Downloading and Setting Preferences for Hyperion 11

Downloading and Setting Preferences for Hyperion 11
There are two options for downloading Hyperion 11—the Plug-in (or Interactive
Web Client) and My Apps. Users who have browsers and platforms on
computers which are unsupported by the current version of Hyperion should
access My Reports from My Apps.
Supported Browsers
Internet Explorer 8, Internet Explorer 10 or Internet Explorer 11
If you are using either Internet Explorer 8, Internet Explorer 10 or Internet Explorer
11, you can access My Reports directly using the Interactive Web Client. The
Interactive Web Client requires installing the Hyperion plug-in. Plug-in instructions
are available for both 32-bit operating systems and 64-bit operating systems.
Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Safari or Chrome
If you are using Internet Explorer 9 or another browser such as Firefox, Safari or
Chrome, you can access My Reports through My Apps. This option will safely
allow a user to run My Reports in a Citrix environment and works on both a Mac
and a PC.
Hyperion 11 Plug-in
Hyperion 11 My Reports currently works with Internet Explorer 8, 10 or 11
browsers, or very old Firefox 2.0. IE9 and newer versions of Firefox do not play
well with the new version. Here is the link to the instructions to download
Hyperion 11:
My Apps Hyperion 11
Users who have browsers and platforms on computers which are unsupported
by the current version of Hyperion can access My Reports from My Apps. This
option will safely allow a user to run My Reports in a Citrix environment and works
on both a Mac and a PC.
Here are the instructions to use MyApps Hyperion 11:
Setting Your Preferences
Under both options, you must set up your preferences. When you first log in, the
HY11 screen will look like this:
We want to change this view. So select File, and Preferences.
Under General, change Document to Explore on the pop down menu. This will
allow you to import and export queries.
Next, under Preferences, go to the Interactive Reporting icon and change from
HTML to Interactive Reporting Client. Not doing so will keep you from designing
or modifying queries.
Next you should see the following message to logout in order for the changes to
go in effect.
To log into ASSIST My Reports Hyperion 11, remember if you are using the plug-in
or My Apps. Both are available on the ASSIST web access page
If accessing through My Apps, connect to Enter Hyperion in the "Search for
Software" box and click on the Search button to locate the appropriate
Hyperion software.
If accessing Hy11 directly, connect to
using the appropriate supported browser.