Unit 8/9 Cold War Test Review

Name: ______________ Class Period ________ Due Date _________
Unit 8/9 Cold War Test Review
Identify the major characteristics of the “Cold War” era (US2A)
Identify and describe the Korean War and the Vietnam War (US2B)
Vietnam War:
Korean War:
Explain how the launch of Sputnik was a turning point during the Cold War era (US2D)
Analyze the major issues and events of the Vietnam War including: (US8E)
Tet Offensive: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Escalation: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Vietnamization: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Fall of Saigon: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Describe the different responses to the Vietnam War including: (US8F)
Silent Majority
Explain constitutional issues raised by federal government policy changes during times of significant events (US19B)
Describe the impact of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and the War Powers Act (US19E)
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution: _________________________________________
War Powers Act: _________________________________________________
Analyze Tinker v. Des Moines (US21A)
Discuss the importance of Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Roy Benavidez (US26F)
Describe U.S. responses to Soviet aggression after World War II, including the following: (US8A)
Allen High School US History 2014
Truman Doctrine: _______________________________________________________
Marshall Plan: __________________________________________________________
NATO: ________________________________________________________________
Berlin Airlift: ___________________________________________________________
Cuban Missile Crisis: ____________________________________________________
Describe how Cold War tensions were intensified by the following: (US8B)
Arms Race
Explain reasons and outcomes for U.S. involvement in foreign countries and their relationship to the Domino Theory,
including the Vietnam War (US8D)
Identify and explain reasons for changes in political boundaries such as those resulting from statehood and international
conflicts (US12B)
Korea: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Vietnam: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Europe: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Identify the causes of prosperity in the 1950s, including the Baby Boom and the impact of the GI Bill, and the effects of
prosperity in the 1950s such as increased consumption and the growth of agriculture and business (US17B)
Describe both the positive and negative impacts of significant examples of cultural movements in art, music, and literature
like the Beat Generation and Rock and Roll has had on American society (US25B)
What types of scientific discoveries in the 1950s improved the standard of living in the United States (US28A)
Essential Vocabulary:
Hawks/Doves: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Silent Majority: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Kent State University: _______________________________________________________________________________
Henry Kissinger: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Pentagon Papers: ___________________________________________________________________________________
“In God We Trust”: _________________________________________________________________________________
Mao Zedong: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Ho Chi Minh: ______________________________________________________________________________________
President Diem: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Allen High School US History 2014