minutes 11.20.13 - North Central Area Career and Technology Center

North Central Area Career and Technology Center (NCACTC) Board Meeting
Minutes of Meeting
7:00 p.m. on November 20, 2013
Chairman Larry Brooks called the meeting to order with the following in attendance:
Steve Heim, Mary Medrud, Travis Benson, Susie Schmaltz, Todd Thompson, Ben
Cartwright and Kathy McCracken.
A motion was made by Todd and seconded by Ben to approve the minutes of the
September 25, 2013 meeting. The motion carried.
There was no correspondence
Financial Report
Kathy reviewed the financials. Thereafter a motion was made by Mary and seconded by
Travis to accept the financial report as presented. The motion carried.
Health Careers Presentation
Angel Hoffert, Health Careers teachers reported on the following:
 Health Careers, EMT and Sports Medicine ITV classes
 Health Careers online class
 HOSA – student organization
 Advisory Committee
Director’s Report
 She will be attending the ACTE Convention Dec. 5 & 6 in Las Vegas
 Previewed the Center’s new website, Project Lead the Way, fastest growing jobs
and North Dakota oilfield jobs
Old Business
There was no old business
New Business
Kathy suggested two changes to the by-laws based on discussion from previous meetings.
The first change is to Article VI. Meetings: change “once per month” to “bimonthly”.
Todd made a motion to approve the first reading of this by-law change. Ben seconded the
motion and the motion carried. The second change is to Article VIII. Voting: change
“half’ to “four or more”. A motion was made by Susie and seconded by Mary to approve
the first reading of this by-law change. The motion carried.
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 29, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. via video.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.