REGULAR MINUTES TOWNSHIP OF MACDONALD, MEREDITH & ABERDEEN ADDITIONAL TUESDAY FEBRUARY 7, 2012 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBER Mayor: Lynn Watson Council: Shelly Bailey, Jean Robbins, Lee Mason, Lynn Orchard Staff: Lynne Duguay Delegations: Jen Rose, Dan Richards, Tim Lavoie-Algoma Power Observers: Charles & Marie Vis, June MacDonald, Ken & Linda Findlay 1. Call to Order #12-35 Moved by: Shelly Bailey Seconded by: Jean Robbins “RESOLVED that we open our Regular Council Meeting at 7:00 p.m.” CD. 2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest 3. Minutes of Previous Meeting & any other meetings to be adopted by Council #12-36 Moved by: Lee Mason Seconded by: Lynn Orchard “RESOLVED that the Minutes of Council held on January 17, 2012 be accepted as presented.” CD. 4. Action Items from the Minutes 5. Staff & Committee Reports a) Road Supervisor -Guelph Road School #12-40 Moved by: Jean Robbins Seconded by: Shelly Bailey “RESOVLED that we authorize the Road Super to attend C.S. Anderson Road School on May 7-9, 2012.” CD. -Bridge Inspections 2012 #12-41 Moved by: Lynn Orchard Seconded by: Lee Mason “RESOLVED that we authorize the participation with Plummer Township for an amalgamated tender for Bridge inspections.” CD. -New Plow Truck Report Working very well. Have couple issues with the plow equipment (wheel on one-way and wing height adjustments). Working with Viking Plow Equipment to remedy problems, they don’t affect the plowing operation. -Extended Engine Warranty-more information for next meeting. -Amalgamated Tender #12-42 Moved by: Shelly Bailey Seconded by; Jean Robbins “RESOVLED that we submit the amalgamated tender as set out by the Road Supervisor. See attached list.” CD. -Association of Ontario road Supervisors Road super received confirmation of his CRS-Intermediate Certification. -Algoma Power-Iron Lake Road(s/b Birch Lake Rd.)-Echo River TS Location Road super to meet engineer on site to discuss. Also take a look at poles on Lonely Lake Rd. at the same time. b) Leisure Services Coordinator -Echo Bay School Reunion Committee-January 17th Meeting Report 1 February 7. 2012 c) d) e) f) g) h) i) -Winter Carnival-deferred -Northshore Recreation Committee Meeting No meeting booked. Will do business by way of e-mail. -Arena No rentals yet. Skate Program has started, shinny’s and open skates. Numbers have been great. We will have to go with the weather and if we are able to have rentals once the ice gets built up more we will if not we will just go with our own programs. #12-43 Moved by: Shelly Bailey Seconded by; Jean Robbins “RESOLVED that we offer the use of the Sportsplex for skating as part of their physical education program to the Echo Bay School and Laird School.” CD. -Skate Program Started Feb. 1 from 6-8 and going until Feb. 29 as long as there is ice. 3 Learn to figure-Skate and 10 Learn to Skate participants. -Hockey Program Starting Feb. 5 from 6-8. Most of the children were fitted for equipment on Feb. 1. The equipment came from donations etc. -Heart & Stroke Defibrillator Access Initiative #12-44 Moved by: Lee Mason Seconded by: Lynn Orchard “RESOLVED that we apply to the Heart & Stroke Foundation under the initiative “Ontario Defibrillator Access Initiative” for a defibrillator to be placed at our Lending Library/Museum & the Ball Field.” CD. -Canadian Playground Inspections-deferred -Sylvan Valley Algoma Public Health Inspection-deferred Fire Chief -North Bay Fire Conference #12-45 Moved by: Shelly Bailey Seconded by: Jean Robbins “RESOLVED that we authorize the Deputy Fire Chief John Phillips and Captain Jason Willet to attend the North Bay Fire Conference from March 29-April 1, 2012.” CD. -New truck makes and prices -approval to get together with Clerk to get a tender ready -update on 2011 calls Request Fire Chief to get a quote on what it would take to bring the Rescue Truck into good shape-spend some money now and keep it on the road for 5 years or so. No tender to be done. -reminder of the Mutual aid Meeting on April 13-15, 2012 #12-47 Moved by: Shelly Bailey Seconded by: Jean Robbins “RESOLVED that we accept the reports from Road Super, Leisure Services Coordinator and Fire Chief.” CD. Treasurer’s Report Planning Board Police Services Board -Jan. 23, 2012-Joint meeting at Forensic Building in SSM-Report Excellent meeting and tour. -Next Meeting March 26, 2012 Algoma District Services Administration Board Budget should be complete by end of February. Algoma District Municipal Association Landfill/Recycling 2 February 7, 2012 j) Sewer and Water Feb. 9 PUC 1/4ly meeting at 3:30 p.m. 6. Delegations 7:00 p.m. Algoma Power-Peggy Lund, Jennifer Rose, Tim Lavoie, Dan Richards Tim Lavoie gave an update of what has taken place at Algoma Power over the last year. New phone system has been installed which will improve communications. All Accounts Payable is being done out of their Fort Erie office. They are continuing their devolution of Fortis Ontario. Jen Rose discussed the Public Safety portion. They have partnered with ESA for information sessions and safety awareness. Would like to do a session with our fire department. Corridors for Life continues under their Environmental Programs. Smart Metering will be in place late this year. We are the last in the province to come on line. Hopefully Algoma Power will send us information in the fall and we can communicate this to everyone. The continue with the new regulations for low income families in regard to disconnections and deposits. Individuals have to apply for this assistance. Ontario Energy Board-Tim Lavoie Conservation and Demand Management-continuing to advertise this program. Great business incentives with energy audits, retro fits, streetlight upgrades (Grimsby, Welland). You can contact Algoma Power for more information. Customer Satisfaction Survey-telemarket did this survey on their behalf and information came back relatively positive. This will continue every year as a benchmark. Easement Pamphlet & new Connection Pamphlet These pamphlets will be available with lots of information walking through the steps for new construction etc. Mayor Watson stated it would be good to have this information to attach to the building permits. Infrastructure Update Capital project happening on Iron River Road. Sean Denly-Chaput to meet on site with Road super. Suggested meeting with the Road Supers in the area to discuss capital projects. 2012 Planned Outages-Community Events List This has already been sent to Algoma Power. Forestry Activities No work happening in our area this year. The Utility Arborist Program at Sault College is running with the Level 1 program. Vegetation Management Pamphlet Integrated Pest Management Program Mayor Watson brought up the pole relocation on Lonely lake Rd. and the timeframe of when this may occur. They are looking into it. Power Outage on January 20 for upgrades and hookup a new garage. The power was out from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 and then again until 6:30 p.m. Was this hook up to a garage necessary to do in January. People were really inconvenienced by this during the coldest month on the year. They will look into this. 7. By-law #12-1756 By-law To Levy Certain Interim Rates, Taxes and Charges for the Year 2012 #12-48 Moved by: Lynn Orchard Seconded by: Lee Mason “RESOLVED that we give By-law #12-1756 its third and final reading.” CD. 8. Old Business 9. New Business 3 February 7, 2012 a) Budget Meeting February 28, 2012 7:00 p.m. b) January 31 Public Meeting-Speed Limit Feedback and Discussion #12-37 Moved by: Jean Robbins Seconded by: Lynn Orchard “RESOVLED that we rescind motion #12-05 passed at the January 3, 2012 meeting.” CD. #12-38 Moved by: Lynn Orchard Seconded by: Jean Robbins “RESOLVED that we authorize the Clerk to amend By-law #08-1629 to lower speed limit on Watson Road to 50 km.” Recorded Vote BAILEY, Shelly MASON, Lee ORCHARD, Lynn ROBBINS, Jean WATSON, Lynn Against Against For For For CD. #12-39 Moved by: Jean Robbins Seconded by: Lee Mason “RESOLVED that we authorize the Clerk to amend By-law #08-1629 to lower speed limit on Pioneer Road & McCarrel Lake Road to 50 km.” CD. c) Physician Recruitment Discussion Look at inviting Sally Hagman to a future meeting. d) Matthews Memorial Hospital Blood Services Update Interim agreement with Life Labs has been made. Wait and see how the numbers are and if more hours are required for blood services. Report to come in March. e) Community Development Corporation-Confirmation of Funding Letter Received the funding for the School Reunion Event in July f) Sault Area Hospital-Central Ambulance Communication Centre-Extension of Current Fire Dispatch Service Contract. #12-46 Moved by: Jean Robbins Seconded by: Shelly Bailey “RESOLVED that we extend our current Fire Dispatch Service contract with Central Ambulance Communications Centre from April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2015 in the amount of $1,001.16 annually.” CD. g) Styrofoam Recycling Workshop #12-49 Moved by: Lee Mason Seconded by: Lynn Orchard “RESOVLED that we authorize the Clerk and Landfill Caretaker to attend a Styrofoam Recycling and Network Session on Thursday Feb. 9, 2012 at the MacLennan Hall at 1:00 p.m.” CD. h) FONOM-Rooms are booked-Who’s Going? Councillor Bailey and Robbins will be attending this year. Mayor Watson will be in attendance as a Director. Councillor Mason cannot attend. Councillor Orchard will let us know. 4 February 7, 2012 i) Building Permits #12-50 Moved by: Shelly Bailey Seconded by: Jean Robbins “RESOLVED that we acknowledge the CBO approved a building permit to Jeff Loughran for siding, windows, shingles & deck.” CD. 10. Presenting, Referring or Passing of Accounts 11. Correspondence a) Tarbutt Letter-Economic Development Suggestion Good idea. Discuss further. b) Operation Clean Sweep Find out if the school is participating this year and offer them free bag tags. Also if they need the roads department to pick up filled garbage bags. c) Ministry of Finance-Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund Our 2011 funding was $739,300.00 2012 funding is $671,500.00 A difference of $67,800.00. We will not know how this affects us until we see the ADSAAB Budget and how much it will be reduced based on their uploading to the Provincial Government. 12. Mayor & Councillors Comments Councillor Bailey Ralph McPhee requested a full time museum student this summer. Is there enough for them to do and are we willing to fund the extra cost? Make sure LSC comes to the meeting on February 21 with all Summer Student information. Councillor Orchard Ralph McPhee brought up at the public meeting the purchase of the old Maple Leaf School and possible relocation. Clerk to contact Church to see if they are willing to sell it with the land. More discussion. Councillor Robbins Sanding of hills has been an issue. Mayor Watson stated that the sand this year has less salt in it there for it in not as effective. #12-51 Moved by: Lynn Orchard Seconded by: Lee Mason “RESOLVED that we pass by-law #12-1758 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the meeting of Council held on February 7, 2012.” CD. 14. Adjournment #12-52 Moved by: Jean Robbins Seconded by: Shelly Bailey “RESOLVED that this Council shall now adjourn to February 21, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. or until the call of the chair.” CD. THAT these minutes be accepted this__________day of__________2012 _________________________ MAYOR _________________________ CLERK ADMINISTRATOR 5