1. The two-factor theory divides intelligence into: a. Verbal & math skills b. Spatial abilities & movement abilities c. General abilities & specific skills d. Insight about self & insight about others 2. You can change your pants, but not your genes. The part of intelligence that is passed down genetically from your parents is the element of intelligence; while the element of intelligence that comes from the environment you grew up in is the element of intelligence a. Nurture; nature b. Nature; nurture c. Instinctual; inherited d. Prescribed; conscribed 3. Early childhood experiences, repressed thoughts, and conflicts between conscious and unconscious forces influencing our thoughts and behaviors is the: a. Trait theory of personality b. Psychodynamic theory of personality c. Big Five theory of personality d. Humanistic theory of personality 4. The purpose of the ego is to: a. Determine what actually happened in a given situation b. Search for socially acceptable outlets for the id’s desire c. Impose order on our perceptions d. Help us form workable judgments about other people 5. A student who blames her poor test grade on “trick questions” and “bad teacher” rather than admit poor preparation is using: a. Compensation b. Denial c. Projection d. Rationalization 6. By self-actualization, Maslow meant: a. Fulfillment of our unique potential b. Having met our physiological needs c. Being loved and loving someone in return d. Being recognized in your profession 7. In Carl Rogers’ humanistic theory, he emphasizes two assumptions, these assumptions are: a. Locus of control & conscious motivation b. Achievement & recognition c. Id & Super Ego d. Self actualizing tendency & need for positive regard 8. One of the key concepts in Albert Bandura’s social cognitive theory is: a. Need for social approval b. Observational learning c. Self-actualization d. Unconscious conflicts 9. Overall, which type of locus of control appears to be more healthy and adaptive? a. Conscious b. Primary c. Internal d. External 10. After age 30, there are in personality traits and personality is . a. Small changes; stable b. Large changes; instable c. No changes; instable d. Significant changes; stable 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A