ECpE Senior Design - Iowa State University

Iowa State University
Mobile EKG Measurement Solution
Project number: May05-30
National Instruments
Marius Ghercioiu
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Morris J Chang.
Team Members
Matthew D. Goedken, EE
Daniel J. Hyndman, CprE
Amber T. Vo, EE
Duc H. Vu, EE
DISCLAIMER: This document was developed as a part of the requirements
of an electrical and computer engineering course at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
This document serves as a general guidelines in developing the operations between the
EKG and the MobileDAQ, it is used for preliminary works and is by no mean a
professional product. The information is written to the best knowledge of the parties
involved, however, the associated students, faculty, and Iowa State University make no
claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, quality, or adequacy of
the information. The user of this document shall ensure that any such use does not violate
any local, state, or government laws regarding data collections. This document is
copyrighted by parties listed above and the associated faculty advisors. No part may be
reproduced without the written permission of the senior design course coordinator.
LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................................... III
LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................................... IV
LIST OF DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................. V
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 6
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................... 6
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................................. 7
PROBLEM STATEMENT................................................................................................................................ 7
OPERATING ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................................................................ 8
INTENDED USER(S) AND INTENDED USE(S) ................................................................................................ 8
ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................................... 8
Assumptions .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Limitations ............................................................................................................................................ 9
EXPECTED END PRODUCT AND OTHER DELIVERABLES .............................................................................. 9
APPROACH AND DESIGN........................................................................................................................ 9
DESIGN OBJECTIVE..................................................................................................................................... 9
FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................... 9
DESIGN CONSTRAINTS ...............................................................................................................................10
TECHNOLOGY CONSIDERATIONS................................................................................................................10
TESTING ....................................................................................................................................................12
EKG sensor Testing: ............................................................................................................................12
MobileDAQ testing: .............................................................................................................................14
PROJECT CONTINUATION ...........................................................................................................................14
DETAILED DESIGN .....................................................................................................................................15
Research Summaries ............................................................................................................................15
The Setup..............................................................................................................................................15
Detecting the MobileDAQ ....................................................................................................................16
Sample Sensors Measurements ............................................................................................................18
RESOURCES AND SCHEDULES ............................................................................................................21
RESOURCES ...............................................................................................................................................21
Tasks Definitions ..................................................................................................................................21
Other Resources: .................................................................................................................................23
Estimated Project Cost ........................................................................................................................24
SCHEDULES ...............................................................................................................................................25
Tasks List .............................................................................................................................................25
Gantt Chart: .........................................................................................................................................27
Deliverables Schedule ..........................................................................................................................28
CLOSURE MATERIALS ...........................................................................................................................29
PROJECT TEAM INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................29
Client: ..................................................................................................................................................29
Faculty Advisor:...................................................................................................................................29
Team Members: ...................................................................................................................................29
CLOSING SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................................30
Figure 1. Vernier's EKG Sensor Node Placement ........................................................... 12
Figure 2. Motion EKG Demo ........................................................................................ 13
Figure 3. Stable Baseline (left) Unstable Baseline (right) .............................................. 13
Figure 4. The Setup .......................................................................................................... 16
Figure 5. Screenshots of Detection Application ............................................................... 17
Figure 6. Connecting to the MobileDAQ ........................................................................ 17
Figure 7. Range Setting Window for Voltage ................................................................. 18
Figure 8. VI of PocketPC2003 Implementation .............................................................. 19
Figure 9. Palm OS Implementation ................................................................................. 19
Figure 10. A screenshot of the Voltage Output ............................................................... 20
Figure 11. Revised Gantt chart of tasks ........................................................................... 27
Figure 12. Orignal Gantt chart ......................................................................................... 27
Figure 13. Deliverable Schedules Gantt Chart ................................................................ 28
Table 1. Revised Estimated Effort in Hours .................................................................... 21
Table 2. Orignal Estimated Effort in Hours ..................................................................... 21
Table 3. Revised Other Resources .................................................................................... 23
Table 4. Original Other Resources.................................................................................... 23
Table 5. Revised Estimated Cost of Project...................................................................... 24
Table 6. Original Estimated Cost of Project ..................................................................... 25
Table 7. Scheduled Tasks ................................................................................................. 25
Mobile DAQ:
EKG sensor:
Personal Digital Assistant, a lightweight consumer electronic
device that looks like a hand-held computer but instead performs
specific tasks; can serve as a diary or a personal database or a
telephone or an alarm clock etc
The Mobile Data Acquisition is designed exclusively for
computers and PDAs that support Bluetooth wireless
Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench
(graphically programmed computer language for real-time
instrumentation LabVIEW is the host application development
environment for MobileDAQ applications.
A specification for short-range radio links between mobile
computers, mobile phones, digital cameras, and other portable
Electrocardiogram or ECG sensor, measures cardiac electrical
potential waveforms (voltages produced during the contraction of
the heart).
Virtual Instrument
National Instruments.
Full Development Suite
Executive Summary
The purpose of this document is to inform the professors of Senior Design as well as
National Instruments regarding the progress of the development of a mobile EKG
measurement solution. It also serves as empirical evidence for the client to decide
whether or not to continue on with the project. The document will inform the audience
regarding the status of the project, current research activities, future activities, and the
team’s confidence as to whether or not the team can complete the project.
The project is divided into two phases—a research phase and a development phase.
Currently the team is getting ready to wrap up the research phase; therefore the results
presented will cover the research activities done thus far. The team will also try to
present a list of activities that needs to be completed in the future to ensure a successful
Research Phase Results
The research phase was met with good luck and good support. During the research phase
the team acquired all the necessary equipment from National Instruments—the client.
The team also received great support from the Computer Support Group (CSG) regarding
the installation of the software needed to implement the design. Although not necessary
during the research phase, it gave the team confidence in completing a successful project.
During the research phase the team studied the properties of the EKG signals. The team
learned how it is used in medical practice and the team learned to expect the input and
output characteristics of the EKG signals. By understanding the make up of the EKG
signals the team formed an idea of what is to be expected when they design the graphing
block set for the PDA.
The team also took the time to learn the interface of the equipment and software acquired.
The team learned how to operate the PocketPC 2003 and the PalmOS device. The team
met with success when they were able to get the two PDAs to communicate with the
MobileDAQ device over the Bluetooth channel.
The team spent most of the time learning LabVIEW Full Development Suite (FDS). The
team managed to create simple applications to process data and downloaded them to the
PDA. In this aspect the team learned the working of LabVIEW and the method to
designing small systems in LabVIEW.
Future Activities
The next stage for the team is the development stage. In this stage the team will design
the Virtual Instrument (VI) module to handle the EKG data. The success of the next
stage relies on the factors discussed below.
The team will need to design VIs for intaking, outputting, transforming, graphing, and
capturing data. This will all be done in LabVIEW FDS; they will need to be compiled
and downloaded onto the PDA. The EKG sensor, MobileDAQ and the PDA need to
work flawlessly together to warrant a successful completion.
The team will need to compile a complete instruction manual to instruct the users on the
operation of the EKG sensors, MobileDAQ, and the PDA. The manual will be an
important part of the project because it is only through this mean that the team can
communicate with the users.
With all the success thus far, and equipped with knowledge regarding the design of
modules in LabVIEW, the team is confident that it can continue successfully with the
proposed project. The team seeks the same support and vision from their advisors and
Thank you to National Instruments for supplying the Mobile DAQ, electronic copies of
the Mobile DAQ manual, two Bluetooth enabled PDA’s, and the software that is
necessary to design the module.
Thank you to Vernier for supplying the EKG sensor and information on how it functions.
Problem Statement
The goal of this project is to design system using the NI Mobile DAQ, a Vernier EKG
sensor, and a Bluetooth enabled PDA. The sensor must be connected to the Mobile DAQ
in such a way that the Mobile DAQ can send information from the sensor to the PDA or
Laptop, which will then be displayed in a LabVIEW module.
This goal will be realized studying how the equipment works and learning how to use
LabVIEW and the Bluetooth protocol. After the research phase, the LabVIEW module
will be written and the devices will be connected.
Operating Environment
The risks in the expected environment for this module are relatively few. If used in an
ambulance, it would be probably that it would be dropped or shook around. However, if
used in a nursing home or a classroom, it is unlikely that any seriously damaging
situations would occur on a regular basis.
Intended User(s) and Intended Use(s)
This module has several different applications and could be used by many people. Some
possible users are paramedics, lifeguards, or even teachers. It should be able to be used
by high school students or any adult with a high school education. A user will need to
have some knowledge of how to use a computer.
This module will be used in a variety of situations. Its main application will be in
situations where it is useful to monitor heart rate, but the bulky machines used in
hospitals are not available. This could include use in an ambulance or at a nursing home.
The Mobile DAQs could be used to monitor many heart rates on a single machine to
allow doctors to respond more quickly when there is an emergency.
Assumptions and Limitations
There are many assumptions and limitation the product needs to adhere in order to
operate safely and correctly. These assumptions and limitations are presented to the best
of our knowledge, when other limitations and assumptions are needed it will be updated
in a timely manner.
The list below is not all inclusive; it states the necessary conditions that ensure proper
working conditions for the Mobile EKG sensor. New found limitations will be updated
in a timely manner.
 The PDA interface will be clear and easy to use.
 All necessary EKG data will be displayed in the PDA interface.
 The manual will explain the proper use of the sensor and the PDA interface.
 The Mobile DAQ is powered by two AA batteries.
 The user will supply storage devices such as memory card or hard drives for data
 Assume the default memory for PocketPC 2003 PDA is 32MB – Applications.
 Assume the default memory for PalmOS PDA to be 1MB – Applications.
The list below is not all inclusive; it states the physical limitation of the Mobile EKG
sensor. New found limitations will be updated in a timely manner.
 The Mobile DAQ must stay within Bluetooth range of the PDA.
 Device is not to be use for serious medical situation.
 User must be able to run LabVIEW module on their PDA.
 Devices cannot operate underwater.
 Devices cannot operate outside of the temperature range 0˚ to 50˚ C.
 Devices cannot operate above altitude of 2000 meters.
 Length of testing will be restricted to the available memory of the collection
Expected End Product and Other Deliverables
The final product that will be presented to NI will include the LabVIEW module as well
as the EKG sensor and Mobile DAQ. Also included will be an in-depth manual on how
to use the sensor and the LabVIEW module.
The following sections entailed the design and accomplishments of the project. It
includes the accomplishments made thus far, works that needs to be done, status of the
end product and a recommendation for the future of the project.
Design Objective
1. Module Integration:
The components will be integrated easily and used in conjunction.
2. LabVIEW VI:
The LabVIEW VI will be designed to collect and display EKG data on the
PDA. The LabVIEW VI will convert the EKG data into a graphical form
for the user.
3. Manual:
A manual will be created that will direct users in how to use the system to
take realistic EKG measurements. The manual will include how to
connect the EKG sensors to the MobileDAQ, how to connect the PDA to
the MobileDAQ using the Bluetooth technology, how to start taking EKG
measurements, and how to read out the EKG results.
Functional Requirements
1. Display Data:
The data taken by the EKG sensor should have the capabilities of being
displayed graphically on a Bluetooth enabled PDA.
2. Portability:
The collective end product including the EKG sensor, MobileDAQ, and
PDA should all be portable and functional in any location.
3. Accuracy:
The end product should be able to take data which is accurate when
measuring someone’s heart rate. The EKG sensors we are using are not
accurate enough to be used as diagnostic tools in a hospital, but the data
will be accurate enough for educational and recreational purposes.
4. Communicate Wirelessly:
The MobileDAQ should be able to communicate wirelessly (through
Bluetooth) with the Bluetooth enable PDA.
5. Usability:
The system will be easy to use and understand when used in conjunction
with the manual.
Design Constraints
1. Bluetooth range:
The Bluetooth technology we are using only has a specified range of 10
meters. Upon further testing, we found that the Bluetooth technology only
works at a distance of up to 5 meters.
2. PDA interface:
The interface we design for the PDA must be clear and easy to use. It is
assumed that the users of the interface will not be engineers, meaning the
design will have to allow the average doctor or college student to be able
to use it without problems, provided the manual is available to the user.
3. LabVIEW on the PDA:
This design will only work if the user’s PDA is able to run LabVIEW;
without this capability, no aspect of the MobileDAQ will be operational.
4. EKG data:
The design must include all of the necessary EKG data taken from the
sensors to be displayed on the PDA for the user to see. This data should
be represented in graphical form for the user, it should also be accurate
enough for educational and recreational purposes. This data is vital for
getting fast and accurate results from the subject being tested.
5. Limits:
Because the devices cannot operate underwater, above an altitude of 2000
meters, or outside the temperature range of 0˚ to 50˚ C, the design will not
allow for any operations under the aforementioned situations. Our design
should allow for accurate results when all of the limits are followed.
Technology considerations
1. MobileDAQ is a mobile measurement application which requires batteries to
a. Advantage: The MobileDAQ is lightweight, small in size, and very
b. Disadvantage: The batteries in the MobileDAQ need to be recharged
c. One way to conserve battery power is to turn off the MobileDAQ device
when it is not in use.
2. MobileDAQ is capable of communicating either wirelessly or through a physical
plug with computers and Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) devices.
a. Advantage: possesses many special characteristics such as low power, low
cost, and small form factor.
b. Disadvantage: MobileDAQ is a Bluetooth enabled portable peripheral that
is guaranteed to be able to communicate with other Bluetooth
communications nodes, power consumption is an issue as lengthy
Bluetooth communication will damage the reduced power budget this
portable peripheral has. The MobileDAQ must stay within Bluetooth
range of the PDA. The EKG measurment device is not reliable for use in
serious medical operations.
3. The current MobileDAQ works with LabVIEW version 7.1 (Pocket PC 2003 and
Palm OS).
a. Advantage: LabVIEW delivers a powerful graphical development
environment for signal acquisition, measurement analysis, and data
presentation, giving users the flexibility of a programming language
without the complexity of traditional development tools. LabVIEW code
efficiently streams large amounts of data to disk and provides user
interface tools that, in a simple way, presents the user with the vast
b. Disadvantage: LabVIEW is much more than a programming language. It
is a highly interactive environment for the rapid prototyping and
incremental development of applications, from measurement and
automation to real-time embedded to general purpose. And now, with the
ability to target FPGAs, LabVIEW is a hardware design tool as well.
Because of that, LabVIEW is difficult to understand and to work with.
Learning all the tools inside LabVIEW can take a very long time.
4. Add-on LabVIEW Module:
a. Advantage: Development time is reduced by using tools pre-built in
b. Disadvantage: The complexity of the program requires programmers to
know pre-built programs in order to use those for the process.
5. EKG Sensor:
a. Advantage: The EKG sensor is easy to connect to the MobileDAQ. When
connecting the EKG sensor to the MobileDAQ make sure that the EKG
sensor is connected to an analog input channel of the I/O connector of the
MobileDAQ device, do not connect analog sensors to digital I/O
b. Disadvantage: MobileDAQ has it’s own compatible sensors
Some testing has to be done with the acquired equipment to make sure that it was in
proper running order. The following tests were conducted to make sure the devices work
so that the project may continue.
EKG sensor Testing:
To get the Vernier EKG sensor operate correctly. The location of placing the EKG
sensors on the body while doing the testing could affect how the EKG sensor reads the
data. As long as the location is kept constant through the testing process, this should not
be a problem.
A simple example of monitoring EKG sensor:
Green (negative)
Red (positive)
Black (ground)
Figure 1. Vernier's EKG Sensor Node Placement
1 Attach three electrode tabs to a person’s arms, as shown in Figure. A single patch
should be placed on the inside of the right wrist, on the inside of the right upper
forearm (below elbow), and on the inside of the left upper forearm (below elbow).
2. Connect the EKG clips to the electrode tabs as shown in Figure. Sit in a reclined
position in a chair or lay flat on top of a lab table. The arms should be hanging at the
side unsupported. When everything is positioned properly, click run button to begin
data collection.
3. When data has been collected, the next step is to analyze the data. Analyzing the data
will be done by medical doctors or someone who has trained to be specialized in heart
Figure 2.
Motion EKG Demo
Figure 3. Stable Baseline (left) Unstable Baseline (right)
If the graph has unstable baseline line the figure on the right, then try again to collect a
new set of data. Repeat the data collection until the graph has stable baseline like the
figure on the left. The data from the EKG sensor needs to work with both the Bluetooth
enabled Desktop/Laptop and the PalmOS or PocketPC 2003 PDA.
MobileDAQ testing:
To examine if the MobileDAQ is correctly connected to the EKG sensor and the
Bluetooth enabled PDA or laptop. The team also needs to check if the MobileDAQ is
sending the data taken from the EKG sensor to the PDA or laptop.
National Instruments provided the team an electronic manual of MobileDAQ. The
materials have been so helpful for the team to understand and be able to follow these
steps: installing the software, installing the hardware, connecting the Moiled to EKG
Moiled is used as a peripheral device to a Bluetooth enabled host computer or PDA. In
fact, Moiled measurement appliance can be used in the following ways:
 Interface to analog sensors by using the NI voltage probe
 Interface to digital sensors by using the NI digital cable
 Source voltage by using the NI analog output cable
 Interface to an analog Vernier class sensor (such as EKG sensor in this project).
Items needed to get started:
 2 AA batteries inserted in the case
 4 NI analog/digital probes
 Vernier EKG sensor
Software needed to go along with the above items are:
 LabVIEW 7.1
 Microsoft PocketPC 2003
 Moiled LabVIEW Driver
Project Continuation
The team has following the set forth plan in the project plan. The team effort is on track
with what it set out to do. As the team wraps up the research phase and prepares to
launch the development phase, the team is equipped with adequate background
information to perform well in the developmental stage.
The team has:
 Learned how to program using LabVIEW FDS
 Learned how to program PDA software
 Learned how EKG signals works
 Acquired all the necessary equipment to begin our developmental stage.
Clearly the team is on track and has shown competency to continue with the proposed
work. If permitted the team planes to continuing the project as originally envisioned.
Detailed Design
This section contains some of the findings from the research phase as well as some
theoretical implementations. None of the design is concrete since the team has only
finish its research and learning phase, expect these designs to be alter.
Research Summaries
This section contains small summaries of the research that went on during the past
month. An in-depth look at it will be presented in the documentation section.
EKG Measurement Techniques
The EKG uses a machine that traces the heart’s electrical activity by the placement of
electrodes on the skin of a body. Drinking cold water immediately before using an EKG
or strenuous exercise before using an EKG could result in inaccurate readings of the heart
EKG Data Type
The EKG is measuring voltages from the electrical impulses within the heart. Even the
strongest EKG signal has a magnitude of less than 10mV.
EKG Uses
The EKG procedure is performed to look for abnormalities of the heart rate and rhythm.
It can be used to detect heart rate, heart disease, and other health problems associated
with the heart.
EKG Sensors
Three sensors are placed on the body—one on each arm on the underside of the elbow
joint and the third on the bottom of the right wrist. The closer the sensor is to the heart,
the stronger the signal received will be. The third sensor which is furthest away from the
heart, acts as a ground.
Initial LabVIEW research has been completed. Techniques to build simple VI’s and
simulate them on a computer have been studied. This research has led to the next step,
which will be to study how the VI and the MobileDAQ will communicate.
The Setup
The setup consist of the MobileDAQ, EKG Sensors, and a respective PDA. The PDA
comes in two form, the PalmOS and the PocketPC 2003.
Figure 4. The Setup
Detecting the MobileDAQ
The first task in the design is to design a test application that would detect the
connectivity between the MobileDAQ and the PDA. The implementation would be done
in National Instrument’s LabVIEW.
PocketPC 2003 and PalmOS Application
This simple virtual instruments only serves the purpose to detect and connect to the PDA.
It searches the medium for Bluetooth connectivity and lists the available MobileDAQ
Bluetooth devices. It returns a list of device and their alias.
Figure 5. Screenshots of Detection Application
The list is saved to a file, and the user needs that list, specifically the address of the
MobileDAQ so he/she can connects to the appropriate device.
Figure 6. Connecting to the MobileDAQ
With a valid MobileDAQ device alias, the user can now connect to the correct
MobileDAQ. This is because sometime in the field, the users have multiple sensors thus
multiple MobileDAQ in different locations. Through one PDA the users may connect to
them all, one by one. So to discern beach each MobileDAQ the users needs to knows its
alias, which is done through the detection Application.
Sample Sensors Measurements
This section will discuss a generic approach to collecting any given data from the
respective PDA. The sensors used is a voltage sensors comes standard with the
Figure 7. Range Setting Window for Voltage
This screen let the users set the offset value of the voltage plus the range. The inputs will
modifys the output graphs. So there users has to know what range of output they are
expecting, or they may set the range that accounts for a wide range of voltage swings.
Figure 8. VI of PocketPC2003 Implementation
Figure 9. Palm OS Implementation
The above virtual instrument takes the MobileDAQ alias, and connects the device
through a Bluetooth medium. It takes the data from the sensor and send one set of data
back through the Bluetooth medium. There is a while loops that encapsulates the block
set. So for every reading, the device returns 100 data samples. The while loop count is
set to 100.
For any given time, if there are errors, the loop will break and an error window will pops
up to show the users that the intended task has failed.
Figure 10. A screenshot of the Voltage Output
The results will be plotted on the graph above. The range is specified by the user by
means of the a calibration window given above. If there are any errors, a window will
pop up and let the user know.
The following discuses the available resources and a general schedule of activities that is
required for a successful completion of the project.
Contributions from individual team members are broken down below. Each member was
asked to estimate their working hours for each task. Each task is then defined in detail
Table 1. Revised Estimated Effort in Hours
Duc Vu
Dan Hyndman
Matt Goedken
Amber Vo
Task 1
Estimated Effort (hours)
Task 2
Task 3
Table 2. Orignal Estimated Effort in Hours
Duc Vu
Dan Hyndman
Matt Goedken
Amber Vo
Task 1
Estimated Effort (hours)
Task 2
Task 3
Tasks Definitions
Task #1: Documentation and Planning
1. Project Definitions
a. Define the requirements and goals of the project.
b. Define end-products requirements.
c. Define end-user requirements.
d. Define problem statements.
e. Establish assumptions and limitations, statement of work, resources
and materials, schedules, deliverables, proposed approach, operating
2. Planning
a. Establish due dates, milestones, deliverable schedules.
3. Posters
a. Design and implement design elements.
b. Sizes and elements requirements.
c. Printing and delivering.
4. User Manual
a. Define requirements of user manual
b. Instructions for EKG sensors
c. Instructions for connectivity between EKG sensor and MobileDAQ
d. Instructions for basic data acquisition
Task #2: Research
1. LabVIEW
a. Learn LabVIEW.
b. Research its API capabilities.
c. Learn development techniques and requirements.
d. Learn development language.
2. Elektro-Kardiographie
a. Research EKG applications, usage, history, measurement techniques.
b. Research EKG data type and input/output characteristics.
3. EKG Sensors
a. Learn usage and requirement of EKG sensor.
b. Expected input/output characteristics.
c. Operating conditions and compatibility issues.
4. MobileDAQ
a. Learn development history, usage and requirements.
b. Expected input/output characteristics.
c. Operating conditions and compatibility issues.
5. PocketPC
a. Research usage of PocketPC software and hardware.
b. Research usage of LabVIEW for PocketPC
c. Research and familiarize with programming environments, language,
and constraints
6. PalmOS
a. Research usage of PalmOS software and hardware.
b. Research usage of LabVIEW for PalmOS
c. Research and familiarize with programming environments, language,
and constraints.
Task #3: Development
1. LabVIEW Module for PalmOS
a. Working module to accept EKG data for PalmOS
b. Algorithms for EKG data processing
c. GUI for EKG displays
2. LabVIEW Module for PocketPC
a. Working module to accept EKG data for PocketPC2003
b. Algorithms for EKG data processing
c. GUI for EKG displays
Other Resources:
Beside man hours, the project requires an extensive list of materials. These materials
were supplied by National Instruments. They are listed in the following table.
Table 3. Revised Other Resources
Other Resources
Bluetooth Enabled PocketPC
EKG Sensor
Mobile DAQ
PocketPC 2003
Poster and Printing + Labor + Back Board
The revised table reflects the 5 man hours of scheduling, delivery, and retrieval, plus
personal equipment used glue the poster onto the back board.
Table 4. Original Other Resources
Other Resources
Bluetooth Enabled PocketPC
EKG Sensor
Mobile DAQ
PocketPC 2003
Poster and Printing
The original table shows the estimated other resources. It reflects the original estimate of
the other resources category.
Estimated Project Cost
The following table summarizes the cost of the project if the members were given a pay
rate of $10 per hour.
Table 5. Revised Estimated Cost of Project
Estimated Project Cost
a. PocketPC 2003
b. Palm OS
d. LabVIEW for PDA
a. MobileDAQ
b. EKG Sensor
c. Bluetooth PocketPC
d. PalmOS PDA
Poster and Printing
LABOR AT $10.00
Duc Vu
Daniel Hyndman
Matt Goedken
Amber Vo
Cost W/O Labor
Cost W/ Labor
The revised table shows the reduced labor hours plus the increase in poster and printing.
Table 6. Original Estimated Cost of Project
Estimated Project Cost
a. PocketPC 2003
b. Palm OS
d. LabVIEW for PDA
a. MobileDAQ
b. EKG Sensor
c. Bluetooth PocketPC
d. PalmOS PDA
Poster and Printing
LABOR AT $10.00
Duc Vu
Daniel Hyndman
Matt Goedken
Amber Vo
Cost W/O Labor
Cost W/ Labor
The following are the schedule set forth to help the team stay on track. Some of the team
members plan to work during the winter break as well as thanksgiving break and spring
break, because of other on-campus related work. Therefore specific breaks are not listed
in the Gantt chart.
Tasks List
Below is a general list of tasks with duration and time frame. Some of the team members
plan to work during the winter break as well as thanksgiving break and spring break,
because of other on-campus related work. Therefore specific breaks are not listed in the
Gantt chart.
Table 7. Scheduled Tasks
Task Name
Project Plan
Poster Design
Research EKG Properties
EKG Sensor Testing
MobileDAQ Testing
Learn Lab View Development
Learn PocketPC Development
Work on PocketPC Module
15 days
15 days
14 days
4 days
5 days
10 days
5 days
20 days
Start Time
9/2/2004 8:00
9/23/2004 8:00
10/14/2004 8:00
11/3/2004 8:00
11/9/2004 8:00
11/16/2004 8:00
11/30/2004 8:00
12/7/2004 8:00
Finish Time
9/22/2004 17:00
10/13/2004 17:00
11/2/2004 17:00
11/8/2004 17:00
11/15/2004 17:00
11/29/2004 17:00
12/6/2004 17:00
1/3/2005 17:00
Test PocketPC Module
Learn PalmOS Development
Work on PalmOS Module
Test PalmOS Module
User Manual
5 days
5 days
20 days
5 days
41 days
154 days
1/4/2005 8:00
1/11/2005 8:00
1/18/2005 8:00
2/15/2005 8:00
2/25/2005 8:00
9/22/2004 8:00
1/10/2005 17:00
1/17/2005 17:00
2/14/2005 17:00
2/21/2005 17:00
4/22/2005 17:00
4/25/2005 17:00
Gantt Chart:
For visual purposes, a Gantt chart is generated from Microsoft Project 2003. Note again
that breaks are not included because some members insist on working during the breaks.
Figure 11. Revised Gantt chart of tasks
There are no differences between the revised and the original Gannt Chart. We are on
track and we still plans to do some casual work on the holidays.
Figure 12. Orignal Gantt chart
Deliverables Schedule
9/14 @ 2 pm
9/17 @ noon
10/5 @ noon
10/12 @ noon
11/12 @noon
12/15 @ noon
Activity Due
Update website
Project plans due
Bound plan due
Poster due
Unbound design reports due
Bound design report due and post to
Figure 13. Deliverable Schedules Gantt Chart
Project Team Information
The following list the contact information of the parties involved in this project.
National Instruments Corp.
Building C
11500 N Mopac Expwy
Austin, TX, 78759-3504
ATT: Marius Ghercioiu
Tel: 512-683-8828
Faculty Advisor:
Professor Morris Chang
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Eng. Iowa State University
Office: 391A Durham Center
Phone: (515) 294-7618
Fax: (515) 294-8432
Team Members:
Matt Goedken
Electrical Engineering
1400 Coconino Rd. #109 Ames, IA 50014
Phone: 515-441-0349
Dan Hyndman
Computer Engineering
125 Campus Ave. #12 Ames, IA 50014
Phone: 712-261-0888
Amber Vo
Electrical Engineering
3526 Lincoln Way Apt #83 Ames, IA 50014
Phone: 515-231-7846
Duc Vu
Electrical Engineering
707 Kellogg Apt #2 Ames, IA 50012
Phone: 515-451-3521
Closing Summary
In closing, the current project is one that is unique and will results in many benefits to the
intended audiences. From school teachers to non-serious medical users such as
lifeguards and nurses.
Much progress has been made in the research phase, and the team is now ready to move
onto the development phase as the team wraps up the research phase. The team is excited
to start designing in LabVIEW. The team foresees many difficulties ahead but there are
many network of support for the senior design team. The team would like to thanks
Marius Ghercioiu at National Instruments for his relentless effort in helping the team
succeed. The team looks forward to the next stage and hope it will end in good health as
the previous.