You must include main ideas and details in each category
Time Period____________________________________________
Main Idea: The Roman economy was constructed upon the free labor of slaves, the
proliferation of commercial agriculture with other civilizations and colonies, and the
advancement of agriculture, specifically olives and grapes.
 Farmers were very enticed to shift to the production of olives and grapes b/c it was
the basest of cooking and winemaking.
 Athens established colonies in Africa and Siciliy to get access to the grain production.
 They manufactured silver and products
 The Roman states oversaw the grain trade, they promoted public works and storage
facilities, and regulated supplies.
 Meditteranean trade consisted of: animal skins, precious metals, and exotic African
animals in return for spices and artistic products.
 Athenians used slaves to work silver mines
 Spartans used slaves for agricultural labor
Main Idea: Social structure was based on heredity, property, wealth, citizenship, freedom and
women were still considered less important than men
 Women were not able to take part in Olympic Games
 Women were not able to take part in politics, confined to the house
 Different classes were different colored togas to distinguish the different powers and
class structures.
Main Idea: The Greece government was the foundation for the Roman Government. Both of
their purposes were to ensure peace and prosperity through the vast empire.
 Public Assembly – elected aristocratic males who were put into power to act as
 Senate- known as the legislative body. It was mainly made up of aristocratic males
and almost all members had executive offices in Rome
 Consuls- there were two consuls that shared executive power. In emergency
situations the consuls could choose a dictator to hold temporary power until the
emergency has passed.
 Political theory- political ethics, the duties of citizens, the importance of
incorruptible service, and oratory.
Main Idea: Science, art, and Philosophies were Classical Mediterranean most durable
 Science = the study of anatomy
 In math the theories of geometry and Pythagoras
 In the arts = Greek sculptures and pottery work by artisans
Main Idea: A major religion was not generated in Greece and Rome.
 Christianity influenced the works of Artiotle, Stoics, and Socrates.
 Religion was based on the “spirits of nature” and giving thanks to the god and
 The readings of god and goddesses made great storytelling (i.e the Illiad and
Main Idea: Greece and Rome mainly interacted with other regions through war and trade.
 Peloponnesian War. (431-404 B.C.E) was between Athens and Sparta for
dominance. Sparta won.
 Punic Wars (264-146 BCE) where Rome fought the armies of Carthage. Rome
succeeded and seized the entire western Mediterranean.
 Marcus Aurelius after taking over the Rome Empire in 180 C.E. pushed northward
taking over France, Southern Britain, and pushing in Germany.
 For trade Rome used North Africa for grain.
 Phillip II and Alexander the Great of Macedonia.
Extended Madeonian empire through Middle East across Persia to the border of
india, and southward through Egypt. Hellinistic period. Greek and culture merged with
other Middle East forms.
Main Idea: Greece and Rome progressed technology through architecture.
 Greek Architecture were enormous constructions who were either square and
rectangular in shape with “columned porticoes.”
 The buildings had embellishments called: the Dorie, the Ionic, and the Corinthian.
 Invented what is called “classical” architecture.
 Influenced by Egyptian models.
 Filled with sculptor’s and artisans’ workshops.
 Work “brightly painted”
 Usully seen in temples, markets, and other public buildings.
 Terry
“ Candles- sticks of animal fat which the legionaries could even eat in times of starvations
 Mangle for ironing
 Scissors
 Magnifying glass
 Shoe soles made of cork
 Different shoe shapes for left and right foots
 Postal system
 Showers
 Bikinis