March 2012 - Bevois Town Primary School

15th March 2012
Dear Parents and Carers
What a busy term!
Although we still have 2 weeks of term left, I wanted to take this opportunity to write and thank you all
for your tremendous support this term.
Read to Succeed
Thank you and well done for encouraging so many of your children to practise their reading at home.
A significant number of children aim to have completed their 5 th sticker chart by the end of term and
almost everyone is now practising their reading beyond the school day.
I am very much looking forward to the progress review meetings in the last week of term to see
exactly how much progress each individual child has achieved!
Inset Day
School will be closed to pupils on Monday 19th March 2012. During the day your child’s teacher will
be moderating the reading evidence they have collected for their children with a teacher from
Mansbridge Primary School to ensure our teacher assessments are both accurate and consistent.
On our Inset day in January, the afternoon was spent at Mansbridge Primary School where the
teachers received training in the teaching and assessment of Reading. I am delighted to report that
in all the classes observed, the quality of teaching is now judged to be ‘good’ and teachers’
questioning a key strength.
This Monday all staff will also be undertaking safeguarding training to ensure our Child Protection
procedures are as rigorous and consistent as possible. We take our duty to care for your child at
school extremely seriously, and are always keen to work together with parents/carers to ensure every
child continues to feel happy and supported at school.
Year Team Assemblies
One of our other key foci for this tem has been developing the children’s understanding of Learning to
Learn. We have introduced 4 Learning Heroes, each of which represent a particular learning
It was fantastic to see how many of you were able to come along and support your child/children at
their Year Group Assemblies. I am very proud of them all. If any of you are interested in learning
more about the 4R’s, we have produced a leaflet which is available from the School Office.
Parent’s Evenings
We will be sending home a letter before the end of term to invite you to Parents’ evenings during the
first week back after Easter. At this meeting, you will be able to discuss the progress your child has
made since December and find out about his/her next steps in learning.
School Uniform and PE Kits
Thank you to the vast majority of you who ensure your child/children wear their school uniform to
school every day.
Please could you all ensure your child has a PE kit in school every day. PE is a compulsory subject
in the National Curriculum. KS2 children who do not have a kit or a letter from home excusing them
from PE on medical grounds, will in future, miss their football lunchtime play.
In 2 Music
We will be holding our termly music concert for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 on Friday 23 rd March at 2:00pm. I
look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.
We will continue to send text reminders and letters about key events but here are some dates to add
to your calendar:19th March
Inset Day - School closed to children
21 March pm
Y4 trip to Art Gallery
23rd March pm
In 2 Music Concert
28th March
Y5 Mini-Olympics at Cantell
30 March
Easter Egg Raffle (letter coming soon)
30th March
Last Day of Term
16 April
First Day of Term
16th – 20th April
Parents Evenings (letter coming soon)
7 May
Bank Holiday – School Closed
4th – 8th June
Half Term – School Closed
11 – 14 June
Y6 Bikeability
15th June
Inset Day - School closed to children
18 June
Inset Day - School closed to children
20th July
Last Day of Term
Once again, thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
Alison Maybury