1 MEETING NO. 4 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF MARATHON Held in the Council Chambers, Administration Building on Monday, March 9, 2015. Present: Also Present: Absent: 1. R. Dumas C. Gingras R. Lake K. Tsubouchi D. Skworchinski S. Stone G. Tomlinson - Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor CAO/Clerk Student Councillor Student Councillor B. Hyshka J. Jazvac R. Kerster L. Lees C. Verbo - Works & Operations Manager Parks and Recreation Manager CBO/Emergency Services Manager Deputy Clerk Administration & Finance Manager/Treasurer T. Fox - Councillor The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Municipal Safety Share – Councillor Lake provided the meetings safety share with regard to daylights saving time. 2. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA: Mayor Dumas asked members for any additions or deletions to the Agenda and hearing none, proceeded with the meeting. MOTION #042/15: Moved by: R. Lake Seconded by: C. Gingras Resolved: THAT Council hereby accepts the Agenda for the Monday, March 9, 2015, Regular Meeting of Council as circulated. CARRIED 3. Mayor Dumas asked members for any disclosure of interest and hearing none proceeded with the meeting. 4. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held on Monday, February 9, 2015, were presented. MOTION #043/15: Moved by: Seconded by: Resolved: Regular Meeting of circulated. R. Lake C. Gingras THAT Council hereby adopts the minutes of the Council held on Monday, February 9, 2015, as CARRIED 2 5. 6. DELEGATION: a) Joanne Berube, Marathon Summerfest, was in attendance to provide an update on the Summerfest Organizing Committee. Mrs. Berube reviewed the financials, organizational structure and what will be happening in 2015. Mrs. Berube and the Summerfest Committee/Volunteers were thanked and she left the meeting. b) David Giuliano, Marathon Library Board, was in attendance to provide an update on the Marathon Public Library and the new Library hours. COUNCIL REPORTS: a) 7. STUDENT COUNCILLOR REPORTS: a) 8. Mayor Dumas provided a verbal update on his attendance at the Thunder Bay District Municipal League Meeting held on February 26 & 27, 2015, in Thunder Bay, OGRA Conference and NOMA meeting. Student Councillors Stone and Tomlinson provided a brief update on the happenings at the Marathon High School and noted that March break is coming up and drivers should be on the lookout for youth out and about. C.A.O. REPORTS: a) Report on 2015 OGRA/ROMA Conference. Daryl Skworchinski, CAO/Clerk, reviewed the report in its entirety. Mr. Skworchinski noted that the report was being presented for information purposes only. Discussion took place with regard to the Minister delegations and the importance of networking at events like this. 9. ADMINISTRATION REPORTS: a) Report on Renewal of Dispatch and 911 Services (Northern Communications Services Inc.). Rick Kerster, CBO/Emergency Services Manager, reviewed the report in its entirety. Mr. Kerster recommended that an extension be approved for an additional three year term (2018) with Northern Communications. MOTION #044/15: Moved by: R. Lake Seconded by: K. Tsubouchi Resolved: THAT Council hereby accepts the attached report and recommendation on Renewal of Dispatch and 911 Services (Northern Communications Services Inc.); AND FURTHER THAT the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign the extension agreement for an additional 3 years. CARRIED b) Report on 2014 DWQMS Compliance Report. Brian Hyshka, Works and Operations Manager, reviewed the report in its entirety. Mr. Hyshka noted that the report was being presented for members’ information only. Questions were posed regarding water training for Council members, upcoming legislative enactments, cost recovery models and how onerous the reporting criteria is. 3 c) Report on Council Remuneration – 2014 Expenses. Chuck Verbo, Finance & Administration Manager/Treasurer, reviewed the report in its entirety. Mr. Verbo noted that the report was being presented for members’ information only. d) Report on Tax Rebates to Charities & Similar Organizations. Chuck Verbo, Finance & Administration Manager/Treasurer, reviewed the report in its entirety. Mr. Verbo recommended that the appropriate by-law be adopted authorizing a tax rebate program for eligible charities and similar organizations. A brief discussion ensued regarding eligibility and rebate percentage criteria. MOTION #045/15: Moved by: K. Tsubouchi Seconded by: C. Gingras Resolved: THAT Council hereby accepts the attached report and recommendation on Tax Rebates to Charities & Similar Organizations; AND FURTHER THAT the appropriate by-law be adopted later in the meeting providing tax rebates for eligible charities and similar organizations. CARRIED 10. CHEQUE RUN: A motion to approve the payments made in January, 2015, was presented: MOTION #046/15: Moved by: Seconded by: Resolved: payment: R. Lake C. Gingras THAT the following cheque runs be approved for Accounts Payable Payroll $774,697.32 $157,086.80 CARRIED 11. REPORT OF APPOINTED MEMBERS TO BOARDS AND COMMITTEES: a) 12. No items were received. BY-LAWS: a) By-Law No. 1850, being a by-law to repeal By-Law No. 1284, being a by-law to provide tax rebates for eligible charities and similar organizations, was presented. MOTION #047/15: Moved by: C. Gingras Seconded by: R. Lake Resolved: THAT By-Law No. 1850, being a by-law to repeal By-Law No. 1284, being a by-law to provide tax rebates for eligible charities and similar organizations, be read a first and second time this 9th day of March, 2015. CARRIED 4 MOTION #048/15: Moved by: C. Gingras Seconded by: R. Lake Resolved: THAT By-Law No. 1850 be read a third time and th finally passed this 9 day of March, 2015. CARRIED 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: a) 14. No items were received. NEW BUSINESS: a) Information was received regarding the upcoming NOMA Annual General Meeting scheduled for April 22, 23 & 24, 2015, in Thunder Bay. MOTION #049/15: Moved by: R. Lake Seconded by: C. Gingras Resolved: THAT the following individuals be approved to attend the NOMA Annual General Meeting scheduled for April 22, 23 & 24, 2015, in Thunder Bay: Councillor Ray Lake Councillor Terry Fox Mayor Rick Dumas Daryl Skworchinski, C.A.O./Clerk AND FURTHER THAT expenses be paid according to policy. CARRIED b) A request was received from the Memorial Wall of Names of Canada’s Fallen seeking support on the location of the memorial and for a non-binding pledge. After a brief discussion, members agreed to table this item. c) A request was received from the Thunder Bay District Veterans’ Fund seeking support of their application to register as a Charity under the Income Tax Act. After a brief discussion, members agreed to table this item. d) A request was received from Autism Ontario seeking proclamation of April 2, 2015, as “World Autism Awareness Day”, in and for the Town of Marathon. MOTION #050/15: Moved by: K. Tsubouchi Seconded by: C. Gingras Resolved: WHEREAS World Autism Awareness Day will be recognized on April 2, 2015, in Canada thanks to Liberal Senator Jim Munson’s Bill S-206, An Act Respecting World Autism Awareness Day; AND WHEREAS Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects more than 100,000 Ontarians. ASD is now recognized as the most common neurological disorder affecting 1 in every 94 children, as well as their friends, family and community; AND WHEREAS ASD is a spectrum disorder, which means it not only manifests itself differently in every individual in whom it appears, but its characteristics will change over the life of each individual as well. A child with ASD will become an adult with ASD; 5 AND WHEREAS Autism Ontario is the leading source of information and referral on autism and one of the largest collective voices representing the autism community. Since 1973, Autism Ontario has been providing support, information and opportunities for thousands of families across the province; AND WHERAS Autism Ontario is dedicated to increasing public awareness about autism and the day-to-day issues faced by individuals with autism, their families and the professionals with whom they interact. The association and its chapters share common goals of providing information and education, supporting research and advocating for programs and services for the autism community; AND THEREFORE I Mayor Rick Dumas, do hereby declare April 2, 2015, as World Autism Awareness Day in and for the Town of Marathon. CARRIED e) A request was received from the Town of Aurora seeking support of their resolution pertaining to Bill 52, the Protection of Public Participation Act. Questions were posed regarding the wording of the resolution and who would benefit from the legislation. MOTION #051/15: Moved by: K. Tsubouchi Seconded by: C. Gingras Resolved: THAT Council hereby supports the resolution received from the Town of Aurora pertaining to Bill 52, the Protection of Public Participation Act; AND FURTHER THAT a copy of this motion be forwarded to the individuals listed on the originating resolution for their information and action. CARRIED 15. 16. ADDITIONAL COUNCIL INFORMATION: a) The 2014 Fourth Quarter Bid Approval Report was received. b) The Emergency Services Department Monthly Report for January and February, 2015, were received. c) The February 2015 By-Law Department Monthly Report was received. ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Parks and Recreation March Break and March Break Camp Schedules were highlighted. Mayor Dumas announced that tickets were still available for the Friday night Unplugged for Cancer event. He noted that Saturday night is sold out. Mayor Dumas announced that members will be adjourning to a Closed Meeting to discuss a potential litigation item immediately following adjournment of the Regular Meeting. 6 17. ADJOURN: MOTION #052/15: Moved by: Seconded by: Resolved: R. Lake C. Gingras THAT we do now adjourn at the hour of 8:40 p.m. CARRIED …………………………………………. Mayor (SEAL) ………………………………………… Clerk