Ancient Rome or Greece Report

Ancient Rome or Greece Report
Over the next month, the sixth grade will be writing their next
research report and creating an artifact to go with it. They may choose a
topic from either Ancient Rome or Greece and may work individually or
with a partner.
Each student is required to write a 2-page paper, which will be
assessed for both ELA and Social Studies. They will also give an oral report
and create a visual display to accompany it. This may be presented
individually or with a partner. Students will present oral reports to our class
and later to other classes in our school as part of a “traveling museum”
project. We will be working on discussing rather than reading their reports
during their presentations.
Please keep the top half of this form as a reference. Then sign and
return the bottom portion to me. Thank you.
Nancy Ryan
_____ March 21, 2014
Sign up for your topic.
_____ March 31, 2014
Note cards of research information due
_____ April 2, 2014
Outline due
Bibliography due
_____ April 9, 2014
Final report due
_____ April 11, 2014
Create visual display in class
_____ April 12, 2014
Oral reports begin
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read and have understood what is expected of me/ my child.
(student’s signature)
(parent’s signature)