glenhurst corporation pty ltd - Wholistic Financial Solutions

“Navigating your financial future”
Welcome Book
Australian Taxation Professionals
Suite 1, 53 Dundas Court PHILLIP ACT 2606
Tel: (02) 6290 1496 Fax: (02) 6290 2371
Australian Taxation Professionals
Suite 1, 53 Dundas Court PHILLIP ACT 2606
Tel: (02) 6290 1496 Fax: (02) 6290 2371 E-Mail:
Our Mission
Please allow us to share our aim and philosophy with you. We hope that you enjoy your pursuits as
much as we enjoy ours. You may find our aim and philosophy somewhat different than the
conventional. However, knowing our aim and philosophy will help you to better understand the
way we do things, and whether you will enjoy and benefit from the services we have to offer.
Australian Taxation Professional’s objectives are:
To provide a unique and exceptional service to our clients, beyond standard tax return
Analyse your personal and/or business needs and prepare financial planning strategies to
solve your needs and financial objectives.
Continually enhance our industry knowledge so that we may impart this knowledge to you,
our clients, where appropriate.
To provide a plan of action to “Chart” you through the financial maze with minimum of
effort or pain on your behalf.
In essence, Australian Taxation Professionals, engineers financial solutions for our clients to
address their financial goals or objectives without sacrificing lifestyle goals.
Australian Taxation Professionals was created by looking through the eyes of the Consumer and
translating your requirements into consolidated, accurate and easily understandable financial plans.
Our consolidated financial reports provide an accurate translation of your Adviser’s vision and
recommendations for you to help guide you towards achieving your individual financial goals and
Development of Australian Taxation Professionals was influenced by international research which
showed that the most desirable customers are those with a high need for advice and above average
income. A key factor is that this segment, more than any other, requires high efficiency in customer
service and complete mastery of the complex regulatory requirements. Delivery of a highly valued
service rather than products is the key to a success financial planning business in this day of
advanced technology and information.
Most important of all, our specialist advisers are dedicated to working with you every step of the
way in “Charting” your course to financial success!
Please note, Australian Taxation Professionals is not a Licensed Securities Dealer, however,
within our practice we have an adviser authorised as a representative of Wealthsure Pty Ltd,
Licensed Securities Dealer, as well as life broker representatives of a Registered Life Insurance
Australian Taxation Professionals Pty Ltd
Suite 1, 53 Dundas Court PHILLIP ACT 2606
Tel: (02) 6290 1496 Fax: (02) 6290 2371 E-Mail:
Our Company
Australian Taxation Professionals has over 100 years of collective experience and knowledge in the
provision of excellence in financial and taxation services to individuals, corporate and business
people and professionals.
We are good communicators.
One of our greatest strengths is the ability to listen to our clients, to their
plans and financial concerns, and to their dreams.
By asking them the questions to help them define their needs, we help
our clients discover the solutions to protecting their finances today, and
in the future.
We will help them stay on track and see the job through.
The staff and associates of Australian Taxation Professionals have developed a proud reputation for
quality and professionalism in the areas of:
Taxation Planning, Preparation and Lodgment
Portfolio Design and Management
Financial Planning
Superannuation Planning and Advice
Insurance and Risk Management
Investment Portfolio Reviews
Centrelink and Retirement Planning
Remuneration Packaging
Mortgage Reduction and Cash flow Management
Property Management including Sales and Lease Negotiations
Real Estate Agency Services
We pride ourselves on our people skills and our strong client
This is demonstrated by the fact that referrals from our clients and
professional advisors make up over more than 90% of our new business.
“Put not your trust in money, put your money in trust…”
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Australian Taxation Professionals Pty Ltd
Suite 1, 53 Dundas Court PHILLIP ACT 2606
Tel: (02) 6290 1496 Fax: (02) 6290 2371 E-Mail:
Our People
Wayne Lucerne
Principal - Australian Taxation Professionals
Wayne Lucerne is an independent financial planner, authorised representative and Premier Adviser
of Wealthsure Financial Planning Pty Ltd, Licensed Dealer in Securities. He has a broad client base
and advises on all financial planning issues. These include salary packaging, savings and
investment strategies, retirement planning, superannuation, insurance, estate planning and small
business planning and tax effective investment.
Wayne also provides specialised financial planning services to clients of accountants, solicitors, real
estate agents and mortgage consultants, working together with them to provide a complete financial
solution for their clients.
Wayne is a Practitioner Member of the Financial Planning Association of Australia Limited and as
such abides by their Code of Ethics and Rules of Professional Conduct. He holds a Bachelor of
Arts/Economics at the Australian National University and is in his final unit of the Diploma of
Financial Planning through Deakin University and the Financial Planning Association of Australia
prior to receiving the status of Certified Financial Planner (CFP).
Wayne was previously employed as a policy analyst, ministerial speechwriter and protocol officer
within the Commonwealth Public Service for over 15 years and since commencing in the financial
services industry in 1989, has been self-employed running and advising in his own financial
planning practice and has a depth of experience in small business having established many
businesses including among others a real estate agency and an internet start-up company. Wayne
also has unique and valuable experience in business planning, venture capital raising and has acted
as corporate adviser for many companies.
Atif Iqbal
Principal – Australian Taxation Professionals
Taxation & Business Consultant
Atif Iqbal is Managing Director of Australian Taxation Professionals Pty Ltd. Atif specializes in
accounting, taxation and business advice and planning. Atif is an associated member of the Society
of Certified Practicing Accountants of Australia, and is working towards the full status of CPA. Atif
is also a fellow of National Tax and Accountants Associations and as such abide by their code of
ethics and rules of professional conduct. This enables him to practice as a public accountant.
Atif is highly qualified in advising on business and taxation affairs. He has achieved all of his
academic qualification locally in Canberra. He holds an Advance Diploma of Business in
Accounting from the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) and a Bachelor of Commerce in
Accounting from the University of Canberra (UC).
Australian Taxation Professionals Pty Ltd
Suite 1, 53 Dundas Court PHILLIP ACT 2606
Tel: (02) 6290 1496 Fax: (02) 6290 2371 E-Mail:
Atif spent over five years working for different accounting firms in Canberra. In his last
appointment, he was serving as the senior accountant for the practice, dealing with a large variety
of clients, include small to medium local businesses. In Australian Taxation Professionals, he is the
registered Nominee Taxation Agent and Practice Manager. He manages the provision of services
like preparation of tax return, preparation of BAS/IAS, preparation of accounts, providing clients
with taxation and business advice and business planning.
In his personal life he is married to his university class fellow and has three children.
Michaele D’Onofrio CPA, Master Law, Bach Law& Acct, Dip Project
Principal – Australian Taxation Professionals
Taxation & Business Consultant, Finance and Home Loans, Property
Management, Project Development and Management
Michaele Dónofrio was previously a proper authority holder with Lifespan Financial Planning Pty Ltd.
This enabled him to provide financial advice to his clients as an authorized representative. With the
amalgamation of the taxation practice with the financial planning practice, Michaele now provides
technical and specialized taxation and superannuation advise as an additional service to the financial
planning services offered from Wayne Lucerne.
Michaele specialilises in taxation, superannuation and investment planning. Michael DÓnofrio is a certified
practicing accountant and has more than thirty years of experience in taxation and accounting advice.
Michaele is a member of the Society of Certified Practicing Accountants of Australia, and as such abides
by their Code of Ethics and Rules of Professional Conduct.
Michaele is highly qualified in advising on Taxation law, together with an extensive background in
taxation, business management and the construction industry. He holds a Masters of Taxation, a double
degree in Law and Accounting, and is qualified to provide financial planning advice under the new
requirements of the Securities and Investment Commission. He was a guest lecturer and tutor in the
subjects of financial and management accounting, and taxation law at the University of Canberra,
Australian National University and the University of New South Wales. He was a founding lecturer and
tutor for the ATAX scheme, which was a program within the Australian Taxation Office to upgrade the
technical skills of their staff.
Michaele spent over 15 years working for the Australian Taxation Office as a senior taxation specialist in
areas such as the Top 100 Review of the largest companies operating in Australia. He has been a personal
financial adviser to the Prime Minister of Western Samoa, the Minister for Finance and Minister for
Economic Development. He has provided advice on taxation matters to the previous Commissioner of
Taxation. As well as providing high level taxation advice, Michaele is an active equity trader who
undertakes considerable research on the share-markets and the performance of listed stock. Michaele also
provided consultancy services to Australia’s largest ethical investment and superannuation trust, Australian
Ethical Investments Limited. On the personal side, Michaele has been very active in the community where
his family has fostered numerous children from Dr Barnardoes Homes. In 1993, Michaele received an
Australia Day Medal for services within the Australian Taxation Office and the community, primarily in
the area of relating to and helping homeless children.
Australian Taxation Professionals Pty Ltd
Suite 1, 53 Dundas Court PHILLIP ACT 2606
Tel: (02) 6290 1496 Fax: (02) 6290 2371 E-Mail:
Catherine Smith
Principal - Wholistic Financial Solutions
Catherine has had over 18 years experience in Taxation. She holds a Masters degree in
Taxation and has been recognized by the Certified Practitioners of Australia (CPA) Society
as a 'Specialist in Taxation'. She spent 11 years with the Australian Taxation Office as a
senior Audit manager and a Fraud Investigator. After leaving the ATO Catherine
established an Accounting practice in Ulladulla in 2002 and then relocated the practice to
Canberra in 2006. She was born and bred in Canberra and intends to remain in Canberra
until retirement.
Catherine has a degree in Accounting and a Masters degree in Taxation as well as a
diploma in Financial Planning.
Catherine is a registered Tax Agent, a CPA, a Public Practicing Accountant of the CPA
and NTAA societies, a Justice of Peace, an accredited and experienced mortgage and
finance consultant, a SMSF specialist and Director of Wholistic Financial Solutions,
Australian Financial Porfessionals and owner of the Investor Finance Canberra Branch.
She maintains the required Continuing Professional Development status by maintaining
her high level of knowledge in a rapidly changing and complex legal areas of taxation and
Our Commitment
As an Australian Taxation Professionals client, we want you to know you have the right to expect
the following standards from us:
You will receive friendly, courteous, awesome service. You will be respected
and not taken for granted. We will act with integrity, honesty and openness in
everything we do for you, and with you.
As your financial planners, we will communicate with you frequently, making
recommendations to help you improve your personal and/or business financial
position and build a win-win relationship with you.
Your feedback is critical to our continuing to innovate and improve. We are
always looking forward to your ideas, comments and your suggestions.
Whenever you entrust us with your work, we will carefully research everything
that needs to be done, therefore whenever we make recommendations they are
not based on a whim, but are carefully researched facts.
We will constantly question the way things are, and never, ever rest on our
laurels (today’s laurels are tomorrow’s compost).
We will always dot the i’s and cross the t’s, and in general, never forget that the
devil is in the details.
Australian Taxation Professionals Pty Ltd
Suite 1, 53 Dundas Court PHILLIP ACT 2606
Tel: (02) 6290 1496 Fax: (02) 6290 2371 E-Mail:
We will always be there to help, at any time, as remember, we are your
financial planners.
Our Services
Portfolio Design and Management
Correct and accurate assessment of your risk profile and corresponding strategic asset allocation of
your investment portfolio is critical to set you on the path to efficient and safe wealth creation over
the medium to long term.
Diversification is a key factor in reducing the overall risk factor of your portfolio, not only through
the different asset classes, but also as importantly through different Fund Managers and different
management style funds.
Any good plan or strategy has a limited shelf life and ongoing management of your portfolio and
strategy is an integral component of ensuring your success in wealth creation.
Financial Planning
Financial planning should provide a blueprint to meet both current and future financial objectives.
At Australian Taxation Professionals, our experience and expertise allows us to develop solid
financial strategies for our clients so that they can obtain the greatest possible benefit from their
To reach a new destination you have to plan how to get there. Similarly, the best way to meet your
future financial needs is through financial planning.
Good financial planning requires more than making a few investments. To create a comprehensive
plan a professional adviser examines your needs now and in the future, your assets and liabilities,
attitude to risk, family objectives, personal goals, tax situation and ways to protect your income and
The financial plan…a combination of flexible strategies and products that is developed from this
process…is not a static blueprint. It has to evolve as your needs and objectives in life change. It
should be able to take advantage of any appropriate new products that may be created, and to adapt
to changes in legislation.
The financial plan lays down a path…you have to contribute the willingness and commitment to
make the plan succeed. Some of the aspects we are skilled in examining in this planning process
with you are:
 Income
 Wealth creation
 Expenses
 Retirement
 Fund access
 Portability
 Cash flow
 Time horizons
 Risk/reward
 Superannuation
 Taxation
 Social security
 Insurance
 Income
 Life
 Assets
 Health
 General
Australian Taxation Professionals Pty Ltd
Suite 1, 53 Dundas Court PHILLIP ACT 2606
Tel: (02) 6290 1496 Fax: (02) 6290 2371 E-Mail:
 Asset allocation
 Investment
Fund selection
Our Services
Superannuation Planning and Advice
Superannuation is a powerful wealth building and asset protection tool for business people and
professionals. As with all other facets of your business and your Estate however, where there are
legal and tax considerations, you need to get expert advice.
Do you know that you can pass on accumulated superannuation taxation benefits to your
beneficiaries? Did you know that you could bind the discretionary power of the Superannuation
Trustee and ensure that your wishes are carried out – to the letter?
With a range of master trusts and self-managed superannuation facilities in conjunction with our
depth of expertise in this area, we are in an ideal position to provide superannuation advice and
services to all clients, whether self employed, employers, employees or retirees.
Insurance and Risk Management
We have solutions for all client risk management needs. We have the capacity to analyse your
attitude to risk and to recommend appropriate products and courses of action for your specific
purpose, to protect you and your family, your business and your overall financial plans from being
adversely affected by unforseen circumstances.
Investment Portfolio Reviews
We have access to a comprehensive range of well researched managed investments giving us the
advantage to design a portfolio to match the risk profile and needs of our clients as well as
reviewing that portfolio on an ongoing basis.
Through our use of state of the art technology, we are in a position to provide clients with
comprehensive portfolio reviews and ongoing automated management services that alert them to
any potential areas of concern in respect to their individual investment portfolios.
Centrelink and Retirement Planning
Through the use of software technology, we are able to provide our retiree clients with accurate and
innovative financial structures to maximise Centrelink pensions and benefits.
Personalised income streams are paramount to retiree’s quality of life and it is with this underlying
requirement in mind that we can personalise your retirement structure to ensure your continued
quality of life in retirement.
Australian Taxation Professionals Pty Ltd
Suite 1, 53 Dundas Court PHILLIP ACT 2606
Tel: (02) 6290 1496 Fax: (02) 6290 2371 E-Mail:
Our Services
Correct financing arrangements are often the key to implementing your financial plan efficiently.
Our consultants are accredited to write finance for you through 45 different lending institutions via
various national finance service groups. Let us do the research into what institution and facility will
suit your individual situation.
This service will not cost you any more than if you were to approach a bank directly as we do not
charge a fee for the provision of finance services. We are actually paid by the lending institutions.
Mortgage Reduction and Cash flow Management
Financial planning can be defined as:
“The management of what you earn compared to what you spend, and what you own compared
to what you owe.”
Cash flow management is essential to the success of any financial plan and repayment of non taxdeductible debt must be a major concern for all clients.
We offer to our clients an exceptional service in this area through the use of efficient finance
arrangements and innovative software packages that show you what is achievable initially, and
more importantly, what can be achieved over the longer term through the provision of a monitoring
tool for your use that shows budgeting data, mortgage terms and investment growth if applicable.
The Next Step
Your Critical Path to Wealth Creation
And Service
Australian Taxation Professionals Pty Ltd
Suite 1, 53 Dundas Court PHILLIP ACT 2606
Tel: (02) 6290 1496 Fax: (02) 6290 2371 E-Mail:
Without Losing Sight Of Your Vision
Initial Consultation
Getting to know each other, understanding your hopes, dreams and aspirations.
Needs/Wants Analysis
We carefully assess your current Financial and Estate position, what you want and what
needs to be done to achieve your aims.
Extensive Market Research
We put all the solutions available under the microscope to determine which will work best
for your situation.
Designing For A Secure Future
We design and plan your financial future while building in flexibility to move with market
changes in your business and your environment.
Presenting is just that. Presenting you with our report and findings. Giving you the facts
and the alternatives and our recommendations.
Client Agreement
Some breathing space for you to carefully read and digest everything in our financial design
plan and decide which way you want to go.
We put your plan into action ensuring all your needs are met to provide the financial
freedom you’re looking for.
Management and Service Programme
You’re always guaranteed of our continuing support and interest. In fact, we’ll come back
to you on a regular basis to let you know how your plan is doing and recommend any
changes necessary.
A Logical Process
We’ll help you organise and review your existing arrangements and will prepare clear financial
statements to show your current and future cash flow. You need to know where you are now before
deciding what needs to be done to achieve your objectives.
We’ll help you define and cost your desired lifestyle and will create a computer model of your
arrangements so that alternative courses of action can be explored and a plan developed which will
enable your objectives to be achieved.
Personal and business planning may need to be coordinated. Often, the principal challenge is how
to increase cash flow.
Australian Taxation Professionals Pty Ltd
Suite 1, 53 Dundas Court PHILLIP ACT 2606
Tel: (02) 6290 1496 Fax: (02) 6290 2371 E-Mail:
How much time will we need to look after you?
As an individual you may need as little as one meeting each year whereas a corporate client may
need a meeting once a month or once a quarter.
Most people spend more time each year
planning their annual holidays than they
spend throughout their lifetime planning
their financial future!
Organising Your Affairs
We help our clients organise their affairs, create and protect capital and
achieve their desired lifestyle. Our advice is proactive and objective.
How would our service benefit you?
By helping you add to the quality of your life through better planning of your investments and of
your business, financial and tax arrangements. Some people feel their lives have become
unbalanced and that they are not enjoying the quality of life they desire.
They have assets but insufficient cash. The fun has gone out of much of what they do and they feel
a need to develop their lives in a slightly different way. That’s where we can help.
Who do we advise?
An extremely broad spectrum – from young people buying their first home to people entering
retirement and requiring advice on setting themselves up for the rest of their lives.
Most plan to be financially independent and want to minimise their tax liabilities.
Australian Taxation Professionals Pty Ltd
Suite 1, 53 Dundas Court PHILLIP ACT 2606
Tel: (02) 6290 1496 Fax: (02) 6290 2371 E-Mail:
A Brighter Future
Many people now expect to live to a greater age than their parents or grandparents and to enjoy a
standard of living undreamed of in earlier times. In practice, this will be possible only if they have
arranged their affairs so that they will be financially independent and able to afford not only their
desired lifestyle but also the cost of suitable care if health problems arise.
By working closely with us to minimise tax and enhance investment returns some clients are able to
achieve financial independence by their early fifties.
Money management and investment is now a full time occupation and
financial planning has become essential for anyone who is serious about
achieving financial independence.
A Financial Planner doesn’t replace your solicitor, accountant or stockbroker. That’s why our
practice incorporates and works with solicitors to achieve your goals. We are registered to prepare
your tax returns and help you plan the best overall tax strategy and take the initiative to bring to
your attention ideas, which help you achieve your financial objectives. We don’t write your will
but we will work with your solicitor to help protect your estate from Capital Gains Tax and ensure
financial security for your dependents. We don’t deal on the stock market but we can liaise with
your stockbroker to maximise the return on your capital.
The help of a professional Financial Planner can make all the
Thank You
We hope you have enjoyed reading about us at Australian Taxation Professionals.
We look forward to developing a lasting and mutually rewarding relationship.
Welcome to the Australian Taxation Professionals
Australian Taxation Professionals Pty Ltd
Suite 1, 53 Dundas Court PHILLIP ACT 2606
Tel: (02) 6290 1496 Fax: (02) 6290 2371 E-Mail: