
Student Print:
Student email address: ___________________________________________
[Please print}
Student Sign:
Parent/Guardian Print:
Email address: ___________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Sign: