REGULAR MINUTES TOWNSHIP OF MACDONALD, MEREDITH & ABERDEEN ADDITIONAL TUESDAY MARCH 6, 2012 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBER Mayor: Lynn Watson Council: Jean Robbins, Lynn Orchard, Shelly Bailey, Lee Mason Staff: Lynne Duguay, Donny Cameron Delegations: Ed Horba, Kris-Genivar, Elizabeth Henning & Gord Rennie-MTO, Jackie Hurley-Speed Limits Observers: Kevin & Jackie Hurley, Ken & Linda Findlay, Ralph McPhee, Cindy & Fred Shaughnessy, Clark Findlay, Carol Findlay, Jim Ritter, Nancy Chapman, Meghan Jarrett, Rod Jarrett, Brett Webb, Mike Siemers, Charles & Marie Vis, Don MacDonald, Lillian & Jerome Keen, Brigitte Orchard, Mert Alcock & Fran, Pam Kelly 1. Call to Order #12-70 Moved by: Jean Robbins Seconded by; Shelly Bailey “RESOLVED that we open our Regular Council Meeting at 7:00 p.m.” CD. 2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest 3. Minutes of Previous Meeting & any other meetings to be adopted by Council #12-71 Moved by: Lynn Orchard Seconded by: Lee Mason “RESOLVED that the Minutes of Council held on February 21, 2012, and Special Meeting of council held on February 28, 2012 be accepted as presented.” CD. 4. Action Items from the Minutes 5. Staff & Committee Reports a) Road Supervisor -Speed Limit Signs Hold off for now. -Algoma Power Pole Relocation Still waiting for Sean Denely to set up date. -Calcium Spreader Twp. Laird is meeting tomorrow night and will be discussing it. Clerk to contact them to see what the decision is. There is a 6 week delivery date so we need to get this ordered. b) Leisure Services Coordinator -Echo Bay School Reunion Committee-March 20 Next Meeting 10:00 -Volunteer SSM-March 16-“Best Practices Surrounding Advertising Your Message” -Easter Craft Night-Monday April 2 3:30-6:30 -Canadian Playground Inspections Received information from Laird and Kelly Rowlinson from Child Care Algoma. Nor exactly what we are looking for. Hoping to get information from the City. -Arena Ice is still good but is thin in the middle. Canteen is closed due to low sales. Hockey Program will go until the ice won’t let them. They are planning a party at the end looks like March 18th. -Skate Program Completed with 5 in the learn to figure skate and 13 in the learn to skate. -Summer Student Grants Applied to the Federal Government for office, rec assistant and museum/lending library. Applications for Grants Ontario have been completed as well as the MNDM. -Programming Yoga will be starting on April 14 10:30-12 at Sylvan Valley hall. Looking to start up dance classes for local children. 1 c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 6. March 6, 2012 Looking at getting the ball/soccer forms out after March Break so that we can see our numbers. They are looking at extending the season. A laird resident has contacted us to see if there is a basketball program in our area. He is promoting pickup adult basketball and he has the Laird gym booked. He would like us to advertise this. -Summer Students -Dog Training Request Brenda Aelick has approached us to offer “dog training” at the Sportsplex. Looking at April 27/28 as a training date and sometime in the fall. #12-73 Moved by: Shelly Bailey Seconded by: Jean Robbins “RESOLVED that we accept the written report from Road Super and Leisure Services Coordinator.” CD. Fire Chief Treasurer’s Report Planning Board Police Services Board -March 26, 2012 Algoma District Services Administration Board Algoma District Municipal Association Landfill/Recycling Sewer and Water Delegations 7:00 p.m. Genivar-Hwy 17 Interchange Presentation Ed Horba, Project Engineer from Genivar went through a presentation. Study Refinements include: -Connect Hwy 638 to Watson Road -provide a service road connection to the most easterly end of Church St. -Relocate the Bar River Road flyover further north to improve constructability by crossing in better soil conditions. -the Advantages of the Plan -central interchange location in close proximity to Echo Bay -reduced out-of-way travel -interchange access to business community -minimized impacts to socio-economic environment -lower construction cost -use of existing railway crossing. When is it being built? Until there is funding for projects they will not move forward with detail design. Focus for the 5 year budget plan are the projects that are in progress now. Should the need arise based on accidents, data collected it will be looked at again. They are committed to finish this study. When it gets to the detail design and construction stage they could look at constructing the project in stages. The interchange could be built first and the flyover at Bar River Rd. later. Our priority is the interchange. We will not acct new municipal roads that are graveled-this would be decided at the final design. Council will comment on refinements once we see the larger plan. Public Consultation on March 21 at the Echo Bay Community Hall. We asked MTO to look into the rock area at David Gjos and the railway tracks on Church St. 8:00 p.m. Jackie Hurley-Speed Limits Delegation that Jackie is representing is opposed to the reduction in speed limits on Watson Rd. Pioneer Rd.and McCarrel Lake Rd. Fred Shaughnessy stated that Council should have given more notice based on the magnitude of this topic. Suggested putting more information on the website. Minutes that are on there are from 2008. Needs to be updated. Rod Jarrett suggested dealing with the problem area which is Hwy 17B to the dump. He also questioned why 50 km why not 60 km? Council decided to go ahead a vote on motion to amend by-law for speed limits. 2 March 16, 2012 7. By-law #12-1761 Tax Ratio By-law #12-74 Moved by: Lee Mason Seconded by; Lynn Orchard “RESOLVED that we draft B y-law #12-1761 being a by-law for establishing tax ratios for 2012.” CD. #12-75 Moved by: Jean Robbins Seconded by: Shelly Bailey “RESOLVED that we give By-law #12-1761 its first and second reading.” CD. #12-1762 Speed Limit By-law #12-72 Moved by: Jean Robbins Seconded by: Lynn Orchard “RESOLVED that we draft By-law #12-1762 being a by-law to prescribe a rate of speed for motor vehicles in the Township of Macdonald, Meredith & Aberdeen Additional.” Recorded Vote: Councillor Bailey Against Councillor Mason Against Councillor Orchard For Councillor Robbins For Mayor Watson Against Motion 8. Old Business 9. New Business Defeated a) Buchanan Letter Need to discuss further. b) Budget Meeting Dates Wed. April 11, 2012 7:15 p.m. Tuesday May 29, 2012 7:00 p.m. Hopefully we can adopt the budget at the first Regular Council Meeting in June. c) Easement Request Colin Gowlett to submit a written request. d) 2011 Council Expense Report #12-76 Moved by: Shelly Bailey Seconded by; Jean Robbins “RESOLVED that we acknowledge receipt of the 2011 Council Expense Report.” CD. e) Cemetery Board Meeting March 26 at 8:00 p.m. f) ADMA-Saturday April 14, 2012 from 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. in Sault Ste. Marie-Agenda Items? g) Building Permits 10. Presenting, Referring or Passing of Accounts 11. Correspondence a) Central Algoma Freshwater Coalition b) Greater Sudbury-Request for Regulation of Gasoline Prices 3 March 6, 2012 12. #12-77 Moved by: Jean Robbins Seconded by: Shelly Bailey “RESOLVED that we support Greater Sudbury in requesting the Ontario Energy Board be given the power by the Province of Ontario to impose a weekly ceiling on gas prices in order to reduce volatility and regional price differences while encouraging competition and also be granted the legislated power to intervene if suppliers were seen to be gouging the market.” CD. Mayor & Councillors Comments Councillor Mason -Gordon lake could be ice bladed again -bridges-check sides where they are plugged, could have drainage problems Councilor Bailey -report on blood services Councillor Robbins -North Bay doing streetlights-changing them to LED -Algoma Manor auction on March 16 & 17 Councillor Orchard -Huron Central yard-touch base with Glen Martin to get a contact person. Mayor Watson -Blood Services going very well-10 at each location -meeting with Lifelabs and NELIHN to see where things are at -having a meeting with the steering committee to discuss again. -we had a good crowd tonight-do not want community to get divided over this issue, if anything we hope it will make a better community -next newsletter we will ask people to put in their letter of intent to sit on a committee to discuss speed limits in the township. Tom Headrick from Police Services Board to chair it. Also list the # to call the police if people see others speeding. -before next Council Meeting get all of Council to look over the large plans that are suppose to arrive in a couple of days and be prepared to comment to Genivar on March 20 #12-78 Moved by: Lee Mason Seconded by: Lynn Orchard “RESOLVED that we pass by-law #12-1763 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the meeting of Council held on March 6, 2012.” CD. 14. Adjournment #12-79 Moved by: Shelly Bailey Seconded by: Jean Robbins “RESOLVED that this Council shall now adjourn to March 20, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. or until the call of the chair.” CD. THAT we accept these minutes this__________day of__________2012 __________________________ MAYOR ________________________ CLERK ADMINISTRATOR 4 5