Republic of the Philippines Region V Division of Albay Guinobatan West District MORERA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Guinobatan SUPREME PUPIL GOVERNMENT (2020-2021) OBJECTIVES/ ACTIVITIES “Magkasararo kita Brigada Eskwela” STRATEGIES sa *Coordinate with the parents, barangay officials and teachers. PERSONS INVOLVED - *To promote camaraderie *Participate during the opening and among pupils in the school and closing program of Brigada Eskwela. community. *Collaboration between the SPG *To get involve in the different officers assigned to the different areas in school. activities on Brigada Eskwela. To be involve in the Clean and Green Campaign *To promote cleanliness *Participate actively in the campaign *Share ideas to the classmates/pupils on proper waste disposal and segregation. - Teachers, Parents, Barangay officials, SPG officers, pupils and other stakeholders Teachers and Pupils TIME FRAME May SOURCES OF FUND Donation stakeholders from - Human Services Year round - Human Services English and Reading Campaign *To develop pupils reading and speaking skills. *To contribute to school aspirations and help promote quality education. *Posters and tarps posted on wall *Peer-tutoring/reading *Conduct reading activities in each grade level - Teachers and Pupils Year round - Prepared by: SPG Adviser Noted by: ALBERTO O. ORTEGA Principal II Human Services MOOE